The Bay Area Country Dance Society Website

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BACDS March 2015 Electronic Mailing

BACDS sponsors English and American traditional dances in the San Francisco Bay Area. This is fun, relatively easy, community-oriented dancing with live music. All dances are taught, no partner is necessary, and first-timers are welcome unless otherwise noted.

Table of Contents

  • BACDS Quarterly Calendar
  • Bay Area Country Dancer #101 - March 2015
  • San Francisco Contra Spring season
  • San Jose Spring season
  • Spring Fever Weekend (2015-03-13 to 15)
  • Playford Ball (2015-03-28)
  • Rodney Miller/Jeff Spero tour (2015-04-15 to 20)
  • The California Ale (2015-04-17 to 19)
  • Eric Black & Diane Zingale's 60th birthday contra (2015-06-13)
  • American Week (2015-06-28)
  • Balance the Bay (2015-08-07 to 09)
  • Hey Days (2015-08-16 to 23)
  • Are you a BACDS member?

BACDS Quarterly Calendar

See all the dances and special events for April-June 2015.

Bay Area Country Dancer, #101 - March 2015

The BACDS newsletter. Catch up on all the local dance news.  In this issue:

  • American Week: There is a Place for You (June 28-July 3) (by Stuart Kenney)
  • Hey Days English Dance and Music Week! (August 16-23)
  • BACDS Family Week! (July 5-11)
  • Ferry T'Ale (April 17-19)
  • Valentine's Weekend Mini-Tour, a BACDS/SDECD Collaboration (by Sharon Green)
  • Balance the Bay 2015 (August 7-9) (by Jens Dill)
  • What Happened to Irv?  Part 1 (by Laura West)
  • Joan Maramonte: October 27, 1942 - February 12, 2015 (by Sharyn Peterson)
  • The President's Corner (by Jens Dill)
  • Dance Trivia: Some of my favorite historical references
  • Volunteer Thanks
  • Upcoming Events

Dancer #101 issue

San Francisco Contra Winter season

1st, 3rd Saturdays, 4th Fridays, San Francisco

San Jose community dance Winter season

1st & 3rd Sundays, San Jose

Spring Fever Weekend

Friday-Sunday, March 13-15, 2015, Aptos

Playford Ball

Saturday, March 28, 2015, San Jose

Celebrate springtime by dressing up and dancing at the "Village Market Square"! The workshop schedule is slightly different this year: the East Bay Workshop has a new location, and the Peninsula Workshop will be held a bit later in the month than usual due to scheduling conflicts. The Sacramento Country Dance Society will also offer a Sunday afternoon workshop on March 22; see their website for details.

Rodney Miller/Jeff Spero tour

Friday-Sunday, April 15 to 20, 2015, multiple location

Join these two wonderful talents for dances and concerts throughout the Bay Area.

The California Ale

Friday-Sunday, April 17 to 19, 2015, San Francisco Area

The annual California Morris Ale will be hosted this year by Berkeley Morris. Come join us for The Ferry T'Ale, a dancing adventure by land and by sea.

  • Go to the web page for details and registration

Eric Black and Diane Zingale's 60th birthday contra

Saturday, June 13, 2015, Palo Alto

Come to this special FREE Palo Alto contra to celebrate

American Week

Sunday-Friday, June 28 to July 3, 2015, La Honda

  • Event save-the-date flyer and web page
  • Check out the special before and after "satellite event" dances flyer with camp staff.

Balance the Bay

Friday-Sunday, August 7-9, 2015, San Francisco

Join us for San Francisco's own urban Contra Dance weekend.

Hey Days

Sunday-Sunday, August 16 to 23, 2015, Bishop's Ranch (near Healdsburg)

Join us for Hey Days English Dance and Music Week, August 16-23, 2015 at Bishop's Ranch CA - dancing, singing, music workshops, pool parties, camp gatherings, and more

Are you a BACDS member?

Are you a member of BACDS?  If you are, does your membership expire soon?  Has it already expired?  If you aren't a member, why not?  Dues are $25/year, $40 for 2 people at the same street address, and are good for discounts at dances (usually $2 off the regular admission price, special events may be different).  Add a student family member for $15/year.  Not sure of your status? email

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