Balance the Bay 2024 Registration
August 16-18, 2024 in San Francisco, CA

Hooray, It's Time to Register!

The cost is $185, which includes a catered dinner Saturday night, breakfast items Saturday and Sunday morning, and delicious snacks all weekend long. Young Adult rate (ages 18-30) is on a sliding scale of $90 to $170, Youth rate (ages 12-17) is $30. Work trade discounts are also available: $90 off for 4 hours of work (i.e. $95 to register).

How to Register

  1. Use the online registration form. (If you must use a paper form, send an email request to When you have completed your online registration, you will get an automated email that your form was received.

  2. Pay your registration fee. Payment options include PayPal, Venmo and checks; each is described on the payment page.

You will get an email within 10 days or less from the Registrar (Cathy Clary) after both the registration form and payment are received.

Other Registration Info