The Bay Area Country Dance Society Website

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Payment Options Policies

At the start of 2023 BACDS will implement changes to how payments for regular dance series can be made; how the musicians, caller and sound technician are compensated, and how payments are administered by BACDS.

These changes are intended to make things easier for all. They have been discussed widely over the past couple of months at Board level and have been discussed with subsets of those people who will be affected. We believe we have a workable plan, but we are open to refining or changing things as needed to make it work smoothly.

These changes only apply to the regular weekly/monthly dance series and not to special events, camps, etc.


We will now accept Venmo on the door.


Instead of being paid a percentage of the cash paid at the door you will now get a fixed amount per dancer present, no matter how (or if!) they paid, or how much.

$10 per attendee will be split between all talent. What BACDS receives above this will continue to subsidise hall rental, insurance, etc.

Travel allowances remain available and will be paid in addition to the split described above. And minimum payments still apply.

The fixed compensation per dancer is fairer to you, especially as BACDS already has free entry vouchers and may introduce "all you can dance" passes in the future.

The dance manager can continue paying you cash on the night, but we encourage you to accept payment after the dance which can be by Venmo, Zelle or a check.

Treasurer Allen Dodson will get your information as needed for these payment methods. Accepting later payment reduces the workload on the (unpaid!) dance manager and allows you to make a faster exit once the dance is over.

Dance Managers

The paperwork is much simplified. You will be able to send it electronically to Allen if you want to. You will also be able to send in money to BACDS electronically in most cases. Or carry on using snail mail if you prefer.

If you have agreed with your talent that they will accept payment later, you no longer need do any of the math to figure out what they are owed: Allen will do it for you. Even if you do need (or want) to do the math, it is simpler: multiply by 10 and share out! No need to count the cashbox in front of everyone; if you note on the form what you paid out you can do the remaining paperwork when you return home.

Please send Allen feedback on how the new system works and can be improved. After about 6 months we will organize a Zoom meeting to discuss more refinements.

See also Staff Payment Policies for information about minimums.

Document Created December, 2022

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