BACDS 2004 Playford Ball
Inspired by Puzzles and Parlour Games
April 3rd, 2004
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PlayFood: Peanut Butter Balls
"Bowling Balls"
This recipe makes about 150 pieces and takes 3-4 hours to make. It
keeps very well if stored in a tight container in the refrigerator, so
can be make well in advance. Obtained from Karla’s ex-mother-in-law
with original source unknown.
# butter
1 # creamy
peanut butter
2 # powdered sugar
1 Tbsp vanilla
24 oz. semi-sweet chocolate chips
2 oz. Paraffin (household wax of the sort we used to seal jam with –
I can supply)
Combine butter, peanut butter, sugar and vanilla until smooth and
blended. Shape into balls about ¾ inch across. Place balls in a
single layer on cookie sheets which have been covered with waxed paper;
it takes 2 sheets. Freeze. To coat with chocolate, melt chips and wax
in the top of a double boiler. When fully melted and blended, turn
heat to low, but leave on the burner so chocolate stays hot and runny.
Remove 1 sheet at a time from the freezer and dip the balls, returning
them to the waxed paper. This can be done easily using two tooth picks
– stick one pick into a ball for dipping and use the other to remove
dipped ball from the pick. Dip a pick in the hot chocolate to patch
any holes in the coating. Chill the dipped balls. Place in airtight
containers, separating layers with waxed paper. Store in refrigerator.
Keeps well. Makes about 150 balls.