David Newitt


David Newitt arrived at Swarthmore College in 1976 and was shocked and dismayed to discover a two year physical education requirement. Faced with the alternatives of football and “folk and square dancing” the choice was clear, and he has been dancing ever since. International folk dancing, English and Scottish Country Dancing, Morris and sword teams, contra dancing…all are wonderful community activities, and sharing them has been his passion for 40 years. David is greatly looking forward to a return to Family Camp after being absent for way too many years.
Along with his fiddling wife Heather MacKay, David also loves playing music for English and Scottish dancing. They are founding members of The Humuhumunukunuku Apua’a and Strathspey Society Band – the world’s finest Hawaiian-themed Scottish and English Country Dance band.
When not dancing David studies pictures of people’s insides, doing research on MRI, specializing in body parts that start with “b”.