For Campers

We can’t wait to meet you under the redwoods this year. This page should help you prepare as camp approaches.

Paperwork to bring to Camp

Please print these out and bring to camp:

Useful stuff

  • Camper Welcome Letter 2024: Answers to last-minute questions about when to arrive, how to park, camp purchases for snack shop/caffe/auction items, teen meeting logistics, etc.
  • Packing List
  • 2024 Draft Schedule: Preliminary schedule. Details subject to change prior to camp.
  • 2024 Draft Special Events: Preliminary special events schedule. Details subject to change prior to camp.
  • Meals Schedule
  • Trail Map
  • Morningtown Ride: The whole camp sings this song during the “Pied Piper”.
  • Morningtown Ride Lyrics The exact order of verses and names of who is “at the engine”, “rings the bell” and “swings the lantern” will vary. We tend to sing verses one and three while walking and verse two while saying good night to the kids.

Work Trade Planning

Please contact for access to the work trade letter.