Apley House duple minor longways,
1702, reconstructed by Cecil Sharp 1922 |
A1 |
8 |
Gents fall back a double with neighbor and come forward turning single. |
A2 |
8 |
Ladies fall back a double with neighbor and come forward turning single. |
B |
8 |
Right-hand star half way, and all turn single up; |
8 |
couple 2 cast down and come into the middle to form the center of a line of four
across the set
while couple 1 move up the center and cast to the outside of this line of four. |
C |
8 |
All lead up a double, and fall back (at the last bar couple 1 curl up to meet in
original place); |
8 |
couple 1 cast into progressed place and change places with partner
while couple 2 cross to own side as they move up. |
Draper's Gardens
duple minor longways (tune "The Margravaine's Waltz"), triple time, 1702,
reconstructed by Bernard J. Bentley 1965 |
A1 |
24 |
First corners set forward, turn single, turn both hands once around. |
A2 |
24 |
Second corners set forward, turn single, turn both hands once around. |
B |
12 |
Ladies turn neighbors both hands half way; then gents turn neighbors both
hands half way; |
12 |
all four circle half way and fall back into lines on the side (with
neighbor); |
12 |
facing partner to start, two changes rights and lefts (with hands); |
12 |
couple 1 lead up and and cast back to progressed place. |
Fair and Softly duple minor
longways, triple time, 1728, reconstructed by Tom Cook 1979 |
A |
24 |
Taking hands along lines, all step set up and down; couple 1 cast down (couple 2 move
up) and lead through new couple below, then cast back up to progressed place - end all
facing the familiar neighbor |
B1 |
12 |
Rights and lefts, etc. with original neighbor: right hand to pass current neighbor,
left hand to pass partner, right shoulder (no hands) to pass current neighbor, turn
partner with both hands half way; |
12 |
Couple 2 lead down through couple 1 and cast back to place - end all facing a new
neighbor. |
B2 |
3 |
Rights and lefts, etc. with new neighbor: right hand to neighbor, left hand to
partner, right shoulder (no hands) to pass neighbor, turn partner with both hands half
way; |
12 |
Couple 1 lead down through couple 2 and cast back to place. |
Geud Man of Ballangigh
duple minor longways (tune "Hunt the Squirrel"), 1696, reconstructed by Cecil
Sharp 1922<.td> |
A1 |
8 |
Couple 1 lead down between couple 2 and cast back; |
8 |
Gents lead through the ladies and cast back. |
A2 |
8 |
Couple 2 lead up between couple 1 and cast back; |
8 |
Ladies lead through the gents and cast back. |
B1 |
8 |
First gent set to his corner and turn single; |
8 |
First lady set to her corner and turn single. |
B2 |
8 |
Circle four half way, falling back with neighbor along the sides; |
8 |
All set forward to partner and change places with partner. |
Graie's Inn Masque
3 couple longways set, Pre-1651, reconstructed by Fried de Metz Herman 1995<.td> |
Part I |
A1 |
16 |
All lead up a double and fall back; set to partner, turn single. |
A2 |
16 |
All lead down a double and fall back; set to partner, turn single. |
B |
16 |
Gents face away from partners (ladies face the gents' backs) - in lines of
three, lead a double to that side, fall back, gents turn right to face partners and all
set, change places with partners (right). |
C |
8 |
Long reverence to partners right, left. |
D |
8 |
Turn partner once and a half with both hands. |
E |
16 |
Gents hey for three on their side, starting with the top two passing right
shoulders. |
Part II |
A1 |
16 |
Side-by-side right with partner, set, turn single. |
A2 |
16 |
Side-by-side left with partner, set, turn single. |
B |
16 |
Ladies face away from partners (gents face the ladies' backs) - in lines
of three, lead a double to that side, fall back, ladies turn right to face partners and
all set, change places (right). |
C |
8 |
Long reverence. |
D |
8 |
Turn partner once and a half with both hands. |
E |
16 |
Ladies hey for three on their side, starting with the top two passing
right shoulders. |
Part III |
A1 |
16 |
Arm right with partner, set, turn single. |
A2 |
16 |
Arm left with partner, set, turn single. |
B |
16 |
Everyone face away from partners - in lines of three, lead a double away,
fall back, all turn right to face partners, set, change places. |
C |
8 |
Long reverence. |
D |
8 |
Turn partner once and a half with both hands. |
E |
16 |
Circular hey for six (no hands) - begin top couple facing each other while
the others face up / down along the side, and pass right to start. |
The Jovial Beggars
large circle (mixer), 1651, reconstructed by Cecil Sharp 1922 |
Part I |
A1 |
12 |
Slipping circle left; turn single. |
A2 |
8 |
Slipping circle right; turn single. |
Chorus |
B1 |
8 |
With partner, fall back a double and come forward a double; |
8 |
Gents cast left and move around circle one place counter-clockwise
while ladies turn single left, all skipping. |
B2 |
8 |
With a new partner, fall back a double and come forward a double; |
8 |
Ladies cast right and move around circle one place clockwise
while gentlemen turn single right, all skipping. |
Part II |
A1 |
12 |
With next partner, swirl siding (Sharp siding); turn single. |
A2 |
8 |
All that again |
Chorus: as before |
Part III |
A1 |
12 |
With next next partner, arm right; turn single. |
A2 |
12 |
With next next partner, arm left; turn single. |
Chorus: as before |
Mr. Issac's Maggot duple minor
longways, 1695 reconstructed by Cecil Sharp 1916 |
A1 |
12 |
First corners turn right hand, letting go when they have turned half way but
continuing their course, the gent going below and behind second gent and back up the
outside of the set to his place, the lady looping inside the set and back to her place. |
A2 |
12 |
Second corners turn left hand, letting go when they have turned halfway but continuing
their course, the lady going below and behind second lady and back up the outside of the
set to her place, the gent looping inside the set and back to his place. |
B |
12 |
In lines on the sides, all fall back for six steps; come forward for three steps; turn
single right; |
12 |
Facing partner, three changes rights and lefts (no hands) - end couple 1 close
together in the center and couple 2 at sides to form a line of four across the set, facing
up; |
12 |
All lead up for three steps; fall back three steps; gate couple 1 up through the
center and back. |
Mount Hills duple minor
longways, 1721, reconstructed by Bernard J. Bentley 1965 |
A1 |
8 |
Couple 1 cross and go below, skipping,
while couple 2 move up; |
8 |
couple 1 half figure 8 up through couple 2. |
A2 |
8 |
Couple 2 cross and go below, skipping
while couple 1 move up; |
8 |
couple 2 half figure 8 up through couple 1. |
B1 |
16 |
First corners change places; second corners change places; all circle left
half way and turn single. |
B2 |
16 |
Back to back with partner; three changes of rights and lefts (with hands)
beginning with partner. |
Parson's Farewell
two couples facing, triple time, 1651, reconstructed by Cecil Sharp 1911 |
Part I |
A |
4 |
All forward a double to meet; |
4 |
all 4 slipping steps to their own left; |
4 |
all fall back a double; |
4 |
and all 4 slipping steps right back to place. |
B1 |
2 |
Honors: Gentlemen acknowledge each other with a nod, |
2 |
ladies the same; |
4 |
all acknowledge first neighbor, then opposite, lastly partner; |
8 |
all turn opposite with both hands once around using skip step. |
B2 |
2 |
Honors: Ladies acknowledge each other with a nod, |
2 |
gents the same; |
4 |
all acknowledge first neighbor, then opposite, lastly partner; |
8 |
all turn opposite with both hands once around using skip step. |
Part II |
A1 |
4 |
With partner, forward a double to meet; |
4 |
lead neighbor away from the set; |
4 |
lead neighbor back to the center, |
4 |
and fall back with partner. |
B1 |
8 |
Gent's chain: skipping, gents touch right hands, then take left to pass
and turn neighbor by the right hand; |
8 |
continue back first touching right hands then taking left to pass, and
turning partner right, back to place. Ladies accommodate the chain by dancing into their
partner's place to turn them wide and well. |
B2 |
8 |
Ladies' chain: skipping, ladies touch left hands, then take right to pass,
turning neighbor by the left hand; |
8 |
continue back first touching left hands then taking right to pass, and
turning partner left, back to place. Gents accommodate the chain by dancing into their
partner's place also. |
Part III |
A |
4 |
Partners take both hands and slip into the center with 4 steps; |
4 |
with neighbor, take both hands and slip 4 steps away from set; |
4 |
then slip back into the center; |
4 |
and with partner's right hand, fall back a double into place. |
B1 |
4 |
Skipping changes: start by turning partner both hands once around; |
4 |
gents change places on the diagonal, passing right shoulders, then turning
right to face partner (now across the set); |
4 |
two changes rights and lefts, beginning with partner by the right shoulder
(no hands); |
4 |
and (with walking step), all turn partner half way, two hands. |
B2 |
4 |
Skipping changes, start by turning partner both hands once around; |
4 |
ladies change places on the diagonal, passing left shoulders, then turning
left to face partner (now across the set); |
4 |
two changes lefts and rights, beginning with partner by the left shoulder;
4 |
and (with walking step), all turn partner halfway with both hands. |
Parthenia four couple set
longways, Marjorie Heffer and William Porter, 1932 |
Part I |
A1 |
16 |
With partners, all lead up a double, fall back, gypsy partner by right
shoulder once around; |
A2 |
16 |
With partners, all lead down a double, fall back, gypsy partner by left
shoulder once around; |
B1 |
16 |
Set to partners, cross (right) and turn right to form a large oval circle
of 8, and dance in single file half way around the set; |
B2 |
16 |
Set, cross and turn right to form oval, and dance in single file back to
original places. |
Part II |
A1 |
16 |
Come forward to meet partner by right shoulder, then cast over left
shoulder back to place (i.e., side-by-side variation), gypsy partner left. |
A2 |
16 |
Side-by-side variation by left shoulder (casting back over right), gypsy
partner right. |
B1 |
4 |
Top and bottom couples come forward to meet while the people in
the middle fall back, to form two lines of four across the set |
4 |
in lines, set; |
8 |
The four people at each side of the line do three changes of a circular
hey, starting with right shoulder to the person facing. |
B2 |
4 |
The people at the ends of the line come forward to meet and the middle
people fall back (up / down), forming lines of four along the set - |
4 |
in lines, set; |
8 |
The top four people and the bottom four people do three changes of a
circular hey, starting with right shoulder to the person facing (i.e., partner). |
Part III |
A1 |
16 |
Arm partner right, gypsy partner right. |
A2 |
16 |
Arm partner left, gypsy partner left. |
B1 |
8 |
Form "U"s of four at the top and bottom of the set (couple 2 and
couple 3 take hands with each other and with the end couple, but couples 1 and 4 don't
take hands with partner);. The far first corners (gent 1 and lady 4) lead their group of
four across the set and up / down the opposite side into reversed places; |
8 |
In lines on the side, fall back a double, and come forward. |
B2 |
8 |
Form new "U"s of four but with the top four and the bottom four
people - the same people lead their group across the set and down / up their own sides
back to place; |
8 |
In lines on the side, fall back a double and come forward. |
The Punch Bowl duple
longways, 1728, reconstructed by Charles Bolton 1991 |
A1 |
12 |
Couple 1 cross and go below; meet and lead through a new couple below; and
cast back to place to meet their original couple 2
while couple 2 lead up; separate around the couple coming towards them (go
outside); then turn inward to partners and lead down between a couple to meet their
original couple 1; |
12 |
These four circle half-way; couple 1 cast as couple 2 lead up (couple 2
end improper.) |
A2 |
12 |
Reverse roles and repeat: Couple 2 (now at the top) cross and go below;
meet and lead through a new couple below; and cast back to place to meet their original
couple 1
while couple 1 lead up; separate around the couple coming toward them (go
outside); then turn inward to partners and lead down between a couple to meet their
original couple 2. |
12 |
These four circle half-way; couple 2 cast as couple 1 leads up. (All
finish improper.) |
B |
24 |
First corner people change places; second corner people
change; same four circle half-way; first couple cast as the second couple lead up; turn
partner half way. |
Red House duple minor longways, 1726,
reconstructed by Rich Jackson and George Fogg 1990 |
A1 |
16 |
Couple 1 dance a double forward and back; set, cast into second place (couple 2 move
up); |
A2 |
16 |
Couple 2 dance a double forward and back; set, cast down (couple 1 move up). |
B1 |
16 |
Couple 1 chase: gent cast and his partner follow, going below second gent, crossing up
the middle and around second lady, then across set into progressed places. Couple 2 wait
until they both pass above the second lady before they move up. |
B2 |
16 |
Couple 2 chase: lady cast and her partner follow, going below first lady, crossing up
the middle and around first gent, then across set into progressed places. Couple 1 wait
until they both pass above the first gent before they move up. Second gent continues into
- |
C1 |
16 |
Full hey for three across the set with couple 1: begin with the second gent crossing
up to pass first lady by right. As all come back to place, second lady then - |
C2 |
16 |
Cross up to pass left shoulder with the first gent to start a full hey for three with
couple 1, ending with couple 1 casting down as couple 2 move up. |
Step Stately three couple longways
set (tune "Jack Pudding"), 1651, reconstructed by Cecil Sharp 1916 |
Part I (introductory honors: danced twice) |
4 |
With partner, lead up a double; |
4 |
Still facing up, gents slip four steps to their own right behind their partners while
ladies slip four steps to their own left; |
8 |
On the sides, join hands in lines of three facing away, and couple 1 lead their lines
looping down to the bottom of the set to form a line of six, all facing up; |
8 |
All six in a line lead up a double, and fall back; |
8 |
First lady leads her line to the right (in front of the gentlemen) and up to place
while the first gentleman leads his line to the left and up to place. |
Part II (duple progression, danced until original couple 1 is back at the
top of the set) |
8 |
Couple 1 lead up a double; change hands and lead down to meet second couple; |
4 |
Couples 1 and 2 circle four half way; |
4 |
First corners change places; |
8 |
Ladies' partial half figure 8: with left hands, ladies lead up between the two gents;
second lady handing the first lady in front, they cross to go behind their opposite gents,
ending in a line of four (2 facing 2); |
8 |
Gents take right hands to pass, both couples turn partner left hand and progress as
they turn to end with couple 2 above, couple 1 in the middle. |
160 |
Original couples 1 and 3 dance, couple 1 starting from middle place. Continue
until all are back in original places. |
Repeat until all couples are back in their original places. (6 times total |
Part III (triple progression, danced until original couple 1 is back at
the top of the set) |
8 |
Couple 1 cross and go below (couple 2 moving up); couple 1 cross in the middle and
turn to end facing in the center of lines of three at the sides; |
8 |
Lines fall back a double on the sides and come forward (but not as far); |
4 |
Couple 1 meet in the middle and face up while couples 2 and 3 change places with
partners; |
8 |
Couple 1, from the center position, lead to the top of the set and cast to the bottom
of the set
while couple 3, from the top position, cast below the others and lead to the top
of the set
while couple 2, from the bottom position, lead to the top, then cast into the
middle of the set; |
4 |
New top two couples circle four halfway and fall back, ending with couple 2 as the new
top couple
while the couple at the bottom arm right once around. |
Part IV (closing honors, danced once) |
4 |
With partner, lead up a double; |
4 |
Still facing up, gents slip four steps to their own right behind their partners while
ladies slip four steps to their own left; |
8 |
On the sides, join hands in lines of three facing away, and couple 1 lead their lines
looping down to the bottom of the set to form a line of six, all facing up; |
8 |
All six in a line lead up a double and fall back; |
8 |
All six lead up a double; all step right and honor the Presence. |
Trip to Greene three
couple longways set (middle couple active), Gary Roodman, 1991 |
Part I |
A1 |
16 |
Taking right hands with partner, all lead up a double and back; turn
partner right half way, turn single left. |
A2 |
16 |
Taking left hands, up a double and back; turn partner left half way, turn
single right. |
Chorus |
B1 |
8 |
Active couple split for half heys at the ends: second gent cross up
through center to hey (only half!) with couple 1, second lady cross down to hey (half)
with couple 3. |
8 |
Active couple switch ends: second gent cross down to hey (half) with
couple 3, as second lady cross up to hey (half) with couple 1 - all back to original
places. |
B2 |
16 |
In lines of three on the sides, forward a double and back; couples in the
top two places cast down ONE place, while couple 3 at the bottom place take right hands
and lead up to first place (progression 3, 1, 2). |
Part II |
A1 |
16 |
Partners side-by-side right; turn partner right half way, turn single
left. |
A2 |
16 |
Partners side-by-side left; turn partner left half way, turn single right. |
Chorus: as before |
Part III |
A1 |
16 |
Partners arm right; turn partner right half way, turn single left. |
A2 |
16 |
Partners arm left; turn partner left half way, turn single right. |
Chorus: as before |