Here you'll find electronic flyers from this quarterly mailing (plus a few "bonus"
items) with links related to the events or associated dance series.
Wanna see something? Just click on an image or icon! Hold your mouse over an image
or icon for a short description of what it does or links to.
Table of Contents
Click here to show or hide a list of what's in the "mailing"
(click on ◊ to jump to topic)
- BACDS organization
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BACDS Quarterly Calendar -
April to June, 2018
- ◊
Bay Area Country Dancer #113 - March, 2018
- ◊
Are you a BACDS member?
- ◊ CDSS Scholarships
- ◊
BACDS Code of Conduct
- BACDS dance series' Spring season schedules
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Berkeley Experienced English
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Hayward Contra
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Peninsula English
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San Francisco Contra
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San Francisco English
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South Bay Contra
- Summer Camps
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American Week
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Family Week
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Hey Days - English Week
- Special events
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Contra College (2018-03-10)
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Remembering Michael Siemon (2018-03-25)
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May Day Morris - Dance up the Sun (2018-05-01)
- ◊ Friday Night Waltz's "Contra Waltz" (2018-05-04)
- ◊ Teen Contra Dance(2018-05-06)
- ◊
Balance the Bay(2018-08-10)
- ◊ Northwest Passage English Dance and Music Camp (2018-08-31)
- ◊
Fall Frolick Dance Weekend (2018-10-19)
- ◊
Celebration Ball (2018-11-17)
BACDS Quarterly Calendar
April to June, 2018
Bay Area Country Dancer #113
March, 2018
The BACDS newsletter. Catch up on all the local dance news.
In this issue:
- A Ball to Celebrate 1718
- Family Week: July 1-7
- Hey Days English Dance and Music Week
- Contra Waltz!
- InMemoriam: Lydee Scudder
- The President's Corner
- Volunteer Thanks
- Upcoming Events
Are you a BACDS member?
NOTE: If you receive paper mailings as well as ePubs, please click the email link below to confirm that
you still want to receive paper. Only members will receive paper flyers from now on, and only if they
request them. Be sure to mark your mailing choice every time you renew your membership. Non-members,
please join, especially if you wish to receive paper mailings from us.
Here's a membership form and a link to email the membership secretary.
CDSS Scholarships
BACDS Code of Conduct
BACDS Dance Series
BACDS sponsors English and American traditional dances in the San Francisco Bay Area. This is fun, relatively easy,
community-oriented dancing with live music. All dances are taught, no partner is necessary, and first-timers are welcome
unless otherwise noted.
Here are selected series' schedules. |
Berkeley Experienced English Spring season
4th Saturdays Berkeley
Hayward Contra Spring season 4th/5th Sundays Hayward
Peninsula English Spring season 1st/3rd/5th Tuesdays Palo Alto
San Francisco Contra Spring season 1st & 3rd Saturdays San Francisco
San Francisco English Spring season 2nd Saturdays San Francisco
South Bay Contra Spring season
3rd Sundays
Newcomers' Introduction 2:30p, Dance 3:00-6:00p San Jose
Gender-Free calling, Kid-friendly dance, First time trying contra is free with Intro at 2:30p.
BACDS Summer Camps
BACDS conducts three week-long dance & music camps in the summer: Family Week, American Dance & Music Week,
and Hey Days English Dance & Music Week. Each offers a unique experience for dancer, musician, camper, or just plain vacationer.
There's no better way to learn new and improve existing skills or to meet new friends than by immersion. Dive in! |
American Week Sunday to Friday July 1-6, 2018 La Honda
Family Week Sunday to Friday July 1-7, 2018 Aptos
Hey Days English Dance and Music Week
Sunday to Sunday August 19-26, 2018 Healdsburg
Registration is open. Postmark deadline to be in the lottery is March 16.
Special Events
Check out our special event flyers |
Contra College Saturday to Sunday March 10-11, 2018 Palo Alto
Contra College is an urban weekend in downtown Palo Alto, CA, focused on teaching Contra dance to new and
intermediate dancers, and where experienced dancers can improve their skills, help newer dancers, or practice the other
gender role.
Playford Ball
Saturday March 24, 2018 San Jose"The Bay Area's grandest English Country Dance gala"
Remembering Michael Siemon Sunday March 25, 2018 3:00p-6:00p Albany
A celebration of Michael's life, including English dance, Morris dance, songs, music, pictures, and tales.
FREE. RSVPs preferred but not required, to Sharon Green
May Day Morris - Dance up the Sun Tuesday May 1, 2018 Early morning Throughout the Bay Area
Every year, BACDS teams and others join in a world-wide celebration to dance the Sun up and celebrate the 1st of May.
In the Bay Area you'll find us that Tuesday morn in Sebastopol, San Francisco, Berkeley, Palo Alto, and Santa Cruz,
with lots of dancing the whole day long. It's an age-old tradition! We've been doing it for decades, and the Sun
keeps coming up, so we must be doing something right. Come out and join us!
Out of the area? No worries - just check the North America May Day Morris page.
FNW Contra Waltz Friday May 4, 2018 7:00p-Midnight Palo Alto
Friday Night Waltz presents this mashup of contras and couple dances. Introductions to one-step, waltz, mixers and contra
taught 7-9pm in two halls by Richard Powers and Susan Petrick. Then from 9pm to midnight The Offbeats (Jeff Spero and Ashley Broder
of The Syncopaths, plus Ben Schreiber) play for contras (called by Susan) alternating with pairs of couple dances.
SPECIAL Teen Contra Dance Sunday May 6, 2018 7:00p-9:30p San Jose
Pizza, live band, glow sticks, black lights. $10 adv/$15 door. Click on the link for more info and to register
Balance the Bay
Friday-Sunday August 10-12, 2018 San FranciscoJoin us for San Francisco's own urban Contra Dance weekend.
Northwest Passage English Dance and Music Camp
Labor Day Weekend Friday to Monday August 31 to September 3, 2017 Mt Hood, OR
Northwest Passage alternates dance style focus each year. This year is English Country Dance; 2019 will be Contra.
Fall Frolick Dance Weekend
Friday to Sunday October 19-21, 2018 Aptos
California's own all-English country dance and music residential
weekend, and one of the world's best.
1718 Celebration Ball
Saturday November 17, 2018 Berkeley
For connoisseurs of the early 18th Century, a program drawn entirely from dances published in 1718, a great year!
Experienced English dancers only, space is very limited.