Here you'll find electronic flyers from this quarterly mailing (plus a few "bonus"
items) with links related to the events or associated dance series.
Wanna see something? Just click on an image or icon! Hold your mouse over an image
or icon for a short description of what it does or links to.
Table of Contents
Click here to show or hide a list of what's in the "mailing"
(click on ◊ to jump to topic)
- BACDS organization
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BACDS Quarterly Calendar - October to December, 2017
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Bay Area Country Dancer #111 - September, 2017
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Are you a BACDS member?
- ◊
BACDS Code of Conduct
- BACDS dance series' Fall season schedules
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Hayward Contra
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Peninsula English
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South Bay Contra
- Special events
- ◊ Northwest Passage Contra Dance and Music camp
- ◊
Kitchen Sink Molly Morris workshops
- ◊ Camp New Harmony Benefit
- ◊ Playford to the Present Ball
- ◊
Fall Frolick
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Palo Alto Halloween Contra
- ◊ Portland English Country Dance Weekend
- ◊
No Snow Ball
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Next Steps Contra Workshop
- ◊ Camp New Harmony
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Palo Alto New Year's Eve Contra
- ◊ Arizona Winter Frolic
- ◊
Playford Ball - Save the Date
BACDS Quarterly Calendar
October to December, 2017
Bay Area Country Dancer #111
September, 2017
The BACDS newsletter. Catch up on all the local dance news.
In this issue:
- Mindful Dancing
- Haiku
- I Brought Home a Poem from Contra Dancing
- New This October at Fall Frolick!
- Some Things are not Happening in November
- Rare Fifth Sunday English Dance in Sebastopol
- The No Snow Ball Returns to Saturday Night
- The President's Corner
- Volunteer Thanks
- Upcoming Events
Are you a BACDS member?
NOTE: If you receive paper mailings as well as ePubs, please click the email link below to confirm that
you still want to receive paper. Only members will receive paper flyers from now on, and only if they
request them. Be sure to mark your mailing choice every time you renew your membership. Non-members,
please join, especially if you wish to receive paper mailings from us.
Here's a membership form and a link to email the membership secretary.
BACDS Code of Conduct
BACDS Dance Series
BACDS sponsors English and American traditional dances in the San Francisco Bay Area. This is fun, relatively easy,
community-oriented dancing with live music. All dances are taught, no partner is necessary, and first-timers are welcome
unless otherwise noted.
Here are selected series' schedules. |
Hayward Contra Fall season 4th/5th Sundays Hayward
Peninsula English Fall season 1st/3rd/5th Tuesdays
1st/3rd/5th Thursday in October only Palo Alto
South Bay Contra Fall season
3rd Sundays
Newcomers' Introduction 2:30p, Dance 3:00-6:00p San Jose
Gender-Free calling, Kid-friendly dance, First time trying contra is free with Intro at 2:30.
Special Events
Check out our special event flyers |
Northwest Passage Contra Dance and Music Camp
Labor Day Weekend Friday to Monday September 1 to 4, 2017 Mt Hood, OR
Northwest Passage alternates dance style focus each year. This year is Contra; 2018 will be English.
Kitchen Sink Molly morris workshops
Saturdays September 9 and 23, 2017, 1:30p-3:30p Palo Alto
Camp New Harmony Benefit
Friday September 22, 2017 8p-11p San Francisco
There will be a special contra dance to benefit the campership fund to Camp New Harmony, an annual music/dance
camp put on by the San Francisco Folk Music Club over New Year's Eve.
Playford to the Present Ball Saturday October 7, 2017 Pasadena
Fall Frolick Dance Weekend
Friday to Sunday October 13-15, 2017 Aptos
Palo Alto Halloween Contra
Saturday October 28, 2017 8:00pm-Mindnight Palo Alto
Join us in Palo Alto for the 37th annual BACDS Halloween Costume Ball, a fiendishly fun evening of contra dancing
to the calling of Susan Petrick and special ghosts, and the mesmerizing music of George Paul, Ben Schreiber, and Mike Scott.
Costumes encouraged (compete for the Ron Award!) but not required.
Portland English Country Dance Weekend Friday to Sunday November 3 to 5, 2017 Portland, OR
No Snow Ball
Saturday December 2, 2017 7:00pm-11:00pm Oakland
Next Steps Contra Workshop
Sunday December 17, 2017 1:00pm-2:15p San Jose
Camp New Harmony Wednesday to Monday December 27, 2017 - January 1, 2018 Santa Rosa
San Francisco Folk Music Club regrets that the site for Camp New Harmony burned to the ground in the early hours of the Tubbs fire
on October 9-10. We have found an alternative site for this year's camp, but the size will be greatly reduced. Please refer
Palo Alto New Year's Eve Contra
Sunday December 31, 2017 8:00pm-12:15am Palo Alto
Finish out 2017 with good cheer and good dancing at the Palo Alto Contra. Ring out the old
year and waltz in the new to the music of StringFire (Erik Ievins, Patti Cobb, and Shira
Kammen). Calling by Kalia Kliban. Happy New Year!
Arizona Winter Frolic Friday to Saturday January 12-13, 2018 Mesa, AZ
Playford Ball - Save the Date
Saturday March 24, 2018 San Jose"The Bay Area's grandest English Country Dance gala"