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BACDS 2002 Playford Ball
"A Midsummer Night's Dream"

March 23, 2002

Home ] Prologue ] Events ] [ Registration ] Locations ] Dances ] Call for volunteers ] Committee ] Contact Us ]


Welcome to the online registration form.  You can fill it out online, or print it mail a copy to the Playford Ball registrar.  However, please be aware that the date of registration will be the date your check is actually received.  Mail to: BACDS, c/o Annette Kindred, 2326 McGee Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94703-1624.

Please submit one registration per person.

First name as you would like it on your name tag:
Street Address:
Zip/Postal code:
Email address:
Where do you normally dance? (Out of towners, select OTHER)
If OTHER, please specify place and dance here 

Please, do NOT include above information on a roster of attendees.

Registration options::
Early registration if received by March 2nd $30
General registration if received from March 3rd to March 17th $35
Non-dancer seating with refreshments $9

Optional additional donation to BACDS
(Note: All donations to BACDS are tax deductible):

Total amount to be enclosed:

(You can also contact our volunteer coordinator for the following)
I am willing to volunteer beforehand to help with the Ball.
I am willing to volunteer on the day of the Ball
I am willing to volunteer the evening of the Ball

(You can also contact our hospitality coordinator for the following)
need can provide hospitality for out-of-towners

Do you have any additional comments about your registration?

Do you have  any suggestions about this registration form?

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Copyright © 1998-2002 Spellbinder Systems Group
for the Bay Area Country Dance Society.  All rights reserved
Send comments and questions about this webpage to the
Revised:  02/12/02

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