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Letter from the Dance Detective

I hope you will enjoy an evening full of elegance, excitement, and not a little mystery.
Although I am but a lowly Detective this year, and not an all-powerful Ogre, I
would ask you to help make the evening enjoyable for everyone who attends. So
please, take a moment to escort you partner off the central floor after each dance, and do
not form sets until the next dance is announced.
While you will of course wish to do lots of dances with your friends, when planning your
evening please attend to our "A Little Mystery" spirit, and keep plenty of
dances open for that wonderful chance encounter with an out-of-town guest, or that person
who sat out the previous dance, or that someone who would really like to dance
with a partner of the opposite sex! If there are significantly more women than men,
it would be wonderful if all the women would book a few dances with their favorite women
partners. Such same-sex couples have the Detective's permission to dash to the front
and center set the instant the dance is announced.
So come! Have a great time, dance wonderfully, and make the last BACDS Playford Ball of
the 20th century one to remember!
David Newitt
Dance Detective
Clues for the New Sleuth
The Playford Ball is a "fragrance-free" event. Please do not wear
perfumes, colognes, scented shampoos or deodorants, or engage in any partaking of tobacco
products, as these may cause unpleasant (or unhealthful or worse!) reactions in some of
our dancers.
When the Ball is over, please clear the floor and exit the hall as soon as possible.
The best place to socialize is out front, or better yet, at the after-Ball party.
Should you remain in the hall, you will be conscripted by the constables, and
sentences to hard labor on the clean-up crew.

The Post-Playford Party and the Brunch are pot-luck
events. Please bring your favorite food to share.