The Bay Area Country Dance Society Website

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BACDS September 2010 Electronic Mailing

BACDS sponsors English and American traditional dances in the San Francisco Bay Area. This is fun, relatively easy, community-oriented dancing with live music. All dances are taught, no partner is necessary, and first-timers are welcome unless otherwise noted.

BACDS Quarterly Calendar

See all the dances and special events for July-Sept of 2010.

Bay Area Country Dancer, #83 - September 2010

The BACDS newsletter. Catch up on all the local dance news.  In this issue:

  • Contra College: Contra Dance Teaching Retreat Weekend (by Joyce Fortune)
  • Big Changes for the Peninsula English Dance (by Susan Bickford)
  • 24th Annual No Snow Ball Festive Contra - Moved to Sunday! (by Charlie Fenton)
  • Fall Frolic advertisement
  • The Two Step Waltz (by Amy Plumb)
  • Quite a Song and Dance (by James Candlin and the Fall Ball committee)
  • American Dance and Music Week advertisement
  • In Camper's Words: American Dance and Music Week 2010 (by Cory Rundle)
  • From the President (by Jens Dill)
  • Volunteer Thanks
  • Upcoming Fall Events

Dancer #83 PDF issue

Longsword dancing with Ring of Cold Steel - Thursdays in San Francisco

Start this fall/winter morris season with RoCS' unique style of longsword display dance.  Practices are August 2010 thru January 2011 with most performances in December and January.  Join them!  Hire them!  See the details on their flyer.

The Peninsula ECD returns with a new time and new location!

Special dates Tuesday, September 14 and 28, Palo Alto
Regular schedule 1st/3rd/5th Tuesdays starts October, 2010, Palo Alto

The Peninsula ECD moves to Palo Alto for its new 2010-2011 season.  It's a new location, but the same great fun.  Join us at the All Saints Episcopal Church, 555 Waverley Street (corner of Waverley and Hamilton).

Fall Frolick

Friday-Sunday, October 15-17, 2010, Aptos

There's still a few spaces left at camp.  Register NOW!

Fall Frolick is a primarily all-English country and display (morris/sword, etc) dance weekend, with a strong music and singing track.  It provides a wonderful opportunity for dancers, callers, and musicians to explore the extraordinary range of English country display dance with wonderful teachers and splendid musicians in a glorious setting.

Contra Halloween Dance and Thanksgiving Dessert Potluck

Saturday, October 30, 2010 and Saturday, November 27, 2010

This year's Halloween Costume Ball, on October 30th, will feature Star Thistle from Sacramento and a host of ghost callers at special location, the Palo Alto Masonic Temple, with special pricing. The Thanksgiving Contradance and Dessert Potluck will feature the FiddleRats and Lynn Ackerson on November 27th.

Contra College

Friday-Sunday, November 12-14, 2010, Ben Lomond

Contra College 2010 is a teaching retreat for new and intermediate dancers.  Held at the beautiful Sequoia Retreat Center, it features Susan Petrick calling and teaching, with local musicians and a waltz workshop. This weekend is designed to systematically teach Contra dance and build community in a small group setting, and promises to be both fun and relaxing.

Come join us at the Fall Ball

Saturday, November 20, 2010, San Mateo

"Quite a Song and Dance" is the theme for a splendid day of English Country Dancing at the BACDS Fall Ball, with caller Ric Goldman and music from Charlie Hancock, Shira Kammen, Jim Oakden and Danny Carnahan, at the San Mateo Masonic Temple. The afternoon workshop with Lise Dyckman, Bill Jensen, and Stanley and Susan Kramer runs from 2:30pm to 5pm, followed by a break for dinner - good restaurants are minutes' walk away. We reassemble at at 7:30pm for singing of songs of dance tunes and of the season.  Dancing opens with a Grand March at 8pm. The dancing concludes at 11pm, with our community potluck following.

Join on for the No Snow Ball

Sunday, December 5, 2010, in Oakland

The 24th Annual No Snow Ball Festive Contra will be held on a different night - Sunday evening, December 5, 2010 from 6:00pm until 10:00pm at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Oakland,with a free beginner's orientation at 5:30pm. Santa Claus and Robin "the Calling Bird" Steen will call to the music of the Hillbillies from Mars with special guest Cathie Whitesides.

The new Spring Fever Weekend at Monte Toyon - save the date

March 18-20, 2011, Aptos

Join us for a high-energy weekend of Hot Contra dancing and Exuberant English dancing. Thrill to the lively music of Contra Sutra and the Latter Day Lizards among the enchanting redwoods of Monterey Bay.

Playford Ball - save the date

April 2, 2011, San Jose

It's the season's high event for English Country Dance.  Bob Fraley will lead the fun as we return to the elegant Landmark Ballroom at the San Jose Women's Club.

American Week - new location, save the dates

July 3-8, 2011, La Honda

Celebrate and share your passions for music and dance during this week long camp in the Mendocino Woodlands, offering a kaleidoscope of dance, music, and learning experiences wrapped in serious fun and heartfelt camaraderie.

Looking for more places to dance?

We've compiled a list of Contra and English country dance venues.  Check out our easy-to-use summary with an at-a-glance look at the dancing month (and let us know if we missed any)!

Are you a BACDS member?

Our "rolling" memberships are now good for 12 months from the date you join so you can start enjoying the benefits today.  Be the envy of all your friends, and help support the dance community!

If you must send us some spam, please send it here.