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BACDS Fall Ball
"Our 15th Year"

November 21, 2009

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The Dances:

The Dancing Wife
De'il Take the Warr
Dublin Bay
Hambleton's Round-O
I Care Not For These Ladies
Indian Queen
Jack's Health
Key to the Cellar
Levi Jackson Rag
Lilli Burlero
Morecambe Bay
A New Beginning
Turning By Threes
Valley of the Moonlight

If a dance has a next to it, click on that to see the musical notation (for those with tunes not in Barnes I or II).

Longways duple minor, improper, 2/2 meter
Playford, 1701

A1 All side with partner, dance back to back with partner.
A2 All side with neighbor, dance back to back with neighbor.
B1 Turn neighbor two hands 1½ (skipping) to change places. Turn partner two hands.
B2 1st couple dance a full figure 8 up around 2nd couple.

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The Dancing Wife
Longways duple minor, 2/2 meter
(Pell Mell, Playford) Gary Roodman, 1992

A1 1st couple lead down through 2nd couple, cast back to place.
Circle with previous 2nd couple above.
A2 2nd couple lead down through couple just circled with, cast back to place.  
Circle with original 1st couple above.
B1 1st corners change; 2nd corners change. 
All change R shoulder with neighbor, and turn single R.
B2 2 changes of Rights and Lefts, starting with partner, and turn partner 2 hands once round.

Note: In A1 & A2, casting couples face UP, waiting couples face DOWN, for each circle.

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De'il Take the Warr
3 couple set, 4/4 meter
Young, 1721

A1 1st couple long cast one place while 2nd couple moves up.  1st couple 2 hand turn.
1st couple lead through 3rd couple, cast back to middle place, 2 hand turn.
A2 2nd couple repeat A1. All end in original places.
B1 The men hey for 3, 1st & 2nd men passing R shoulder to begin. 

Progressive changes
(one bar per hand): 1st man change places by R with partner, L with 2nd man, R with 2nd woman, L with 3rd man, R with 3rd woman, and 1st man and 3rd woman turn single L.
B2 Women repeat B1: Women hey, then 1st woman begins the progressive changes giving R to 2nd man (across the set); 1st man and 3rd woman turn single L.

The final time through the dance, all finish with turn single L.

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Dublin Bay
Longways duple minor, 12/8 meter
Playford, 1713

A 1st couple cross passing R shoulder while setting to face 2nd couple (1st woman cross first).
Turn opposite R hand.

1st couple cross L shoulder and cast (2nd couple dance up), dance in and up to finish between 2nd couple facing same gender neighbor. 

Arm R with neighbor and finish 4 in line facing down, 1st couple in the middle.
B All fall back a double up the hall and come forward, turning towards neighbor to face up.
All fall back a double down the hall and come forward.
2nd couple gate 1st couple to progressed place.

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Longways duple minor, 3/4 meter
Colin Hume, 1991

A 1st couple set, turn 2 hands halfway.
All set to neighbor, turn 2 hands halfway.
B Dance back to back with partner.
Circle L halfway, come in close to partner, fall back with neighbor.
C Open Ladies' Chain across and back.
D 1st couple cross, cast, and ½ figure eight up; while 2nd couple wait (2 bars), ½ figure eight up, and lead up.

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Hambleton's Round O
Longways triple minor, 3/2 meter
Playford, 1713

A 1st couple cast down one place while 2nd couple moving up.
1st woman hey with 2nd couple, giving L shoulder to 2nd man while 1st man hey with 3rd couple, giving L shoulder to 3rd woman.
1st couple turn two hands once in 2nd place.
B 1st woman and 2nd man change places.
1st man and 2nd woman change places.
1st and 2nd couples circle 4 halfway, turn single, and dance 4 changes of a circular hey, starting with partner.

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I Care Not For These Ladies
Circle mixer, 6/8 meter
(T. Campian) Skrobela, 1969

Part 1
A1&2 Slipping circle L and R.
B Set to partner, turn single R.
C Dance 2 slow changes of a grand chain: R hand to partner turn half-way and acknowledge partner; L hand to next dancer turn half-way and acknowledge.
Turn the next dancer two hands once round.  This is your new partner.
Part 2
A1&2 Side R shoulder to partner; repeat with L shoulder.
B As in Part 1
C As in Part I
Part 3
A1&2 Arm R partner; arm L partner
B As in Part 1
C As in Part I

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Indian Queen
Longways duple minor, 4/4 meter
Playford, 1701

A1 1st corners set advancing, turn single to place, 2 hand turn.
A2 2nd corners repeat A1.
B1 R hand star; L hand star.
B2 Partners back to back; 3 changes of a circular hey.

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Jack's Health
Longways duple minor, 6/8 meter
(Bolt the Door) Playford, 1686

A1 1st couple cross, cast down while 2nd couple leads up.  1st couple turn two hands to end improper.
A2 Dance back to back with neighbor.
Fall back a double with neighbor and set.
B1 Forward a double, turn single (cloverleaf).
4 changes of rights & lefts.
All turn partner 2 hands to own side.

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Key to the Cellar
Longways triple minor, 3/2 meter
Jenny Beer 2004

A1 1st couple cast to middle while 2nd couple moves up; gate down with the 3rd couple.
A2 Lines forward and back; 1st couple gate up with the 2nd couple.
B1 Heys for 3 across the dance, 1st woman up with 2nd couple, 1st man down with 3rd couple.
B2 1st couple gypsy, then all turn two hands.

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Levi Jackson Rag
Five couple set mixer: one head, two couples each side facing across, 2/4 meter
Pat Shaw

A1 Side couples R & L through (1-4), while head couple dance halfway down the center (3-4).
Side couples R & L back (5-8), while head couple dance to the bottom (7-8).
A2 Side couples circle left once round with opposite couple, while head couple separate & cast to the top.
All dance back to back with partner.
B1 All five women chain (R hand star) two places with a courtesy turn.
Repeat, keeping hold after the courtesy turn for:
B2 Promenade new partner to next place, men turn the women under, balance & swing.

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Lilli Burlero
Longways duple minor, 6/8 meter
Playford, 1690

A 1st couple lead down through 2nd couple, and cast up to place.
2nd couple lead up through 1st couple, and cast down to place.
B1 1st corners change places, 2nd corners change places.
All fall back a double, then come forward turning single.
B2 All change places with partner R shoulder.
Turn back to neighbor, and change with neighbor backing up passing R shoulder to original positions.
Three changes of a circular hey, beginning with partner.

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Morecambe Bay
Sicilian Circle, 6/8 meter
Pat Shaw, 1972

A1 R hands across, on 5th beat all clap and turn out to the L.
L hands back, all clap and turn out to the R.
A2 Dance back to back with opposite and swing (end with the woman on the R, facing partner in or out of the circle).
B1 Ladies' Chain across and back (North Country Style)
B2 Circle L once round and swing partner, opening to face a new couple.

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A New Beginning
3 couple set, 3/4 meter
(G.F. Handel) Gary Roodman, 1992

A1 Crossover mirror hey. 1st couple end improper.
A2 1st couple lead down to face 3rd couple while second couple dance up the outside (2 bars).
1st and 3rd couples R hands across while 2nd couple turn R hand. (4 bars).
All turn single (2 bars).
B 2nd & 3rd couples, facing up and down, dance forward a double and back, pass through, and cast away from partner to sides; while 1st couple wait (2 bars), dance forward a double and back to partner, and change places with a 1/2 gypsy.
Finish all proper in order 3,1,2.
C Partners dance back to back, and all turn partner 2 hands.

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Turning By Threes
Three couple circle mixer, 3/4 meter
(Tourner a Trois, Paul Macklis, 1998) Gary Roodman, 2001
A1 Circle L, turn single L, circle R, turn single R.
A2 Back to back partner (4 bars).
Grand chain, 2 changes.
Turn the 3rd person by the R.
B Men star L once round.
Women star R once round.
Men advance toward the center with two single steps.
Men fall back while the women advance with two single steps.
Women look over R shoulder and gypsy R with this new partner 1¼ times finishing in the circle.

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Valley of the Moonlight
3 couple set, 2nd couple improper, 3/4 meter
(S. Salis, 2003) David Newitt 2005

Part I
A All step L and honor partner, turn single R, into … 
Circle 6 hands around to the L and back to the R, reforming the set. 
All turn single R and set to partner
B 2nd couple (improper) turn by the right hand 1 ¼ times round, ending with 2nd man between the 3rd couple facing 3rd man, 2nd woman between the 1st couple facing 1st woman (4 bars).

“Half heys with a twist”: 2nd man with the 3rd couple, 2nd woman with the 1st couple, begin R shoulder half heys for 3 across the dance.  On bar 7 2nd couple meet in the middle right shoulders, face each other up and down the dance (man above, woman below), and fall back on bar 8: 2nd man up through the 1s, 2nd woman down through the 3s.  1s and 3s finish the ½ heys improper, in the center of the set with partner taking hands 3: 1st couple below 2nd man facing up; 3rd couple above 2nd woman, facing down (4 bars).

Circle 3 hands round to the left (3 bars). On bar 12 the 2s let go with L hands to lead their circles out toward original places, finishing in a circle taking hands 6.  Circle 6 hands round two places to the left, and all face new partner and turn single R.  1st man and 3rd woman finish improper in 2nd place.
Part II
A All side with partner (Cecil Sharp style, L shoulder “swirl” siding); set, and turn single.
Repeat with R shoulder “swirl” style siding.
B As in Part I but from new positions.
Part III
A All turn partner once round by the R hand; set, and turn single.
Repeat with L hand turn.
B As in Part 1 B but from new positions.

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for the Bay Area Country Dance Society.  All rights reserved
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Revised:  2009-10-02