BACDS American Dance and Music Week,
July 7-14, 2007
BACDS American Dance and Music Week, July 7-14, 2007

Fragrance-free Policy and Recommendations

Greetings Campers!

We ask that you use only fragrance-free soaps, lotions, hair products, deodorant, powder, sun block, etc. at camp. Some campers have serious allergies, and the cumulative effect of everybody's scented stuff in the dance hall can make them very ill. Thanks for your cooperation in making camp comfortable for everyone.

What we provide:

BACDS stocks bathhouses at camp with plenty of fragrance-free body wash, lotion, shampoo, and hair conditioner for your use, and provides two kinds of insect repellent (mint-based, and soy-based Bite Blocker). (Also, Mendocino Woodlands puts out effective mosquito magnets.)

When you are packing, please:

Some fragrance-free products available at natural foods stores and well-stocked drugstores and supermarkets: