BACDS 2004 Playford Ball
Inspired by Puzzles and Parlour Games
April 3rd, 2004
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PlayFood: Snow Peapods with Pesto-cream cheese
"Gathering Cheesepods"
(Originally this was a cream cheese, almond, and roasted garlic spread - but this was judged
"too delicate / bland" by the Committee.)
For about 4 lbs. of fresh, good-looking snow peas, about 7-8 cups' worth,
use for the filling approximately:
1 1/2 Ibs. cream cheese {can be no-fat, or a mixture of non-fat & real), at room
4 T pesto, or more to taste
Blend the two well. Refrigerate (can refrigerate up to a week, if needed).
Wash the snow peas and dry them well.
On the day of the Ball, bring the filling to room temperature. Using a pastry bag with a big
nozzle, pipe a dollop of filling in the center of one snow pea pod. Find another of
approximately the same size and sandwich the filling between them. (It's decorative to let the
two form a very narrow X; don't do a true X or they won't fit nicely on the platter.) Plate
Refrigerate until time to serve.