The Bay Area Country Dance Society Website

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BACDS June 2015 Electronic Mailing

BACDS sponsors English and American traditional dances in the San Francisco Bay Area. This is fun, relatively easy, community-oriented dancing with live music. All dances are taught, no partner is necessary, and first-timers are welcome unless otherwise noted.

Table of Contents

  • BACDS Quarterly Calendar
  • Bay Area Country Dancer #102 - June 2015
  • Palo Alto Contra Summer season
  • San Francisco Contra Summer season
  • American Week (2015-06-28)
  • Balance the Bay (2015-08-07 to 09)
  • Hey Days - SOLD OUT! (2015-08-16 to 23)
  • Free Morris Workshops
  • Atlanta's 20th Annual English Country Dance Weekend "Fandango" (2015-09-25 to 27)
  • Register for Fall Frolick (2015-10-16 to 18)
  • Fall Ball (2015-11-14)
  • Are you a BACDS member?

BACDS Quarterly Calendar

See all the dances and special events for July-September 2015.

Bay Area Country Dancer, #102 - June 2015

The BACDS newsletter. Catch up on all the local dance news.  In this issue:

  • Special Benefit Contra Dance!!
  • Plan a Summer Dance Vacation: It's not too late!
  • Free Morris Dance Workshops (by Beth Bergen)
  • Fall Frolick Goes English with a Hint of Scotch! (by Sharon Green)
  • The New (non)-Balancing Act at Balance the Bay (by Jens Dill)
  • The President's Corner (by Jens Dill)
  • Dance Trivia: Some of my favorite historical references
  • Volunteer Thanks
  • Upcoming Events

Dancer #102 issue

Palo Alto Contra Summer season

2nd, 4th, 5th Saturdays, Palo Alto

San Francisco Contra Summer season

1st, 3rd Saturdays, 4th Fridays, San Francisco

American Week

Sunday-Friday, June 28 to July 3, 2015, La Honda

  • Event web page
  • Check out the special before and after "satellite event" dances flyer with camp staff.

Balance the Bay

Friday-Sunday, August 7-9, 2015, San Francisco

Join us for San Francisco's own urban Contra Dance weekend.

Hey Days - SOLD OUT!

Sunday-Sunday, August 16 to 23, 2015, Bishop's Ranch (near Healdsburg)

Hey Days English Dance and Music Week is sold out (with a waiting list) for this year.  Apply for next year's camp during the registration period approximately Feb 1 - March 15, 2016.  It'll be dancing, singing, music workshops, pool parties, camp gatherings, and more.

Free Morris Workshops

Tuesdays, August 25, September 1, 15, and 22, 2015, Berkeley

Berkeley Morris hosts a series of FREE workshops in morris and related dance traditions. No experience is needed, and all are welcome!  Check out the details on their workshops web page.

Atlanta's 20th Annual English Country Dance Weekend "Fandango"

Friday-Sunday, September 25-27, 2015, Aptos

ECD Atlanta hosts with caller Brad Foster and band Foxfire (Daron Douglas, Karen Axlerod), at the Decatur Recreation Center, 213 Sycamore Street, Decatur, GA 30030.  Decatur is a wonderful Atlanta suburb (access from the airport by MARTA subway) with a variety of hotels and restaurants within walking distance.

Register for Fall Frolick

Friday-Sunday, October 16-18, 2015, Aptos

Fall Ball

Saturday, November 14, 2015, San Mateo

Are you a BACDS member?

Are you a member of BACDS?  If you are, does your membership expire soon?  Has it already expired?  If you aren't a member, why not?  Dues are $25/year, $40 for 2 people at the same street address, and are good for discounts at dances (usually $2 off the regular admission price, special events may be different).  Add a student family member for $15/year.  Not sure of your status? email

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