Events / Locations (and Directions)
The Playford Ball is more than single glorious evening's
dancing. It's an entire array of events. To begin with, there are many
opportunities to learn and enjoy dances for the Ball. Starting in January, local dances in our
regular English Country dance
series will include Ball dances in their programs. In addition, there are two
workshops to teach Ball dances, one in February and the other in March. Finally,
there is a Rehearsal dance the night before the Ball, at which we work through the better
part of the dance program.
During the weekend of The Playford Ball are many associated
activities. Besides the Friday Rehearsal, there is the hall preparation on Saturday
during the day, an After-party which will go into the wee hours after the Ball, and a
celebratory Brunch on Sunday. Many folk, including our treasured out-of-towners,
use the Ball as an excuse to visit, vacation, and catch up with old and new friends.
Some of the events include refreshments, a potluck, or opportunities to meet
Here's a schedule - for details, click on or see the
individual event below:
East Bay Workshop - Sunday,
February 22nd, 2004, 2:00 - 5:00pm, $8
Caller David Newitt, music by
Charlie Hancock and
David Strong
Veterans Hall, 6401 Stockton Avenue, El Cerrito, CA
There'll be a potluck supper after the workshop, followed by the
special Anniversary dance for the
BACDS Square and Contra
series. (There is a separate admission for the evening dance).
From I-80: Exit east (away from the
Bay) at El Cerrito/Central Avenue. Turn left at San Pablo Avenue (traffic light).
At the next traffic light, turn right at Stockton. The hall is one block up
(there is street parking).

Peninsula Workshop
- Saturday, March 6th, 2004, 2:30 - 5:30pm, $8
Caller Bob Fraley, music by
Craig Johnson,
Stan and Susan Kramer
Palo Alto Masonic Temple, 461 Florence Street,
Palo Alto, CA
There will be potluck snacks at the break, so please bring
something to share.
From US 101: Take University Avenue exit and go
West (toward the hills) for 1.5 miles into downtown Palo Alto. Turn right
on Florence (only way it goes) and left into the parking structure.
Rehearsal Dance / Ball
- Friday, April 2nd, 2004, 8:00 - 11:00 pm, $10
A cavalcade of callers, music by Ruth Anne Fraley,
Shira Kammen, and
Jim Oakden
San Mateo Masonic Temple, 100 N. Ellsworth Avenue,
San Mateo, CA
There will be potluck snacks at the break, so please bring
something to share. For dinner before the dance, there are many wonderful
restaurants just a couple blocks south of the hall in
downtown San Mateo.
From US 101: Take 3rd Avenue exit and
head west into San Mateo. Follow 3rd Avenue across the railroad tracks, and
turn right on Ellsworth Avenue. The Masonic Lodge is located on the corner
of Ellsworth and Tilton. Parking may be available at the Congregational Church
parking lot on Catalpa Avenue between Ellsworth and San Mateo.

The Playford Ball
- Saturday, April 3rd, 2004, $32/$37, gallery $10
Reception 6:45 pm, First Dance 7:15 pm, Closing 11:00 pm
Dancing Master Tom Roby, music by Flashpoint Plus (Rebecca King,
Jon Berger,
Howard Booster, and special guest
Erin Vang)
Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Ascension,
4700 Lincoln Avenue,
Oakland, CA
Of course, there will be many delights for the palate at the ball
itself. If you'd like to contribute to the spread, see the
page to volunteer.
From I-580 in Oakland (south): Take the Fruitvale Avenue
exit. Turn up hill (east) onto Fruitvale Avenue. Turn right onto MacArthur
Blvd. Turn left onto Lincoln Avenue and go uphill a little over a mile.
There's a parking lot as you pass the church.
From I-580 heading west (north): Take the Warren
Freeway (CA-13) to the Joaquin Miller (Lincoln Avenue) exit. Turn left and the Cathedral
will be on your left. Additional parking is just downhill from the church,
hidden in the trees.
- Saturday, April 3th, 2004, starts around midnight.
Well Hall, home of Jens Dill and Jody-Distler Dill, 4682 Ewing Road,
Castro Valley, CA,
We'll bring leftovers from the ball, but if you want to stop on the
way and pick up munchies, they'll be most welcome. There will be room
for dancing, and musicians are encouraged to bring instruments.
From the Ball: Head up the hill from the Ball on Lincoln Avenue.
Take the Warren Freeway (CA-13) south to I-580 (first south and then east towards
Stockton, past the I-238 junction). Take the Redwood Road exit in Castro
Valley. Go left onto Redwood, past all traffic lights to the top of the hill (the
last signal you pass is Seven Hills Road). Turn left on Proctor Road (there's no
light and it can be hard to see, but it's the only left turn with no "Not a Through
Street" sign). Go 1/2 mile until it ends in a T and turn right onto Ewing
Road. The driveway to 4682 is on the right, between white fences with 3 rails and
hidden behind a telephone pole (the last driveway before High Pine Way). It will be
marked. If the driveway is full, drop your passengers and park around the next
corner on High Pine Way. (Shh! - Please be considerate of the neighbors.)
This is about 20 minutes from the Ball, and parking is easy.
(This button links to an
interactive map with different directions It shows a shorter route
that goes by way of Lake Chabot Road, Seven Hills Road, and Walnut Street,
which will work, but sends you off into the hills for a couple of miles of
following winding roads in the dark.) |
Post-Playford Brunch - Sunday, April
4th, 2004,
starts at 10:00 am
At the home of Dave and Joyce Uggla, 2061 El Sereno Ave, Los Altos, CA,
This is a potluck, so please bring something to share.
From I-280: Take Foothill Expressway
exit and go east, away from the hills. Foothill Plaza is on the right.
Take the first right onto Homestead and immediately get into the left-turn lane
(opposite the Chevron station). Turn left onto El Sereno and go to the 4th
house on the right.
From US-101: Take CA Hwy 85 to Homestead.
Turn right, go up the hill, and around a slight bend. Foothill Plaza and
Trader Joe's is on the
left. Turn right onto El Sereno (opposite the Chevron station before you
get to the light). Continue to the 4th house on the
