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BACDS Fall Ball
"New Wine in Old Bottles"

November 20,


The Dances ("The Wine List") -and selected sources
(Note: all dances are considered copyright their composers, where applicable)

Chocolate Round O
Corelli's Maggot
Dick's Maggot
A Double Duet
One Rose and Let Me In
Faithless Nancy Dawson
Fleur de Lis
Halfway 'Round the World
I Care Not for these Ladies
If Love's a Sweet passion
Jack's Health
John Tallis' Canon (for those who know)
Knole Park
Maiden Lane
Rakes of Rochester
Trip to Amsterdam
Waters of Holland
Wood Duck
Wrights of Litchfield
Zephyrs and Flora

Chocolate Round O - Longways, duple minor set improper
Fried de Metz Herman, 1989; published in Ease and Elegance and Purcell's Country Dances
Tune: Henry Purcell, ? (adapted by Fried Herman)
A1 R hand turn partner once around; R shoulder back-to-back partner.
A2 L hand turn neighbor once around; L should back-to-back neighbor.
B1 Partner turn with both hands once around into - circle 4 halfway, then fall back with neighbor in lines on the side, while setting.
B2 Ones gate up through the twos and back to this place; ones half a figure 8 through the same twos (two change places by R shoulder as soon as ones have passed by).

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Corelli's Maggot - Longways, duple minor set
John & Cathy Millar, 1990; published in Gems: the best of the Country Dance and Song Society Diamond Jubilee Music, Dance and Song Contest, 1993.
Tune: Arcangelo Corelli, 1653-1713
A1 First corners set, turn single; first corners turn both hands to place.
A2 Second corners set, turn single; second corners turn both hands to place.
B1 Ones cross (R shoulder) and cast below (twos move up); ones half a figure 8 through twos above.
B2 Ones gate through the new twos below and back to this place; ones gate through the familiar twos above and back to this place.

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Dick's Maggot - Longways, duple minor set
From Twenty Four New Country Dances, John Playford, 1702, published in
The Playford Ball
A1 Ones cross (R shoulder) and lead down into second place while twos cast up into first place; all balance back and cross R shoulder with partners to change sides.
A2 Twos cross (R shoulder) and lead down into second place while ones cast up into first place; all back to back partner;
B Starting with partner, 3 changes of R & L - end the last change going away from the set, then turn R back to face partner and turn partner with both hands to progressed place.

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A Double Duet - Longways, duple minor set, second couples improper
Gary Roodman, 1998, published in Multiple Calculated Figures
Tune: George Frideric Handel, 1685-1759
A1 Gentlemen (in first corner positions) set, turn single; all back-to-back partner.
A2 2 Ladies (in second corner positions) set, turn single; all back-to-back neighbor.
B Neighbors take R hand in R and balance forward, back, and change places; R star all four once around to that place; ones lead up between the familiar twos and cast back to progressed place; with the new neighbor gypsy R shoulder.

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Fair One Rose and Let Me In - Longways, duple minor set
Scott Higgs, published in Early One Morning
Tune: Thomas Farmer, 1683
A1 Partners back-to-back but end by pulling R shoulder back in almost a turn single, into R hand turn partners once around.
A2 First corner people change places, second corner people change places, back-to-back neighbors.
B1 Circle 4 halfway and end with a turn single L, turn partners L hand once and a half around to end on the opposite side of the set facing up (gentlemen) or down (ladies) the set, open up to form lines along the sides facing these directions.
B2 All go forward a double (up or down), and cast out to go back to original places, meet partners and turn both hands halfway, ones cast out and down to progress while the twos lead up to progress.

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Faithless Nancy Dawson - Longways, duple minor set
Anna Bidder, 1969?, published in Everyday Dances
Tune: "A'Rovin'"
Bars 1-4 Ones lead through twos and cast back to place.
Bars 5-8 Twos lead through the ones and cast back to place.
Bars 9-12 Partners back-to-back.
Bars 13-14 With neighbors in line, fall back setting.
Bars 15-16 Come forward turning single.
Bars 17-20 Starting partners, 3 changes R & L.

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Fleur de Lis - Longways duple minor set, improper
Fried de Metz Herman, 1994, published in Fringe Benefits
Tune: John Barrett, 1700
A1 Gentlemen set forward to partners, turn single R back to place, and go around their partners (passing R) and cross the set, passing R, into each others' places.
A2 Ladies set forward to partners, turn single R back to place, and go around their partners (passing R) and cross up/down the set, passing R into each others' places.
B1 Partners side-to-side R in a long line down the center of the set, fall back; neighbors side-to-side L in a line of 4 across the set, fall back.
B2 Partners draw-pousette halfway (ladies going forwards); facing neighbors, set; pass neighbor by R and turn to face partner.

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Halfway 'Round the World - Longways, duple minor set
Lise Dyckman, 1998
Tune: Turlough O'Carolan, composed 1720-1738?
A1 Ones cast below (twos move up), ones half gypsy to change places and fall back; twos cast below (ones move up), twos half gypsy to change places and fall back.
A2 Ones cast below and half gypsy between the twos to form the center of a line of 4; line goes forward a double and fall back, ending with twos above.
B1 Neighbors turn both hands halfway, set, repeat (turn both hands halfway, set).
B2 Partners turn R hand once around; twos half a figure 8 down through the familiar ones.

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I Care Not for these Ladies - Circle of couples (mixer); chorus is sections B and C
Kitty Skrobela, 1969, published in Country Dance & Song vol. 2
Tune: Thomas Campion, 1567-1620
Part I
A Slipping circle L and R.
B Facing current partner, set and turn single.
C Turn partner R hand halfway and acknowledge; turn the next L hand halfway and acknowledge; turn the next both hands once around (new partner).
Part II
A With new partner, side-by-side siding R & L.
B As above.
C As above.
Part III
A With new partner, arm R and arm L.
B As above.
C As above.

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If Love's a Sweet Passion - Three couple set
Lise Dyckman and Scott Higgs, published in Early One Morning and Purcell's Country Dances
Tune: Henry Purcell, 1692
A1 Ones cross, cast below, half a figure 8 above.
A2 Ones in the center, L three-handed star with the couple to individual left, then R three-handed star with the couple to individual right.
B1 Partners gypsy once around (two and threes end apart, ones end close, with an additional R partial turn for the first gentleman into --) Shetland hey with the couple below, first gentleman in the lead, starting with R shoulder to the third gentleman; ones come back to the center and gypsy L once around with an additional L partial turn for the first lady into --
B2 Shetland hey with the couple above, first lady in the lead, starting R shoulder with the second lady; ones come back to the center and side by side, lead up through that couple above and cast to the bottom; all set, turn single.

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Jack's Health - Longways duple minor set
As recollected by Pat Shaw & Jim Morrison, published in Country Dance and Song vol. 5, 1972
Tune: "Bolt the Door" from
O'Neill's Music of Ireland
A1 Ones cross (R hands) and cast below (twos move up); ones turn both hands once around (or more) to end improper.
A2 Neighbors back-to-back, with neighbors in lines on the side fall back a double and set.
B1 Forwards a double, turn single (cloverleaf outwards).
B2 Starting partners, 4 changes R & L; turn partner both hands to end on own side (once for the twos, once and a half for the ones).

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John Tallis' Canon - Longways, duple minor, but syncopated - second corners start 2 bars after first corners begin
Pat Shaw, 1965, published in Pat Shaw Collection 2
Tune: Pat Shaw, based on a hymn by Thomas Tallis
A1 Corners forward a double, back; forward passing R shoulders and loop over R to end in corner's position.
A2 Corners forward a double, back; forward passing R shoulders and loop over R to end in original position.
B1 Partial R stars: corners turn R hands once around; when back to place set falling back and turn single coming forwards.
B2 Partial L stars: corners turn L hands once around; when back to place take 4 steps back and then move (diagonally forwards) one place L to progress.

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Knole Park - Longways duple minor set
Bishop, Six New Minuets (1788) and Voight, A Selection, book 3 (1809), published in
The Playford Ball
A1 Circle 4 once around; first corners change; second corners change.
A2 Circle 4 once around; first corners change; second corners change.
B1 Ones lead down the center and back; cast below (twos move up).
B2 Pousette once around to progressed places, counter clockwise (first corner people start by pushing).

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Maiden Lane - Three couple set
John Playford 1651,
The English Dancing Master
Part I
A Partners forward a double and back, repeat.
B While facing partner, slip 4 steps to individual L, slip back 4 steps R; with top couples facing down and others facing up, brisk heys for 3 on the side (starting ones and twos pass R shoulder).
C Set to partner and turn single; that again.
Part II
A Partners swirl siding over and back.
B As lines on the sides, fall back a double, come forward and change places with a brisk half gypsy R, repeat.
C Set to partner and turn single; that again.
Part III
A Partners arm R, arm L.
B First gentleman and second lady change places, then first lady and second gentleman change places while third couple change places with partner; first gentleman and third lady change places, then first lady and third gentleman change places while second couple change places with partner.
C Set to partner and turn single; that again.

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Rakes of Rochester - Longways duple minor set
Unknown author, published in Fallibroome Collection vol. 4
A1 First corners turn R hand once around; ones turn L hand once around.
A2 Second corners turn L hand once around; ones turn R hand once around.
B1 Ones gallop 4 steps down the center, set up towards the top (gentleman L, lady R) and set down the set, gallop back to their original place and cast below (twos moving up).
B2 Starting partners, 4 changes R & L.

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Trip to Amsterdam - Longways, duple minor set
Philippe Callens, 1989, published in Dutch Crossing and Continental Capers
Tune: "The Last New Vagaries" from
The Dancing Master
A1 Ones lead down as twos come up the outside; ones cast back up as twos lead down the inside; all set towards partner and turn single.
A2 Circle once around to this place; ones half a figure 8 down through the familiar twos.
B1 Ones cross (L shoulder) and cast down as twos lead up and face away from partner; neighbors mirror gypsy (ones up inside to start).
B2 Double figure 8, ones crossing diagonally up to start while twos cast to start.

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Waters of Holland - Three couple set, middle couple improper, mixer, chorus is B section
Pat Shaw, 1975, published in New Wine in Old Bottles
Tune: "O Nederland let op uw saek"
Part I
A Partners up a double and back, partners down a double and back.
B Face the person one place diagonally R and if there is someone there, set back, forwards, and cross passing R shoulders, but if there is no one there (i.e., top R position and bottom L position), only set back and forwards; then turn the person coming towards you both hands once and a half around; repeat – this is your new partner.
Part II
A Partners side-by-side R shoulder and back, partners L shoulder and back.
B As above to switch partners.
Part III
A Partners arm R, partners arm L.
B As above to switch to original partner.

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Wood Duck - Circle of couples (ladies facing into the center and gentlemen facing out), mixer
Fried de Metz Herman, 1978, published in Pinewoods Fund Collection &
Ease and Elegance
A1 Partner gypsy R, turn the person diagonally to the L by L hand once around.
A2 Partner gypsy L, turn the person diagonally to the R by R hand once around
B Partners take both hands and chasse 2 steps counterclockwise (to gentlemen’s L); gentlemen raise L hand and ladies turn under, into a large ring all facing out; all set forward, back; gentlemen lead the ladies on their R into ballroom position and waltz with them to the end of the phrase.

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Wrights of Litchfield - Three couple set
Gary Roodman, 1999, published in Multiple Calculated Figures
Tune: J. Chaxelle, 1790
A1 Middle couple facing couple to their individual L, half heys for 3 across top and bottom of set, starting R shoulder; end facing away from the set and lines of 3 lead out, fall back, and turn R to face into the set.
A2 Middles turning to their individual L, half heys for 3 on the sides of the set, starting R shoulder; end facing away from the set and lines of 3 lead out, fall back, and turn R to face into the set.
B Top gentleman and bottom lady cast R to invert the lines on the sides; all 6 circle L halfway from that position and fall back (all are proper but the ends are reversed); partners back-to-back; top couple turn both hands once around while the bottom 4 people circle halfway, then they change places with partner by R shoulder.

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Zephyrs and Flora - Longways, duple minor set
Walsh, Twenty Four Country Dances, 1715, as published in The Playford Ball
A1 First corners back-to-back; they join R hands, then join L hands, turn halfway.
A2 Second corners back-to-back; they join R hands, then join L hands, turn halfway.
B1 Ones cast up into original place (twos move down); ones half a figure 8 down through the familiar twos.
B2 Twos cast up (ones move down); twos half a figure 8 down through the familiar ones.

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Dance and music sources ("The Vineyards")

To order copies of the publications mentioned here, contact The Country Dance and Song Society's ECD books

If you are interested in the dances, the composers, the music, or just want more information, you can also contact:

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Revised:  10/03/2011