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BACDS 2003 Playford Ball
An Entertainment in King Arthur's Court

March 29, 2003

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The Dances

(Dances notes, if provided, are meant as reminder directions only, and are not to be considered full or definitive directions to the dances. We urge everyone to buy the books in which these fine contemporary choreographers have published their work.  Most of the keys and meter below are from The Barnes Book of English Country Dances 1st edition, or the Germantown Country Dances list by Scott Higgs and Jenny Beer.)



Apley House
Ashford Anniversary
The Boring Meeting Maggot
Easter Thursday
The Fair One Let Me In
The Fandango
The First Lady
Freeford Gardens
From Aberdeen

Jump at the Sun
Margaret's Waltz
Mr. Isaac's Maggot
Rufty Tufty
Sun Assembly
Trip to Kilburn
Wa Is Me, What Mun I Do?
Wibsey Roundabout

Abbreviations and notes about the descriptions:

Apley House longways duple minor, Playford, 1745, music traditional
A 2 men take hands, fall back a double, and come forward turning single to place.  Women repeat.
B R hands across half-way and turn single (women L, men R).
2s cast down followed by 1s, into a line of 4 facing up.
C Lines dance up a double and fall back, finishing with all improper.  1s cast while 2s move up, and all cross with partner to progressed places.

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Ashford Anniversary  three couple set, Charles Bolton, More of the Same, 19??, music Phalese, 1850
Part I: Up a double
A Cpls take inside hands and dance up a double and back.  Facing partner, all fall back a double and come forward (no hands).
B1 1st and 2nd M with 2nd and 3rd W set and cross R shoulder (along right diagonal) while 1st W and 3rd man dance half-way around the set counter-clockwise to each other's place.  All turn single and end facing in across the set.
B2 All set to new partner and 2-hand turn once and a half.
Part II: Siding
A Side R and L shoulders with new partner ("Pat Shaw siding").
B1 As in Part I.
B2 As in Part I.
Part III: Arming
A Arm R and L with new partner
B1 As in Part I.
B2 As in Part I.

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Boring Meeting Maggot  two couple set, Gary Roodman, A Number of Calculated Figures, 2000, music "La Bouree" from Terpsichore, Michael Praetorius, 1612
Part I
A1 Inside hands joined, lead forward a double with partner; face partner, fall back a double with neighbor; turn single.
A2 Lead forward a double with neighbor; fall back a double with partner; turn single.
B1 Back-to-back partner; 2-hand turn half-way; lead away from the other cpl; lead back in; cross R shoulder with neighbor.
B2 Repeat B1 with neighbor, finishing by crossing R shoulder with partner to original places.
Part II
A1 Side partner R shoulders and turn single.
A2 Side partner L shoulders and turn single.
B1 Men turn by the L while women dance clockwise half-way around them; turn neighbor by the R half-way.  Women turn by the L while menu dance clockwise half-way around them; turn partner by the R half-way.
B2 Repeat B1, finishing in original places
Part III
A1 Arm R partner and turn single.
A2 Arm L partner and turn single.
B1 2 changes rights-and-lefts starting with partner; Men give R hand, then L hand, then turn one round; circle four half-way.
B2 2 changes rights-and-lefts starting with neighbor; Women give R hand, then L hand, then turn once round; circle four half-way.

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Easter Thursday  longways duple minor, The Complete English Dancing Master, c.1733, music traditional
A1 All Back-to-back neighbor and back-to-back partner.
A2 All R-hand turn neighbor and L-hand turn partner.
B1 All set advancing towards the center; turn single back to place; circle L.
B2 1st cpl half figure 8 down thru the 2s; cross R shoulder; cast off (2's moving up); 2-hand turn.

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The Fair One Let Me In  longways duple minor, Scott Higgs, Early One Morning, 1995, music T. Farmer, 1683
A1 All back-to-back partner, turning single R while falling back; into R hands across.
A2 1st corners cross R shoulder; 2nd corners cross R shoulder; all back-to-back neighbor.
B1 Circle L half-way; turn single L-hand turn partner once and a half to finish all improper, men facing up and women facing down.
B2 Men dance up a double and cast down while women dance down a double and cast up.  All 2-hand turn partner half-way; 1s cast off while 2s lead up.

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The Fandango three couple set, Thompson, 1774, music traditional
A1 1s R-hand turn and cast to 2nd place (2s moving up)
A2 1s (now in the middle) L-hand turn and cast off to 3rd place (3s moving up)
B1 Circle 6 around and back (slipping steps).
B2 1s (now at the bottom) lead to the top; cast off to 2nd place (3s moving down); turn single down.
A1 1s (now in the middle) 2-hand turn 1st corners (right diagonal) and then 2-hand turn partner.
A2 1s (continuing) 2-hand turn 2nd corners (left diagonal) and then 2-hand turn partner once and a half (finishing with a skipping step).
B1 1s (from the middle) figure 8, M up thru 2s (at the top), W down thru 3s (at the bottom) (skipping step).
B2 All hey-for-3, 1st W with 2s, 1st M with 3s (skipping step).  1s lead to the bottom, 3s moving up the outside.
Note: At the end of the sequence all are progressed one place.  The dance continues with new 1s, 2s, and 3s.  Also, once thru the dance is twice thru the music, so running the dance 3 times, is 6 times thru for the musicians.

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The First Lady  longways duple minor, Fried de Metz Herman, Potter's Porch, 1991, music "Lord Gregory's Fair Flower"
A1 1st W with partner half figure 8 thru 2s; 1st W with 2nd M half figure 8 across the set (skip-change step).
A2 1st W with 2nd W half figure 8 up; 1st W with partner half figure 8 across the set (skip-change step).
B1 Half "open" ladies chain a L-hands across.
B2 1s half draw pousette while 2s half pousette (counter clockwise).  1s cast while 2s lead up; all 2-hand turn partner.

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Freeford Gardens  longways duple minor, Kathryn and David Write, 1980, music "Edgeworth Bumkins", 18th century
A1 All set advancing; turn single R to place; cross R shoulder and loop L to finish improper.
A2 Repeat A1 back to place.
B1 1s half figure 8 down; 2s half figure 8 up (skipping step)
B2 Circle L half-way; fall back; all 2-hand turn partner.

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From Aberdeen longways triple minor, Playford, 1698, music traditional
A 1s cast off (2s moving up); 2-hand turn once and three-quarters; fall back (1st W between the 2s, 1st M between the 3s).
B1 Circle three, 1st M with 3s, 1st W with 2s; 1s switching hands with person on their L lead into a circle three on their on sides, finishing with 1s in 2nd place and all proper.  1s meet in the middle, circle L one quarter (no hands), and call back 1st W between the 3s, 1st M between the 2s.
B2 Repeat B1 from new positions; 1s 2-hand turn half-way to finish proper.

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Jump at the Sun  longways duple minor, Scott Higgs, Early One Morning, 1995, music "Jump at the Sun" by John Kirkpatrick
A1 1s set advancing to corners, W crossing in front; 1st corners L-hand turn while 2nd corners R-hand turn, finishing with 1s in the center facing down, 2s facing up on the outside.  1s lead down thru the next cpl and cast up while 2s up the outside and lead down.
A2 All set advancing to center of the original foursome, turn single R and circle L.
B1 Keeping hands with neighbor, all fall back and set; two changes of a circular hey by beginning with partner.
B2 1s half figure 8 down thru the 2s; circle L halfway; 2s gate the 1s up and around to progressed places.

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Lilliburlero longways duple minor, Playford, 1690, music traditional
A1 1's lead down thru 2s and cast up to place.
A2 2s lead up thru 1s and cast down to place.
B1 1st corners cross; 2nd corners cross; all fall back a double; come forward turning single.
B2 All cross partner R shoulder, turn back on neighbor and pass neighbor R shoulder backing up.  Partners face and dance three changes of a circular hey (skipping step).

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Margaret's Waltz Sicilian circle, Pat Shaw, Pat Shaw Collection 2, 1959, music "Margaret's Waltz" and "Farewell to Devon", Pat Shaw
A1 All dance forward and back and R-hand turn opposite.
A2 All L-hand turn partner and ladies' chain half-way.
B1 Retaining the courtesy turn hold, all slow chassé with opposite diagonally forward to R, then to L, finishing with cpls back-to-back.
B2 All turn R into R-hands across three quarters to original places; back-to-back opposite; waltz partner half-way round opposites to face a new cpl.

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Mr. Isaac's Maggot  longways duple minor, Playford, 1698, music traditional
A 1st M R-hand turn 2nd W, 1st M passing outside 2nd M to home place.  1st W L-hand turn 2nd M, 1st W passing outside 2nd W to home place.
B All fall back; come forward turning single; three changes of a circular hey, R shoulder partner to begin, finishing in a line facing up.
C All dance up a double and back, 2s gate 1s around to progressed places.

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Rufty Tufty  2 couple set, Playford, 1651, music traditional
Part I
A Lead forward a double and back; repeat.
B Set and turn single to partner; repeat.
C Lead partner way (take inside hands); lead back in; turn single.  Repeat with opposite.
Part II
A Side partner (Cecil Sharp or "swirl" siding); repeat.
B As in Part I.
C As in Part I.
Part III
A Arm R and L partner.
B As in Part I.
C As in Part I.

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Sun Assembly  longways duple minor, Thompson, 1757, music traditional
A1 Circle L half-way and fall back.  2s gate 1s up and around.
A2 1s half figure 8 up thru 2s who cross over after 1s have passed.  All set and turn single.
B1 1s R-hands across with (new) 2nd cpl below.  L-hands across with their 2s above.
B2 1s lead down thru (new) 2nd cpl and cast-up, and all 2-hand turn partner.

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Trip to Kilburn  longways triple minor, Playford, 1728, music "Black and Grey", 1686
A1 1s cast off (2s moving up); circle 4 with 3s; lead down one place.
A2 1s cast up (3s moving down); circle 4 with 2s; lead up one place.
B1 1s cast off; circle 6.
B2 2s and 1s four changes of a circular hey and 2-hand turn partner.

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Wa Is Me, What Mun I Do  longways duple minor, Playford, 1696, music Henry Purcell, 1696
A1 1st M set L and R to the 2 women; circle three half-way; releasing partner's hand, lead the line around behind the 2nd M finishing with the men below the women.
A2 Repeat A1, 2nd M dancing with the two women, finishing with all progressed and improper.
B1 All fall back; come forward; circle L on position with two chassé steps (no hands).  Lead partner away; lead back in; all cast R one place to original positions.
B2 1st corners meet and fall back; 2nd corners meet and fall back; all three changes R and L beginning with partner.

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Wibsey Roundabout  five couple circle mixer, Gary Roodman, Sum Further Calculated Figures, 2001, music "Hugh O'Donnell", Turlough O'Carolan
A Men go into the center.  Women go into the center while men fall back.  Men go into the center while women fall back.  Men turn to their R, R-hand turn partner three quarters back to original places; 3 changes R and L staring with partner starting with partner.
B All women R-hands across once round and back-to-back with current partner.  All into the center and back; pass current partner R shoulder and 2-hand turn the next.
Note: Repeat four times to return to original partner.

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Revised:  03/27/03