BACDS Fall Ball
Celebrating the tricentiquinqagenary (350th anniversary) of
John Playford's "English Dancing Master" through modern interpretations
November 17, 2001
The Dances:
(Note: all dances are considered copyright their composers, where
applicable; "extra" dances will be done if time allows. Dances "For Those
Who Know" - no talkthroughs are designed by an asterisk).)
Bellamira - Longways
duple minor, traditional Playford, 1688, Colin Hume interpretation |
A1 |
1's lead down the middle, turn alone.
Lead back, the man hands the woman into his place and falls into hers. |
A2 |
All side right shoulder with neighbour ("with
foot and elbow"). Side left. |
B1 |
Two-hand turn neighbour. 1's cross
and go below the 2's; 2's lead up. |
B2 |
1st corners cross; 2nd corners cross.
All clap and circle left half-way; turn single left. |
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C & N - 4 couple longways,
1's and 3's improper, (progression 3-1-4-2), Philippe Callens, 1997 |
A1 |
1-3 |
Top two and bottom two couples circle left
once around. |
4-6 |
In same fours, half a double figure-eight,
end couples start by crossing while middle couples start by casting
to the nearer end. |
A2 |
1-3 |
End couples lead through nearer middle
couples and cast back to place. |
4-6 |
Middle couples lead through nearer end
couples and cast back to place. |
B1 |
1-4 |
In fours, men cross right shoulder (as in
Hole in the Wall), then women cross right shoulder. |
5-6 |
New middle couples right hands across
half-way, while new end couples right-hand turn with partner once
around. |
B2 |
1-4 |
Circle eight left, no hands joined,
half-way around. |
5-6 |
All two-hand turn partner half-way around
and fall back into progressed positions. |
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December Waltz -
4 couple longways, 1's and 3's improper, Fried de Metz Herman, 1992 |
A1 |
1-2 |
Middle couples set forward on the diagonal. |
3-4 |
Middle couples turn single right back to places. |
5-6 |
Middle couples right hands across half-way around to... |
7-8 |
In fours, all left hands across half-way around. |
A2 |
Repeat A1 from new positions. |
B1 |
1-2 |
End couples cast while middles turn toward neighbors and
face out. |
3-4 |
Middles form an arch with neighbor and move out over the end
couples while ends move under the arches.
The set is now sideways: |
M2 |
W1 |
M1 |
W2 |
W3 |
M4 |
W4 |
M3 |
5-6 |
New end dancers of this set cast while new middles turn
toward partners and raise an arch up and down the hall. |
7-8 |
The middles move out over the end couples while ends move
under the arches. All are now in the same places as at the end of A2.
(Note: the movements of B1 flow into each other) |
B2 |
1-4 |
Circle eight left half-way. End in longways formation. |
5-8 |
Partners right shoulder gypsy to original places. |
C |
1-2 |
1st woman change places with right-diagonal dancer by right
shoulder. |
3-4 |
1's change places with left-diagonal dancers by left shoulder. |
5-6 |
1's change places with right-diagonal dancers by right shoulder. |
7-8 |
1st man change places with left-diagonal dancer by left shoulder. |
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Fandango - Three
couple set, traditional Playford, 1774 |
A1 |
1's turn each other with right hands and cast into 2nd place while
2's move up. |
A2 |
1's turn each other with left hands and cast to the bottom while
3's move up. |
B1 |
Circle six eight steps left and eight steps back to right (slipping
step). |
B2 |
1-6 |
1's lead up through 2's and cast off one place, 3's moving down. |
7-8 |
1's meet in the middle and turn single down and away. |
A3 |
1-4 |
The 1st man turns the 3rd woman, while the 1st woman turns
the 2nd man. |
5-8 |
The 1st man turns his partner. |
A4 |
1-4 |
The 1st man turns the 2nd woman three-quarters, while the
1st woman and 3rd man do the same. |
5-8 |
1's (now improper) turn 1 1/2 times round. |
B3 |
The 1st man does figure-eight round 2's, passing the 2nd woman by
the right while the 1st woman does the same round 3's, passing the 3rd man by the
right (skipping step). |
B4 |
1-6 |
The 1st man heys with 3's, passing the woman by the left while
the 1st woman does the same with 2's, passing the man by the left (skipping step). |
7-8 |
In the last two bars 1's lead down into bottom places and 3's
finish their hey in middle places. |
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The Great Hall -
Longways duple minor, couple 1 improper, Charles Bolton, 1994 |
A1 |
1-4 |
1's cross left shoulder, move down, meet, and acknowledge while
2's do two-hand turn half-way, lead up and acknowledge. |
5-6 |
All turn single away from partner (men right, women left) to face
neighbour. |
A2 |
1-4 |
Back-to-back neighbour, right shoulder. |
5-6 |
Two-hand turn neighbour half-way, and open to face across. |
B1 |
1-4 |
Circle left half-way and fall back, keeping hand with neighbour. |
5-8 |
Set right and left, moving forward, and cross right shoulder with
partner, but stay facing out. |
9-14 |
Giving inside hand to neighbour, wheel round half-way (men moving
backwards), release neighbour's hand and continuing the movement, men draw pousette
partners half-way. |
B2 |
1-4 |
Men cross right shoulder; woman cross left shoulder, and all face
partner. |
5-8 |
Set right and left, and cross right shoulder with partner (all
should now be in original places). |
9-12 |
All turn right into a right hands across once around. |
13-14 |
Face neighbour on the line, pass right shoulder to progressed
places, and face partner to continue. |
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Hole in the Wall
- Longways duple minor, traditional Playford, 1698 |
A1 |
1's cast down, meet below the 2's (2's do not move); 1's lead up
between 2's to original places. |
A2 |
2's cast up, meet above the 1's (1's do not move); 2's lead down
between 1's to original places. |
B |
1st man and 2nd woman change; 2nd man and 1st woman change; circle
left half-way; 1's cast down while 2's lead up. |
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Hudson Barn -
Longways duple minor, Jacqueline Schwab and Charles Hammond, 1974 |
A1 |
Circle left once around. |
A2 |
1-2 |
Left hands across half-way back. |
3-4 |
2nd man and 1st woman drop hands and stand in place while
the others, left hands still joined, take right hands and continue turning in the same
direction another 1 1/2 times. The men are now in the top places with the women
below. |
B1 |
Circle right once around. |
B2 |
1-2 |
Right hands across half-way back. |
3-4 |
Original 1st man and 2nd woman drop hands and stand in place while
the others, right hands still joined, take left hands and continue turning in the same
direction 1 1/2 times. All are now progressed but improper. |
A3 |
All back-to-back neighbour along the line (man with man, woman with
woman) |
A4 |
1's change with 2's by moving up the outside, woman given right
hands, man left, and dance a half figure-eight around 2's. 1's are now home, 2's
improper. |
B3 |
1's go down the center and back. |
B4 |
1's cast down one place, 2's moving up, and all two-hand turn
partner until proper (1 1/2 times for the 2's). |
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Long Live London
- Sicilian circle (couple facing couple), Pat Shaw, 1971 |
A1 |
1-4 |
All pass opposite by right shoulder; men turn left, women right,
all move backwards passing partner by right shoulder. |
5-8 |
All that again. |
A2 |
1-4 |
Women cross by left shoulder and turn left. Immediately
after the women have crossed, the men cross by right shoulder and turn right. Repeat
this to places (this is a very quick movement). |
5-8 |
All swing opposite 1 1/2 times, finishing with woman on man's right
and facing partner across the set. |
B1 |
1-4 |
Ladies' chain half-way. |
5-8 |
Right hands across, men joining in behind their partner, into... |
9-12 |
Women, followed by partner, turn left into left hands across with
next couple. |
15-16 |
All set forward to partner and turn single back to place. |
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Mr. Ganiford's Maggot
- Longways triple minor set, Pat Shaw, ? |
A1 |
1-8 |
1's back-to-back right shoulder, then cast big into 2nd place,
keeping well away from partner. |
(3-8) |
2's, starting in bar 3, back-to-back right shoulder and lead up,
giving inside hands, to 1st place where they change hands and face down. |
(5-8) |
3's, starting in bar 5, back-to-back right shoulder, then
face up joining inside hands. |
A2 |
1-8 |
All circle left and right (slipping step), finishing in longways
formation. |
B |
1-8 |
1's (in 2nd place) right-hand turn partner half-way, then left-hand
with 1st corner (1st man with 3rd woman and 1st woman with 2nd man) (walking step); 1st
man dances (double step) clockwise round 3rd man's place, and back to 2nd place on his own
side while 1st woman dances clockwise round 2nd woman's place back to 2nd place
on her own side. At the same time 2nd woman and 3rd man wait four bars and
then left-hand turn once round in the center (walking step or double step), returning to
place to finish. |
9-16 |
1's left-hand turn with partner half-way, then right-hand turn with
2nd corner (1st man with 2nd woman and 1st woman with 3rd man) (walking step); then 1st
man dances (double step) counter-clockwise round 2nd man place while 1st woman
dances (double step) counter-clockwise round 3rd woman's place, both finishing in 2nd
place on their own side. At the same time 2nd man and 3rd woman right-hand
turn once round in the center (walking or double step) returning to place to finish. |
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Muriel's Measure
- Longways duple minor, Colin Hume, 1995 |
A1 |
1's set; right-hand turn half-way; men cross (on the diagonal);
women cross. |
A2 |
All back-to-back partner; circle left three-quarters (6 steps) and
open up to line of four facing up the set (from left: 2nd man, 2nd woman, 1st man, 1st
woman). |
B1 |
Up a double and back; face partner, half a hey for four, starting
right shoulder. |
B2 |
Right-hand turn partner three-quarters (men ending above the
women); left hands across once to progress. |
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O, Susato - Longways
duple minor, improper, Victor Skowronski, 1998 |
A1 |
Arm right neighbour; set and turn single. |
A2 |
Arm left partner; set and turn single. |
B1 |
Partners side (Sharp siding); pass partner by right shoulder and
cloverleaf turn single. |
B2 |
Neighbours side; pass neighbour by right shoulder, then pass
partner by left into a line of four facing up, the 1's making the long cross to finish
improper on the ends. |
C1 |
1-4 |
Line of four up a double and back. |
5-8 |
1's cast down and half figure-eight up, ending facing up at the
other ends of the line while 2's cross up, cast down and lead up into the center
of a new line of four. (All have changed places with partner). |
C2 |
1-4 |
Line of four up a double and back. |
5-8 |
1's cast down, half figure-eight up and continue down to face new
2's while 2's cross up, cast down and lead up to face new 1's. |
(Last time through) |
C2 |
1-4 |
Line of four up a double and back. |
5-8 |
Instead of progressing, all end in lines facing up. |
Finale |
Lines slow set and honor right and left to the Presence. |
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Oil the Locks -
Three couple set, Claudio Buchwald, 1975 |
A1 |
1-2 |
1's cross, go below between the 2's (who move up), and face the
3's. |
3-4 |
1st man and 3rd woman set while 1st woman and 3rd man set. |
5-6 |
Same two pairs half-gypsy, passing right shoulders. |
7-8 |
1's and 3's turn two-hand turn partner half-way. (Couples are
now 2-3-1, with 3 improper). |
A2 |
1-6 |
Repeat A1 1-6 from new positions (i.e. 2's cross and set with 1's,
3's moving up) but... |
7-8 |
All two-hand turn partner half-way. (Couples
are now 3-1-2, with 1's improper). |
B |
1-4 |
Facing diagonally to the left across the set (1st man down and 1st
woman up), 1's turn their corners right-hand once around, keeping hands joined at the end
to make arches. |
5-6 |
3rd man and 2nd woman change places passing right shoulders under
the arches (and turning left into new places), after which the arches break. |
7-8 |
2nd man and 3rd woman change places passing right shoulders, the
others falling away from their partners to form lines of three. |
C |
1-2 |
All forward a double towards partners. |
3-4 |
2's (at the top) set; 1's cast to bottom; 3's lead up to middle
place. |
5-6 |
All two-hand partner half-way to get proper. |
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Old Batchelor -
Longways duple minor, traditional Playford, 1695 |
A1 |
1-4 |
1's cross and go below 2's while the 2's lead up; all form
a line of four facing up. |
5-8 |
All lead up a double and back. |
A2 |
1-4 |
Facing out (1's turning backs on each other) 1st man sides with 2nd
woman while 1st woman sides with 2nd man. |
5-8 |
1's turn right to face partner and two-hand turn around in the
middle to end facing 2nd woman (1st man below, 1st woman above). |
B |
1-2 |
1st man circle left half-way with the women. |
3-6 |
2nd man comes in between the two women to make a ring of four;
circle left until 1's are in original places proper (2's below improper). |
7-8 |
All turn single away from partners (1's turn up, 2's down). |
9-12 |
Right and left, starting right with partners (three changes for
1's, two changes for 2's). |
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The Old Mill - Three
couple set, John Walsh's 1718 collection |
A1 |
1-6 |
1st man casts below 2nd man, right-hand turns 3rd woman once and
casts above 2nd woman to his partner's original place while 1st woman balances
back then follows her partner round 2nd man and overtakes him as he is turning 3rd woman,
crossing the set below 2nd couple, and (now followed by 1st man) casts up around 2nd woman
and crosses the set again into 1st man's original position, where she turns about left to
face him. |
7-8 |
1's left-hand turn half-way to original places. |
A2 |
1st woman casts down, left-hand turns 3rd man and follows her
partner to his original place while 1st man balances back, follows her and
overtakes her as she turns 3rd man, then casts up to original place where he turns about
right to face her; 1's right-hand half-way to original places. |
B1 |
Keeping right hands, 1's lead down the middle and (with man below
woman) face 2nd and 3rd woman; then without pause, both do a hey for three across the room
(1st man with 3's, 1st woman with 2's) starting as the 1's hey between the women and then
those women between their partners. Finally (after a complete hey) 1's right-hand
turn three-quarters to finish improper in middle places. |
B2 |
1-4 |
1's (now in middle) cross right shoulders, cast up to the top
proper, face down, turn single down and away from each other and again face down with 2's
and 3's facing up. |
5-8 |
1's lead down the middle to the bottom, the other couples coming up
the outside to follow; 1's cast up to the middle places above 2's who remains at bottom,
3's finish in top places. All are progressed. |
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Peace be with you
- Longways duple minor, Fried de Metz Herman, 1986 |
A1 |
1-4 |
1st corners set to each other, change places by the right shoulder. |
5-8 |
Right hands across half-way, all turn single to the left. |
A2 |
Repeat A1 with 2nd corners setting and crossing. |
B1 |
1-4 |
Two changes rights and lefts. |
5-8 |
All two-hand turn with partner 1 1/2 times around, into... |
B2 |
1-2 |
Circle left half-way. |
3-4 |
Fall slightly back while holding neighbour's hand. |
5-8 |
2's gate the 1's up and back into progressed places. |
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The Spring - Longways
duple minor, Bray, 1699, Pat Shaw interpretation |
A1 |
All move left (men up, woman down); all cast individually back to
places. |
A2 |
All right-hand turn partner half-way, turn single left into
partner's place. |
B1 |
1-4 |
1st man and 2nd woman move counterclockwise round outside their own
partners into each other's places. |
5-8 |
All right hands across once around. |
B2 |
1-4 |
1st woman and 2nd man move clockwise round outside their neighbors
into each other's places. |
5-8 |
All left hands across once around. |
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Take a Dance -
Longways duple minor, Thompson, 1765 |
A1 |
1-4 |
1's lead down through 2's and cast back up to place. |
5-8 |
1's two-hand turn once around. |
A2 |
1-4 |
2's lead up through 1's and cast back down to place. |
5-8 |
2's two-hand turn once around. |
B1 |
1's cross over, go below 2's (2's move up) and half figure-eight up
through 2's. |
B2 |
Four changes rights and lefts with hands. |
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Upon a Summer's Day
- Three couple set, Playford, 1650 |
Part I |
A1 |
All lead up a double and back; partners set and turn single. |
A2 |
All that again. |
B1 |
1-4 |
Long lines move forward a double and back. |
5-8 |
2nd and 3rd man keep inside hands joined and make an arch while
2nd and 3rd woman do the same; 1st man casts off, passes under the men's arch and
moves to the bottom while 1st woman does the same on her own side. |
B2 |
Repeat B1 from progressed positions. |
B3 |
Repeat B1 from new progressed positions (back to original places). |
Part II |
A1 |
Side partner (right shoulder-to-shoulder siding); set and turn
single. |
A2 |
All that again (left shoulder). |
B1 |
As in Part I. |
B2 |
As in Part I. |
B3 |
As in Part I. |
Part III |
A1 |
Arm right partner once around; set and turn single. |
A2 |
Arm left partner once around; set and turn single. |
B1 |
As in Part I. |
B2 |
As in Part I. |
B3 |
As in Part I. |
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Winter Dreams -
Longways duple minor, improper, Gary Roodman, 1996 |
A |
1-4 |
1's cast to 2nd place while 2's lead up and cast away from
each other, directly into... |
5-8 |
Mirror-image gypsies once around, 1st man with 2nd woman (right
shoulder) and 1st woman with 2nd man (left shoulder); end facing across the set. |
9-12 |
With neighbour, pass through and courtesy turn into... |
13-16 |
Left hands across once around (it is nice to move in toward your
partner here at the last moment). |
B |
1-4 |
Long lines fall back and come forward again. |
5-8 |
Circle left once around. |
9-12 |
Two changes of a circular hey beginning with partner by the right
hand. |
13-16 |
Two-hand turn partner. |
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The Young Widow -
Longways triple minor, Briffiths Collection, 1788 |
A1 |
1's and 2's right hands across once around; and back. |
A2 |
1's go down the center, turn half, go back up the center, and cast
off finishing improper. |
B1 |
All balance and set. |
B2 |
Circle left six hands half-way around ending with 2's and 3's
facing up and down the set, the 1's stepping back. |
C |
2's and 3's balance, set, and half right and left. |
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