BACDS Fall Ball
Celebrating the tricentiquinqagenary (350th anniversary) of
John Playford's "English Dancing Master" through modern interpretations
November 17, 2001
Call for volunteers:
The Fall Ball is a community dance. What makes it work
is the donated time, energy, and efforts of members of the dance community who help create
the ball each year. We welcome volunteers and have many different kinds of tasks
with which can help. Some tasks occur before the Ball; others the day of, during, or
after the Ball. Here are just a few of the them.
- Door and Welcome greeters
- Servers of water and punch during breaks
- Decorations preparation and setup
- Hall cleanup
- Kitchen cleanup
- Sound setup
- Food preparation and contributions to the after-ball potluck
- Name tag preparation
- Help out at the mailing party for our flyer
- Help with supplies
- Dust mop the floor between workshop and the ball
Why not contact Victoria, our volunteer
coordinator and see what might be right for you? You'll be giving something
back to the dance community.
The Potluck - A
Message from Alice, your Fall Ball Foodmeister:
Good potluck items are those which can be picked up and eaten easily. Finger foods,
and salads or things that aren't too messy are great.
GOOD finger food items include California Roll-type sushi (vegetarian), finger sandwiches,
quiches, fruit such as grapes, mini-bananas, apples,
pears, kumquats, etc., rolls, corn bread, chips, dips & salsas, baked tofu, tabouli,
hummus, cheeses, crackers, salads (onion-free--we will be
dancing closely with each other!) and cookies, cakes and brownies.
ALWAYS leave cakes and brownies unsliced, so that the kitchen staff can make them uniform
in size, since several people usually bring them.
Wheat-free items are always appreciated, as are low fat and sugar-free items.
Crudités such as broccoli, cauliflower or asparagus should be steamed slightly before
bringing, to take the gassy edge off from them. Everyone
will appreciate that.
Vegetarian food is a good common denominator, since everyone can eat it, and there are so
many delicious and inexpensive vegetarian foods. Face it, cookies are vegetarian.
Lasagna-type foods, including spanikopita, are good, because they can be re-heated and
served warm. Historically, warm foods get eaten up
completely, so if you don't want to take home a bunch of leftovers, bring something warm
and delicious. Contact me for more ideas on this.
BAD potluck items include soups (which require bowls and spoons), burritos, Sloppy Joe's,
pizza (which gets cold too quickly & doesn't reheat well) Chinese food (gets cold, and
the grease becomes painfully evident, and wilts upon reheating), anything with RAW garlic
or onions.
Fish-sushi is dangerous at a pot luck; fish spoils very easily, and unless one obtains
freshly-caught fish and makes the sushi themselves that
afternoon, and refrigerates it during transport, the health risk is a little high for me
to serve late at night to a bunch of fatigued dancers. California rolls are the best
See you there!