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The Music

Tunes may be found in The Barnes Book of English Country Dance Tunes, Vol. 1 & 2.
Tunes not in Barnes are posted here. (Used with permission.)

Candles in the Dark
Delighted Dendrologist
Sunlight Through Draperies

The Dances

Astonished Archaeologist
Barbarini's Tambourine
Candles in the Dark
Delighted Dendrologist
Dusty Miller
Easter Morn
Jack's Health
Key to the Cellar
Leslie's Valentine
Mary Kay
Round About our Coal Fire
Sunlight Through Draperies


Astonished Archaeologist
3 couple longways        2/2 A   Callens, 1992
A1       Set to partner, turn R hand halfway. 
Set to partner, turn L hand halfway.
A2       R diagonals dance back to back.
            Partners turn 2 hands ¾; turn away over R shoulder to end facing away from partner in a line of 6, women facing up, men facing down.
B1        Hey for 6 halfway (To begin:  1st woman and 3rd man loop L at
the ends while middles pass R shoulder.)
            Gypsy L ¾ with partner to end proper.
B2        Lines fall back and come forward.  Top two couples circle L halfway, then turn partner halfway; while bottom couple (original 1s) turn partner 2 hands once round.

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Barbarini’s Tambourine
Longways duple minor c. 1745
A1       1st corners figure 8 to change places: Cast around neighbor, pass L shoulders in the center, cast R around partner to corner’s place.
A2       2nd corners the same: cast around partner, pass R shoulders in the center, cast L around neighbor.
B          Fall back 3 steps, come forward, pass through.
Back to back with neighbor;
Back to back with partner.
            Rights & Ls, 4 changes (hands).
Turn partner 2 hands.

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Candles in the Dark
Longways duple minor 3/4 Bm Loretta Holtz, 2006
Tune: AAB   Jonathan Jensen

A1       Assisted ½ figure 8s:  With R hand in R, 1st man assist partner into a ½ figure 8 down;
1st man assist 2nd woman into a ½ figure 8 across.
A2       2nd man repeat with 1st woman (across), then with partner (down through the 1s below), ending with 2s taking inside hands and facing down.
B          Mirror back-to-back with neighbor, 2s down the center to begin.
            All 4 circle L once around.
            Mirror back-to-back with neighbor, 1s up the center to begin.
All gypsy partner R 1½ to finish proper. 

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Longways duple minor Victor Skowronski, 2004?        Susato tune “Rondo II, Mon Amy”
A1       Single file circle L one place. All balance into center and back.
A2       Repeat, ending progressed and improper.
B1        Chevron:  1st corners change places R shoulders. They fall back across the set  while 2nd corners cast into 1st corner positions.
B2        Partners half poussette CW.  Release hands to slide into a line of 4, 1st corners facing in the middle, 2nd corners on the ends.
C1        6 changes of a hey for 4, middles giving L shoulder to begin. End with 2nd corners facing in the middle, 1st corners on the ends facing out.
C2        1st corners continue R, progressing up or down the outside, while 2nd corners gypsy L¾ to meet partner.  All are in a line up and down the center of the set.
Gypsy partner R about 1¼ to progressed place.

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The Delighted Dendrologist
Dance by Jonathon Ogle for Dev Joslin, Christmas 2013
A1 - 1s set and cast down (2s move up).
1s 1/2 figure 8 up through 2s.
A2 - 2s set and cast down (1s move up)
Men turn by the L. 1 time & end facing out, while women pass partners R shoulder, sweeping wide and turning back to the R to end facing in toward Partner at the end of a line of four across the set (W2 M2 M1 W1)
B1 - Half R shoulder hey for four.
Turn Partner by the R 3/4 round: men change places, passing R shoulders
B2 - Allcircle L once around
1s 1/2 figure 8 up through 2s.

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The Detour or Round and Round
L2 G modal 2/2 Dance and tune by Sharon McKinley
Jan. 2007

1s face down, 2s up
A1 1-4 Right hand turn neighbor 1/2-way along the line
Left hand turn the next all the way around
5-8 Right hand turn neighbor 1/2-way along the line
Left hand turn the next all the way around
A2 1-4 1s star right below with original 2s, all the way around
5-8 1s star left with couple above, all the way around
B1 1-2 Original 1st corners change
3-4 2nd corners change
5-8 Circle left halfway, turn single
B2 1-4 1s cross and cast below, while 2s meet and lead up
5-8 1st half figure 8 up, as 2s cast down and lead back up, getting ready to meet new 1s
Tips: If you're out at the top or bottom, be prepared to turn and star with someone.
When you reach the bottom, you can turn the person across the set (your partner).

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Dusty Miller
3 couple longways set   c.1726
A1       1s lead through 2s; turn towards each other to face up and cast to 3rd place.
A2       1s turn 2 hands, cast up to middle place.
B1&2   1s turn 1st corners R, partner L, 2nd corners R, partner L. End facing 1st corners.
A3&4  1s with 1st corners, slow set & honor, 2 hand turn.  Repeat with second corners.
B3&4               1s hey with their corners (on the side), starting L shoulder to 1st corner.
1s turn 2 hands to the bottom, 3s cast up.
Note: this is (Philadelphia version. Neal original has 3rd figure start with 2nd corners.

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Easter Morn
Longways duple minor             1994 Erna Lynne Bogue
A1       1s cast, ½  figure 8 up through original 2s.
A2       R hand star with couple on the other side, L hand star with original couple.
B1        Open into a circle R once round (with original couple). 
1s gate up through 2s.
B2        1s lead through new 2s below, cast back up. 
All turn two hands to end proper (extra half turn for 1s.)

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Longways duple minor             2/4 C    1977
A1       1st corners side, set forward & turn single back to place.
A2       2nd corners do the same.
B1        Women lead between men, and cast back to place;
Men lead between women, and cast back to place.
B2        All turn partner by L ¾ to line of 4 up & down the dance;
1st woman and 2nd man turn R 1½, while
1st man and 2nd woman dance around CCW to change places,
Meet partner, turn by L ¾ to progressed places.

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Longways duple minor, improper         Roodman, 1997
A1       1st man cast, followed by partner. Man dances around 2s, while woman dances up between 2s. End in partner’s place.
A2       2nd man cast up, followed by partner. Man dances CW around 1st woman, ending between 1s while woman dances clockwise around 1st man, ending a line of 4 facing up:  W2 M1 M2 W1 ( top).
B1        Line of four lead up 3 steps, turn alone, fall back 3 steps (still moving up the set).
Lines of four lead down 6 steps, end facing neighbor.
B2        Half hey for 4, starting R shoulder to neighbor. Turn neighbor 2 hands ¾ to face out, women on the L.
C1        Lead out and back.  Women change places. Men change places.
C2        Circle halfway. Partners turn 2 hands.

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Longways duple minor Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett, 1999
Tune: Millisons Jegge (in Playford, 1st edition)

A1       1s and 2s gate turn 1¼  (1s dancing in and down) to end in line of 4 facing down.
A2       Lines lead down and fall back, dividing the line to face out, 1s in progressed place.
B1        Neighbors lead out the sides (1-2);
Turn as a couple with 2s turning under joined inside hands* (3-4);
Lead in (5-6); 1s cast off while 2s lead up (7-8).
B2        1s ½ figure 8 up through twos; 1s and 2s gate once round.
Repeat with the 1s on opposite sides
* * make an arch with joined nearer hands– turn toward neighbor and walk forward,1’s going up the outside while 2’s move down under the arch. (somewhat like a California twirl though more equal – with twos who are above always going under the arch)

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Jack's Health
Longways duple minor 1686
A1       1s cross, giving R hands, cast below 2s, turn two hands to end improper.
A2       Back to back with neighbor.
Fall back a double with neighbor giving inside hands. All set.
B1        Forward a double, turn single (cloverleaf).
4 changes of R & L.
Turn two hands to own side.

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Key to the Cellar or Locked out Again or No Key to the Church
Triple minor longways 3/2 Em/D modal           J. Beer 2004  traditional tune
A1       1s cast; gate down through the 3s.
A2       Lines forward and back; 1s gate up through the 2s.
B1        Heys across the dance, 1st woman up with 2s, 1st man down with 3s.
B2        1s gypsy
All turn two hands

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Leslie's Valentine
Longways duple minor 6/8 G    Higgs, 2001 (tune: Miss Grace Hayes' Delight
A1       1st woman set to 2nd man.  Both turn single into:  1st woman cast with 2nd man following.  End the chase figure with 1st woman in 2nd man’s place,  2nd man in 2nd woman’s place. (2nd woman steps up once the coast is clear.)
A2       All face partner (up & down),  set and turn single, flowing into:
Single file circle L ¾  (men pursued by partner), ending with 1s below, proper, and 2s above, improper.
B1        1s Mad Robin “loop” up and around 2s (woman up the center, man up the outside). All turn partner two hands - once round for the 1s, halfway for the 2s, who then cast to the ends of line  a line of 4 (all proper, 1s in the middle).
B2        Lead up and fall back.  Set in line.  2s gate the 1s to progressed places.

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Mary K
Longways improper     3/2 Cm G. Roodman, 2002 / D. Wiesler arrangement of Mozart
A1       Men cast R dancing clockwise into each other’s place,
turn partner two hands halfway (along line).
A2       Women repeat, turning neighbor halfway.
B1        Circle 4 halfway, open out briefly.
Face partner, pass through, loop R to face again.
2 changes of Rights & Lefts, starting with partner,
Turn partner two hands.  (Each move is 6 steps.)
B2        Petit Fours (3 steps to a side):
            With original couple: 1s: lead up center // face and fall back // dance down the outside // face and come towards each other.
            2s: Face each other and fall back // dance down the outside // face and come towards each other // lead up the center.
            With next couple: 1s: lead down center // face and fall back // dance up the outside // face and come towards each other.
            2s: Face each other and fall back // dance up the outside // Face and come towards each other // lead down the center.

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Round about our Coal Fire
Longways duple minor 1766 Tom Cook’s interpretation
A1       1s lead down (3), turn alone facing each other, lead up (3) and cast to 2nd place, 2s moving up (6).
A2       2s the same, 1s moving up.
B1        2nd woman hey with the 1s, giving L shoulder to 1st man
B2        2nd man hey with the 1s, giving R shoulder to 1st woman
A3       1st woman chase 2nd man (who backs up) (3), draw him into the center (3), then turn two hands (6).
A4       1st man chase 2nd woman, draw her to center, then turn two hands.
B3        1s cross over, cast down, 2s moving up;
1s ½ figure 8 up through 2s.
B4        4 changes of a  circular hey (no hands).

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Sunlight through Draperies
Longways duple minor 3/ 4D   Tom Roby 2004 / Tune L. Unger, 1989
A1       First corners dance back to back R shoulder (3 waltz steps), turning single R (1 waltz step). Gypsy partner R.
A2       Second corners dance L shoulder back to back and turn single L. Gypsy partner  L.
B1        Circle R once round.  Balance the ring, turn single R.
B2        Circle L.  Balance the ring, 1s cast, 2s lead up.

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