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BACDS 2002 Playford Ball
"A Midsummer Night's Dream"

March 23, 2002

The Dances

(These are meant as reminder directions only, and are not to be considered full or definitive directions to the dances. We urge everyone to buy the books in which these fine contemporary choreographers have published their work.)

Barbarini's Tambourine
The Bishop
Doctor Vincent's Delight
The Doldrum
Hey Boys Up Go We
The Hole in the Wall
Lull Me Beyond Thee *
Michael and All Angels *
Mister Beveridge's Maggot *
Orleans Baffled
Puck's Deceit
The Queen's Jig
Smithy Hill
Tom Jones
Waters of Holland
The Wood Duck

Dances marked * are considered "For those who know".

Barbarini's Tambourine longways duple minor, 1745, reconstructed by Jacqueline Schwab
A1 1st corners cast (M down, W up) half a figure-eight thru 2nd corners (pass L) to corner's place.
A2 2nd corners repeat (M up, W down) passing R.
B1 Balance back (2 steps), then cross over R shoulder (6 steps), back-to-back neighbor, then partner.
B2 Circular hey, 4 changes with hands (facing partner to start).   Two-hand turn partner.

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The Bishop longways triple minor, 1778
A1 1st M cast (2nd M move up), and set to 3rd W; two-hand turn.
A2 1st W cast (2nd W move up), and set to 3rd M; two-hand turn.
B1 2's (at the top) gate the 1s (in the middle) up while bottom couple gypsy.  All circle L half-way.
B2 3's (at the top) gate the 1s (in the middle) up while bottom couple gypsy.  All circle L half-way.

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Childgrove longways duple minor, improper, 1701
A1 Side partner, back-to-back partner.
A2 Side neighbor, back-to-back neighbor.
B1 Two-hand turn neighbor once and a half (skipping).
Two-hand turn partner, once (walking).
B2 Double Figure 8: 1's dance a full figure-eight up thru the 2's above while 2's cast below, cross up the center to partner's place, cast down, and cross up the center to own place.

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Doctor Vincent's Delight three couple set, mixer, 1983, Charles Bolton
A1 Set forward to partner, turn single to place, R-hand turn partner.
A2 Fall back (no hands), come forward, L-hand turn partner.
B1 2nd M (down), 2nd W (up) R-hand star with couple on their R; all R gypsy partner.
2nd M (up), 2nd W (down) L-hand star with couple on their L; all L gypsy partner.
B2 Lines back and forward (with hands), circle six L half-way.
Back-to-back partner, and cross R shoulder (set now 3's, 2's, 1's).
Top 2 M and bottom 2 W back past each other R shoulder while top W and bottom M turn single
Progression: W3 W1 W2
M2 M3 M1
(repeat sequence twice to get home)

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The Doldrum  four couple square set, 1935, Maggot Pie
Part I:  Chorus, Into the Middle and Out
A1 All circle L (slipping).   In a double and back.
A2 Repeat, circling R.
B1 W face out, M face in.  All go forward and back.  Back-to-back partner.
B2 Repeat with M facing out, W facing in.  Back-to-back partner starting L shoulder.
Part II: Chorus, Turn into Double Star
A1 As in Part I.
A2 As in Part I.
B1 Two-hand turn partner (skipping), M L-hand star while retaining partner's hand in his R with W next to partner (walking).
B2 Two-hand turn partner (skipping), W R-hand star while retaining partner's hand in her L with M next to partner (walking).
Part III: Chorus, Center and Cast
A1 As in Part I.
A2 As in Part I.
B1 M in a double, quarter-turn L, and back out into next place (CW)  while W cast behind partner's place (move one place L).
All that again.
B2 W in a double, quarter-turn R, and back out into next place (CCW) while M cast behind partner's place (move one place R).
All that again.
Ending: Chorus
A1 As in Part I.
A2 As in Part I.

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Hey Boys, Up Go We two couple set, 1651, originally "Cuckolds All a Row"
Part I: Meet - Back Gypsy, Front Gypsy
A Forward a double (towards other couple) and back. 
All that again.
B1 Gypsy opposite facing out (R shoulder), then gypsy facing in (L shoulder).
B2 Gypsy partner facing out (R shoulder), then gypsy facing in (L shoulder).
Part II: Siding - Corner Cross, Circle
A Side partner.
Side opposite.
B1 Men cross, women cross, circle L once.
B2 Women cross, men cross, circle L once.
Part III: Arming - Half pousette, M Cast and W follow
A Arm R partner.
Arm L opposite.
B1 Half pousette (men going forward).  Men cast R, followed by partner, making a loop and returning to same place.
B2 Finish the pousette (men going backwards).  Men cast L, followed by partner, making a loop back home.

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The Hole in the Wall - Minuet, longways duple minor (triple time), 1698, Minuet version 1970 by Ron Smedley
Use Minuet step throughout: Step, feet together (rise to toes and fall), step, step, step, feet together (rise and fall)
A1 1's cast down below 2's and lead up to place.
A2 2's cast up above 1's and lead down to place.
B1 1st corners cross, 2nd corners cross.
B2 Circle four L half-way, 1's cast below while 2's lead up.

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Lull Me Beyond Thee four couple set, bottom two improper, 1651, (musicians' note: in Barnes, no repeat of the A part)
Part I: Meet and retire.  Form lines across, fall back and come forward, and turn
A In a double towards partner and back.
All that again.
B1 Center people lead neighbor away from partner while end couples lead in to meet.
Join hands in lines across the hall, fall back (center people separating).  Come forward and turn opposite.
B2 New inner people lead away while new ends meet.  In original set, fall back, come forward and turn partner.
Part II: Shoulder siding.  Lead out and back, circle on sides, repeat on ends
A Side partner R.
End couples side L partner while inner couples side L neighbor.
B1 Turn back on partner.  Lines of four lead out and fall back, then circle four L once around.
B2 Turn to face up or down.  Lines of four across the hall lead away,  fall back, then circle four L once around to place.
Part III: Arming.  Cross over, lead thru arches, and turn half
A Arm R partner.
End couples arm L partner while inner couples arm L neighbor.
B1 Inner couples lead neighbor out and fall back while end couples cross, meet opposite, change places with them, and face set.
Inner people make an arch and walk forward while ends lead through the arch.  All ,two-hand turn opposite half-way.
B2 Repeat entire sequence with reversed roles, ending home with partner.

(Alternate version with agreement of your set - change positions by replacing final half turn with: 1st and 4th couples cross and cast to center while 2nd and 3rd turn partner half-way, moving to end position)

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Michael and All Angels longways duple minor, 1991, Fried Herman (Potter's Porch), music adapted from Purcell
  Gypsy, Cast, and Turn
A1 1st corners gypsy R shoulder (quick).  1st M cast down around 2nd M while 2nd W cast up around 1st W.  L-hand turn once around to wind up in corner's place.
A2 2nd corners gypsy L shoulder.  2nd M cast up around 2nd W, while 1st W cast down around 1st M.  R-hand turn once around to wind up in corner's place (all are progressed and improper).
  Star half, 1st corners cross, Star half, turn single
B R-hands across half-way.  1st corners pass face-to-face (chasse).   L-hands across half-way.  Turn single R.
  Circle and Pousette
C Single file circle L (no hands) three-quarters, then half-pousette partner (still CW, 1st W and 2nd M start forward), to original place.
  Balance and cast or lead up
D Balance forward and back to partner; 1's cast while 2's lead up.

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Mister Beveridge's Maggot (revised) longways duple minor (triple time), 1701, Pat Shaw interpretation about 1934.  (Musicians' note: the first strain is placed twice, and the second but once)
A1 1's cross R shoulder and back-to-back 2's below
A2 1's turn single (M R, W L) into R-hand turn with 2's below.
1's L-hand turn partner half-way to home.
B 1's cross R shoulder, cast below while 2's meet and lead up.
1's back-to-back ending in middle of a line of four facing up while 2's cast to ends of the line.
All forward three steps and back.
1's lead up, cross, and cast, while 2's meet and lead up.

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Orleans Baffled longways duple minor, 1710
NOTE: Many of the dances that we do were at one time triple minor dances, but have been converted to duple minor to appeal to today's dancers.   Orleans Baffled has remained a  triple minor dance in print, but many groups treat it as a duple minor in practice.  In both forms, the first couple moves continuously.  In the duple minor form, the second couple does also.
A1 1's cast down while 2's lead up; half pousette with next couple (1st M starts forward)
A2 1's cast up while 2's lead down; half (finish) pousette with original couple (1st M starts back) to original places.
B 1st corners cross; 2nd corners cross; three changes of a circular hey, starting by facing neighbor.

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Portsmouth longways duple minor, 1701, (the longer version)
A1 1st M hey-for-three with the 2 women, start passing 2nd W by R shoulder.
A2 1st W hey-for-three with the 2 men, start passing 2nd M by L shoulder.
B1 1's cross, cast, and half figure-eight thru 2's.
B2 Four changes of a circular hey (with hands).

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Puck's Deceit longways duple minor, 1997, Chris Sackett and Brooke Friendly, music Kettle Drum (Playford, 1651)
A1 1's gypsy R shoulder while 2's meet and cast up behind neighbor into line of four.
A2 1's cross R shoulder into a gypsy R shoulder with corner.  End with 1's back-to-back in the center of a line of four, facing corner.
B1 Hey-for-four, start by passing corner R shoulder.   End facing up in line of four (M2 W1 M1 W2)
B2 All up a double and back.  2's gate 1's to progressed places.  1's cross over back to the line.

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The Queen's Jig longways duple minor, 1701
A 1st corners side; set and turn single.
2nd corners repeat.
B1 1st corners cross, 2nd corners cross.  All fall back two steps; cross partner R shoulder and start turning R.
B2 Continue turn into R-hands across.  All turn single.

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Smithy Hill longways duple minor, improper, 1987, Tom Cook, tune by Brian Jenkins
A1 Circle L 4 steps, balance L and R.
All that again.
B1 W cross R shoulder, then M cross R shoulder.
All that again.
A2 Lead neighbor out, change places, W going under joined arms (California twirl), W chain across.
L hand to partner and change places, W going under joined arms (Box the Gnat).
B2 Half hey for four, passing partner by L, W pass by R, pass neighbor by L, M pass by R.  Take partner by two hands, M backing into progressed places.   Balance L & R.

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Tom Jones three couple set, 1765, version from Wright's Humours Vol 2, 1984
A1 1's R-hand turn once around, long cast to 2nd place while 2's lead up.
A2 1st W R-hand star with 2's while 1st M R-hand star with 3's.  All L-hand turn partner.
B1 1st W hey-for-three with 2's while 1st M hey-for-three with 3's (skip-change step).
B2 1's and 2's circular hey four changes.  At end 1's cast outside to bottom while 3's lead up to middle.

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Waters of Holland   three couple set, 2's improper, 1975, Pat Shaw (version 2 in New Wine in Old Bottles)
Part I
A1 Up a double and back.  Turn in towards partner and change hands.
A2 Down a double and back.
B1 Top 2 men and bottom 2 women set forward R and L along diagonal R; change place passing R shoulder.  Two-hand turn new partner once and a half.
B2 Top 2 women and bottom 2 men set forward R and L along diagonal R; change place passing R shoulder. Two-hand turn new partner once and a half.
Part II
A1 Side partner R shoulder.
A2 Side partner L shoulder
B1 As in Part I.
B2 As in Part I.
Part III
A1 Arm R partner.
A2 Arm L partner.
B1 As in Part I.
B2 As in Part I.

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The Wood Duck circle of couples (M facing out, W outside facing in) waltz mixer, triple time, 1978, Fried Herman (Pinewoods Dance Collection)
A1 All gypsy R partner, then L-hand turn dancer diagonally to L.
A2 All gypsy L partner, then R-hand turn dancer diagonally to R.
B Take partner with two hands, chasse 2 steps CCW (M's L).  Men turn partner under L arm into circle facing out (women L of original partner); balance forward and back.  Men lead new partner on R hand to face them.  All waltz with new partner around circle CCW (rotating CW).

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