BACDS American Dance and Music Week,
July 7-14, 2007
BACDS American Dance and Music Week, July 7-14, 2007

A Week To Remember

The Bay Area Country Dance Society's American Dance and Music Week convenes once again at the magnificent Mendocino Woodlands, a National Historic Landmark. Featuring a new dance floor, the 700-acre camp lies inland from the coastal village of Mendocino, a four-hour drive north of San Francisco. This secluded, lush, and temperate redwood forest offers an ideal environment in which to foster learning and relaxation.

We will immerse ourselves in all of the arts that have traditionally made up the fabric of American Dance and Music—from the dance forms themselves and the instrumental sounds that make us move, to the songs and stories that chronicle and enrich our lives. Discover the rich texture of community, knit together during this balanced, week-long camp.

Set along meandering footpaths, accommodations at the Woodlands are solidly built rustic redwood cabins, each accommodating two people. Although without electricity, all cabins feature stone fireplaces (with plenty of firewood available) and wooden balconies providing unobstructed views into the majestic redwood forest, over the pond or across the meadow. Nearby bathhouses are equipped with electricity and plenty of hot water.

We are pleased to welcome back Oregon's cook extraordinaire, Annie Johnston, and her staff of culinary magicians. Campers will be sustained by incomparable meals and delectable snacks; special attention will be given to those with restrictive dietary needs.

Celebrate and share your passions for music and dance during this unique moment in time. The organizers and staff of American Dance and Music Week promise a kaleidoscope of learning experiences wrapped in serious fun and heartfelt camaraderie.

The food, the ambience. From the dance hall décor to the candles on the dining room tables, your efforts to create a warm and inviting atmosphere were a wonderful contribution to the camp experience.

- Gary Steiger, Ross, CA

A cabin at Mendocino Woodlands