BACDS Fall Ball Nov 15 2014

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Colorful Fall Ball, Nov 15 2014

Other Bay Area Events on Scott Higgs' Schedule: "Fall-Oh Scott's Tour" Scott Higgs Flyer Headline

From The Bay Area Country Dancer, No.99– September 2014, p. 1


by Judy Rose Dornbush


(1) brightly colored, vivid, vibrant, brilliant, radiant, rich; multicolored, rainbow, varicolored, polychromatic;
psychedelic, neon, jazzy. (2) vivid, graphic, lively, animated, dramatic, fascinating, interesting, stimulating, scintillating,


To occur, take place, happen, come about; arise, come to pass; arrive, appear, materialize.


The third season of the year, when crops and fruits are gathered and leaves fall, in the northern hemisphere
from September to November and in the southern hemisphere from March to May; the period from the autumnal equinox to
the winter solstice.


A formal social gathering for dancing; enjoy oneself greatly; have a lot of fun.

We welcome English Country dancers to slip into festive array and dance COLORfully together at this year’s Fall Ball. For our community’s spectrum of dancers, Scott Higgs (Philadelphia, PA) has lent his prismatic vision to designing a rich, colorful program. HIs vivid dance and tune palette blends noted favorites of dancers, callers, and musicians, alike, and adds textured strokes and dabs of the unusual, complemented by subtly tinted waltz highlights.

Bringing light to the picture is a re-blended volunteer committee (to date: Joyce Cooper, Judy Rose, Shirley Worth, James Candlin and Alan Winston) with intentions to boldly color outside of the lines. We invite community members ... classicists, romanticists, abstractionists and expressionists; even, perhaps, a few cubists ... to join us in bringing our efforts into focus.


Regard as probable; expect or predict; be aware of, take action in order to be prepared; look forward to


To have a desire to do something; wished for; required to be attended to in a specified way; needed to do something helpful; desire to be in a particular place or situation.