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1999 Playford Ball
"A Little Mystery"

March 27, 1999

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The Dances

Dublin Bay
The Duke of Kent's Waltz
Epping Forest
The Fair Quaker of Deal
The First Lady
Freeford Gardens
Handle with Care
Hole in the Wall
Jack's Maggot
Kelstern Gardens
Lilli Burlero
Margaret's Waltz
Orleans Baffled
St. Martin's Lane

Chestnut 3 couple longways 1690
Part I
A Partners lead up a double and fall back a double.  Repeat.
B1 All balance back; change places with partner.  M circle 3 hands on W’s side, while W the same on M’s side.
B2 Repeat B1 to place.
Part II
A Partners side twice.
B1 All balance back; change places with partner.  1st couple face down, 2nd and 3rd face up:  Hey on sides half way beginning R shoulders.
B2 Repeat B1 to place, 1st couple facing up and beginning hey L shoulder.
Part III
A Partners arm R, then L.
B1 All balance back; change places with partner.  1st couple lead down the center to bottom, 2nd and 3rd couples going up sides and following them to invert the set.
B2 All balance back; change places with partner.  1st couple cast up to original place, followed by 2nd and 3rd couples.

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Dublin Bay longways, duple minor 1710
A 1st couple set forward diagonally to corners, passing R shoulders; turn corner by R hand once; 1st couple cross passing L shoulder, go outside below 2nd couple, end in middle (facing out, facing same sex); Arm R once around, end in line facing down, 1st couple in center.
B In line with hands, all fall back a double (up the hall), go forward a double (down the hall), turn to face up; fall back a double (down the hall); go forward a double (up the hall); 1st couple make assisted cast to progressed place.

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The Duke of Kent's Waltz longways, duple minor 1801
A1 All R hands across and L hands back.
A2 1st couple take 2 hands and move 2 waltz side-steps down center, two back, and cast down to 2nd place, 2nd couple leading up.
B All take R hands with partner and balance forward, back, and change places, M turning partners under their arms (down the set). Repeat balance and change places giving L hands. M turn W below their partners by R hand. M turn partners by L hand.

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Epping Forrest 3 couple round set 1690
Part I
A Circle L 8 slipping steps, set to partner and turn single. Repeat to R.
B Slow set and honor partner R, then L. Slow set and honor corner R, then L.
C Turn partner 2 hands, skipping. Turn corner 2 hands, skipping.
Part II
A Side with partner, set and turn single, repeat.
B&C As in Part I.
Part III
A Arm R partner, set and turn single, repeat L.
B&C As in Part I.

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The Fair Quaker of Deal longways, duple minor 1712
A1 1st corners set and turn single.  1st M cast down into 2nd place, 2nd M moving up, while 2nd W cast up to 1st place, 1st W moving down.
A2 1st W and 2nd M repeat A1, 1st M moving up and 2nd W down.
B1 1st corners meet and stand back-to-back, facing out; then 2nd corners do the same.   Taking hands and facing out, set and circle 4 hands to R (CW) half way.
B2 2 M, 2 W lead out to opposite wall, turn and lead back to place.  1st couple lead up, man handing partner across in front of him, cast down to 2nd place, while 2nd couple change places, all ending proper.

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The First Lady longways, duple minor
Fried de Metz Herman, 1991
tune: Lord Gregory’s Fair Flower
A1 1st couple half figure 8 through 2nd couple; 1st W and 2nd M half figure 8.
A2 1st W and 2nd W half figure 8; 1st couple half figure 8.
B1 Half "open" ladies chain; L-hand star once around.
B2 1st couple half draw pousette while 2nd couple half pousette.  1st couple cast while 2nd couple leads up; all turn partner with 2 hands.

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Freeford Gardens longways duple minor
Kathryn and David Wright, 1980
A1 Partners set (moving forward), turn single to place.  Partners cross R, loop L to end improper
A2 Repeat to place.
B1 1st couple 1/2 figure 8 down, skipping; 2nd couple 1/2 figure 8 up, skipping.
B2 Circle 4-hands1/2 and fall back; partners 2-hand turn once.

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Handel with Care 2 couple set (couple facing couple across the hall)
Gary Roodman
Part I
A1 Lead forward a double and back.
A2 Lead partner away a double and fall back.
B1 Top two dancers cast off, followed by partners, to line of 4 facing up. Line dance up a double and back, finishing in circle.
B2 Circle 4 half way, turn single. 3 changes of a circular hey no hands, starting R shoulder to partner.
Part II
A1 Side R shoulder with partner.
A2 Repeat L shoulder.
B1,2 As in Part I.
Part III
A1,2 Arm R and L with partner.
B1,2 As in Part I.

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Hole in the Wall longways, duple minor 1728
A1 1st couple cast below 2nd couple, and lead up center to place.
A2 2nd couple repeat, casting up.
B 1st corners change places, falling back on last three steps.  2nd corners change places.  Circle 4 hands half-way around.  1st couple cast down one while 2nd couple moving up.

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Jack’s Maggot longways, duple minor 1702
A1 1st M cross down the set and hey for 3 with the 2 women, passing R shoulder with 2nd W, ending in original place.
A2 1st W do the same with the 2 men, passing L shoulder with 2nd M.
B1 All R hands across; L hands back.
B2 1st corners change places; 2nd corners change places; Circle 4 hands half way; 1st couple cast down while 2nd couple lead up.

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Kelsterne Gardens 3 couple longways set 1727
A1 Mirror-image hey for 3, 1st couple leading through 2nd couple to begin.
A2 1st and 2nd couples dance a double figure 8, 1st couple crossing through 2nd couple to begin.
B1 1st and 2nd couples circle L; 1st couple cast down while 2nd couple moving up.
B2 Repeat with 3rd couple.

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Lilli Burlero longways, duple minor 1690
A1 1st couple lead through 2nd couple and cast to place.
A2 2nd couple repeat.
B1 1st corners cross; 2nd corners cross. Fall back a double and come forward turning single.
B2 Pass partner R, back past neighbor R.  Circular hey 3 changes, starting with partner (skipping, no hands).

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Margaret's Waltz Sicilian circle
Pat Shaw
A1 Dance forward and back, turn opposite with R hand.
A2 Turn partner with L hand; ladies chain across.
B1 With opposite, sashay R and L passing the facing couple. Pulling back R shoulder, dance R hands across 3/4.
B2 Back to back with opposite; waltz partner past the opposite couple.

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Nonesuch 4 couple set 1651
Part I
A All forward a double and back; repeat.
B Set to partner and turn single; repeat.
Part II
A 1st couple balance in; joining hands, 2 slips down. Turn down and out to face 2nd couple. Pousette diagonally out and back, opening towards partner at end.
B Fall back a double and forward; turn partner 2 hands.
Repeat Part II 4 times, until original 4th couple is at the top.  
Part III
A Partners side half way and turn single R.  Complete the siding (pass R shoulders) and turn single R.
B Top man balance in to top center, facing down. His partner then balance in to face him.
Continue progressively until the set is in a single file, partners facing.   
Part IV
A All arm R, then L.
B All do 4 slips L, 4 slips R back to place, 4 more slips R, 4 slips L back to place.
Part V
A Top man balances out, then others progressively.
B Progressive circular hey with hands, starting with the top couple R hand, until all are home.

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Orleans Baffled longways triple minor triple time 1728
A 1st couple cast down (2nd couple moving up), 1st and 3rd couples pousette 1/2 (CW).   1st couple cast up (3rd couple  moving down), 1st and 2nd couples pousette 1/2 (CW).  1st corners cross, 2nd corners cross; facing neighbor, 3 changes of a circular hey.

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Sarah longways, duple minor
Gary Roodman, 1998
tune: Agatha  
A1 1st M and 2nd W turn R once and a half; 1st M dance below and behind 2nd M to place, while 2nd W dance above and behind 1st W and to place.  All change with partner.
A2 1st W and 2nd M repeat, 1st W dancing below and behind 2nd W while 2nd M dances above and behind 1st M.
B Circle 4 half way and fall back.  3 changes of a circular hey, no hands.
C 1st couple cast off and dance half figure 8, while 2nd couple cross up, cast off, and lead up. All turn single (cloverleaf).

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St. Martin's Lane longways, triple minor
A1 1st M cast off; turn 3rd W with 2 hands; cast back to place.
A2 1st W cast off; turn 3rd M with 2 hands; cast back to place
B 1st couple lead down (2nd couple moving up).
1st couple and 3rd couple figure 8, 1st couple crossing down, 3rd couple casting up to begin.
1st couple and 2nd couple figure 8, 1st couple crossing up and 2nd couple casting off to begin.
All turn partners with 2 hands.

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Terpsichore 4 couple longways set
Part I
A1 Lead up a double; keeping hands, set; turn single away to face down.
A2 Repeat, leading down the set.
B End couples lead to center; set; circle half.  Meanwhile, middle couples cast to nearest end; set; 2-hand turn half.  Repeat 3 times to original places.
Part II
A1 Side R shoulder into line; facing partner set; fall back to place.
A2 Repeat L shoulder.
B 1st couple and 2nd couple R-hand star half; 1st couple and 3rd couple L-hand star half while 2nd couple set; 1st couple and 4th couple R-hand star half, while 2nd couple and 3rd couple turn single. Repeat 3 times to original places.
Part III
A1 Turn R half; keeping hands, set; continue turn to place.
A2 Repeat L hand.
B Center couples cross with partner and face nearest end couple, all set. All dance 2 changes of a 4-couple grand chain. Repeat 3 times to places.

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for the Bay Area Country Dance Society.  All rights reserved
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Revised:  03/08/99