BACDS 2004 Playford Ball
Inspired by Puzzles and Parlour Games
April 3rd, 2004
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PlayFood: Shortbread as a Dartboard
Created by Karla because of 2004 theme. Based on random standard Shortbread recipe.
1 c. butter
½ c. brown sugar
¼ c. granulated sugar
2 ¼ c. flour
½ tsp. salt
Circle templates 2”,6”, 10” (make these from cardboard or use cookie
cutters and plates if you have the right sizes)
Black icing for piping and a very small amount of red
Mix butter and sugars until blended. Add flour and salt and mix
thoroughly. Divide dough in thirds. Roll out one half to a 3/8” thick
circle, at least 14 inches across. Cut 2” circle from center. Using
templates, cut 6” and 10” circles. Remove any dough outside 10”, but
leave circles nested tightly. Cut the circles as for a pizza – quarter
the circles, cut each quarter in thirds, remove 6” circle pieces (12
pieces total), cut remaining pieces in half and remove the 10” circle
(24 more pieces). Shape the leftover dough into some facsimile of the
tail of a dart. Stick in a toothpick for the point. Total number of
pieces will be 85 plus any darts (try to make 6-12 darts). Place
pieces on an ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 300 degrees F for 20-25
minutes, until firm to the touch. Cool. Reassemble pieces into
dartboard. Ice center circle red. Pipe black icing along edges so
that it looks like the leading between the spaces on the dartboard.
Repeat for the remaining dough. Makes 111 pieces plus darts in all.