The Dances:
Note: Items in red below are changes since the ball booklets were published.
Click on the
above next to
a dance to see the musical notation for that tune (often different from
or not in
Notes and Conventions - unless otherwise indicated:
- All crosses, passes, back-to-backs, gypsies, and trading places are by right shoulder.
- All circles, stars, gypsies, and hand turns are once around.
- Rights-and-lefts are with hands. Circular hey is without hands.
- M1 = 1st man, W2 = 2nd woman, etc.
- 1s = 1st couple, 2s = 2nd couple, etc.
Black Bess
Longways duple minor, 6/8 meter
Playford, 1696
A1 |
1-8 |
M1 long cast to 2nd place, M2 moving up, and back-to-back left shoulder with W1. |
A2 |
1-8 |
W1 long cast to 2nd place, W2 moving up, and back-to-back right shoulder with M2. |
B1 |
1-4 |
All back-to-back with partner. |
5-8 |
3 changes of a circular hey, partners facing to start; M1 and W2 turn individually to left into: |
B2 |
1-4 |
1st corners cross left shoulder. 2nd corners cross right shoulder. |
5-8 |
All two-hand turn partner once and a half around (or half way only and fall back). |
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3 couple longways, 2/2 meter
Playford, 1721, interpreted by Nicolas Broadbridge 1995
A1 |
1-8 |
M1 long cast to 2nd place, M2 moving up; M1 two-hand turns W3 finishing in M2’s place. |
A2 |
1-8 |
W1 long cast to 2nd place, W2 moving up, W1 two-hand turns M3 finishing in W2's place. |
B1 |
1-4 |
3s lead to middle place (1s casting down to bottom) and circle left half-way with 2s (slipping). |
5-8 |
2s and 3s turn single left and 2 changes of
rights-and-lefts, partners facing to start. |
B2 |
1-8 |
1s half figure-8 up through the 3s, then two-hand turn
partner half-way and fall back to place (B2 is leisurely) |
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Enfield Common

Longways duple minor, 3/2 meter (triple time)
Playford, 1701
A1 |
1-4 |
All face neighbor, set right and
left, and turn right hand. (Note: the 1st step is on the 4th
note of music.) |
A2 |
1-4 |
All face neighbor, set left and
right and turn left hand. |
B1 |
1-4 |
Men lead between the women and
cast back to place and half-turn single away (M1 right, M2 left)
to face partner. |
5-8 |
Women lead between the men and
cast back to place and half-turn single away (W1 left, W2 right)
to face partner. |
B2 |
1-4 |
Circle left half-way, then all
face neighbor and 2 changes rights-and-lefts, starting right
hand with neighbor. |
5-8 |
1s long cast down to 2nd place,
starting by dancing in towards each other, and 2s leading up in
bars 7 and 8. |
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Hey-Boys, Up Go We
Longways duple minor, 6/8 meter
Playford, 1695
A1 |
1-4 |
1s and W2 circle left once around. |
5-8 |
1s and M2 circle left once around. |
B1 |
1-4 |
All fall back a double and move
forward turning single. |
5-8 |
All back-to-back with neighbor. |
B2 |
1-2 |
1s face and clap hands
(together-right-together-left). |
3-4 |
1s cast down into 2nd place, 2s
moving up. |
5-6 |
M1 and M2 face and clap
hands (together-right-together-left). |
7-8 |
W1 and W2 face and clap hands
together twice and then both hands with each other once. |
Note that this uses a different tune than the version in Barnes.
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The Hole in the Wall
Longways duple minor, 3/2 meter (triple time)
Playford, 1698
A1 |
1-4 |
1s cast down below 2s and lead up
to place. |
A2 |
1-4 |
2s cast up above 1s and lead down
to place. |
B |
1-4 |
1st corners cross (M1 and W2) pass
each other right shoulder, immediately turn right to face [3
steps] and fall back into each other’s place [3 steps], and then
2nd corners cross in the same manner. |
5-8 |
Circle left half-way, then 1s cast
down into 2nd place, while 2s lead up into 1st place. |
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The Juice of Barly
Sicilian Circle (1s facing CCW), 68 meter
Playford, 1689, interpreted by Nicolas Broadbridge, 1995
A1 |
1-4 |
All back-to-back with partner. |
A2 |
1-4 |
All two-hand turn partner. |
B1 |
1-4 |
W1 and M2 (dancers on outside of
circle) half figure 8 inwards through M1 and W2. |
5-8 |
All clap own hands together once
and circle left (slipping). |
B2 |
1-4 |
W2 and M1 (dancers on inside of
circle) half figure 8 outwards through W1 and M2. |
5-8 |
All clap own hands together once
and circle left (slipping), finishing facing partner in
progressed place. |
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The Kit Cat Club - 1
Longways triple minor, 6/8 meter
Walsh, 1710
A1 |
1-4 |
1s set and cast down to 2nd place, 2s moving up. |
5-8 |
1s and 2s circle left (slipping). |
A2 |
1-4 |
1s cast down to 3rd place and slip up between them into 2nd
place, while 3s lead up to 2nd place and cast down again. |
5-8 |
1s and 3s circle right (slipping). |
B |
1-8 |
2s long cast down to 2nd place (1s moving up in bars 3 and
4) and back-to-back. |
9-10 |
1s and 2s a single (step) in to center and a single back. |
11-14 |
1s and 2s right hand star half-way and left hand star back. |
15-16 |
1s cast down to 2nd place, 2s moving up. |
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Lilli Burlero
Longways duple minor, 6/8 meter
Playford, 1690/C. Sharp & G. Butterworth, 1916
A1 |
1-4 |
1s lead down through the 2s and
cast up to place. |
A2 |
1-4 |
2s lead up through the 1s and cast
down to place. |
B1 |
1-4 |
1st corners (M1 and W2) cross.
2nd corners cross. |
5-8 |
All fall back a double and come
forward a double turning single. |
B2 |
1-4 |
All cross with partner. Move
backwards on the sides, passing right shoulder with neighbor. |
5-8 |
3 changes of a circular hey,
partners facing to start. |
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A Maggott for Mr. Purcell
Longways duple minor, 3/2 meter (triple time)
Nicolas Broadbridge, 1995
Introduction |
A |
1-4 |
All face the presence and slowly step right and honor, then
step left and honor. |
5-8 |
All face partner and slowly step right and honor, then step
left and honor. |
The Dance |
A1 |
1-4 |
All cross with partner (Hole in the Wall cross), face
partner and cloverleaf turn single (1s up – 2s down). |
5-6 |
Men turn right hands three-quarters around, while women turn
left hands three-quarters around, releasing hands with neighbor
as 1s meet in the middle and take inside hands. |
7-8 |
1s lead up and cast out onto ends of line of four facing up,
while 2s meet and lead up to 1st place (all improper). |
A2 |
1-2 |
Line leads up (3 steps) and back (3 steps). |
3 |
Men facing and women facing, all pass right shoulder. |
4 |
1s pass left hand in middle, while 2s cast down into 2nd
place (improper) |
5-8 |
Men (1st corners) cross (Hole in the Wall cross), then women
the same. |
B |
1-2 |
All taking hands in lines on sides, fall back (3 steps) and
come forward (3 steps). |
3-6 |
Right hand star (6 steps) and left hand star (6 steps). |
7-8 |
Half draw-poussette (men pulling) for couples to change
places, finishing in original places with 2s improper. |
9-10 |
1st couple cast down into 2nd place, while
2nd couple (2nd Man handing partner across in front of him)
cross up middle to own side in 1st place.
Coda |
A |
1-4 |
Partners face and slowly step right and honor, then step
left and honor. |
5-8 |
All face the presence and slowly step right and honor, then
step left and honor. End facing presence. |
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Marjorie's Sou'wester
Longways duple minor, 3/2 meter (triple time)
Marjorie Fennessy, 1995
Tune: Southwind
A1 |
1-2 |
1st corners cross and loop left
into each other’s place. |
3-4 |
2nd corners cross and loop left
into each other’s place. |
A2 |
1-3 |
Left hand star once around (9
steps). |
4 |
All turn single right. |
B |
1-2 |
All circle left (6 steps).* |
3-4 |
All circle right (6 steps).* |
5-6 |
All cross left shoulder with
partner and loop right. |
7-8 |
All gypsy with partner (keep it
tight). |
* These circles don't have to be completely around; just get back to where you started.
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Mr. Young's Delight
Longways duple minor, 2/2 meter
Playford, 1696, interpreted by Fried Herman, 1995
A |
1-8 |
Circle left half-way around, fall
back away from partner, come forward, and cloverleaf turn single
(M1 and W2 left, and W1 and M2 right). |
9-12 |
1st corners cross left shoulder,
then 2nd corners cross right shoulder. |
13-16 |
All fall back and come forward
turning into a back ring. |
B1 |
1-4 |
Back ring to right half-way,
then all turn to face partner. |
5-8 |
1s (in 2nd place improper) lead
down a double, turn in towards partner and lead up again. |
B2 |
1-4 |
2s (in 1st place improper), lead
up a double, turn in towards partner and lead down again. |
5-8 |
All two-hand turn partner half-way
and turn single left. |
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A New Rigadoon
Longways duple minor, 2/2 meter
Playford, 1690, interpreted by Andrew Shaw, 1995
A1 |
1-8 |
M1 turns partner by the right
hand, then M2 by the left hand. |
A2 |
1-8 |
W2 turns partner by the right
hand, then W1 by the left hand. |
B1 |
1-8 |
1s cross, move down below 2s, and
half figure 8 up through 2s, who then move up. |
B2 |
1-4 |
1s lead down through 2s below and
cast up again assisted by 2s (gates down). |
5-8 |
All two-hand turn partner. |
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The Old Batchelor
Longways duple minor, 6/8 meter (triple time)
Playford, 1695, interpreted by Nicolas Broadbridge, 1995
A1 |
1-4 |
1s cross and move down outside
into a line of four facing up (1s improper in middle). |
5-8 |
Line leads up a double and back,
then all face neighbor (original corner). |
A2 |
1-4 |
Neighbors (M1 with W2 and W1 with
M2) gypsy into diamond formation, finishing with 1s on center
line of the set facing each other (man below partner), 2s
completing gypsy to own place. |
5-8 |
1s two-hand turn. |
B |
1-4 |
1s and W2 circle left until M1 is
in W1’s original place, then all three turn single left, women
finish facing M2. |
5-8 |
Both women and M2 circle left
until M2 is in W2’s place, then all three turn single left, all
finishing in original places improper. |
9-12 |
2 changes of a rights-and-lefts,
partners facing to start. |
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Shepherds' Dance
3 couple longways, 3/4 meter
Peter André, 1983, interpreted by Nicolas Broadbridge, 1995
A1 |
1-4 |
Top 2 couples circle left half-way and cloverleaf turn single. |
5-8 |
1s (in middle place) half figure-8 up through 2s. |
A2 |
1-4 |
Bottom 2 couples circle left half-way and cloverleaf turn single. |
5-8 |
3s (in middle place) half figure-8 down through 1s |
B |
1-8 |
Morris hey: ends cast out to start, middle couple (3s) facing up and following 2s. |
9-10 |
All back-to-back with partner. |
11-16 |
All two-hand turn partner to finish proper (middle couple twice around, and end
couples once and a half around and cloverleaf turn single). |
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Short and Sweet
Longways duple minor, 6/8 meter
Thomas Bray, 1699
A1 |
1-4 |
All side right shoulder with partner and cast left back to place. |
A2 |
1-4 |
All side left shoulder with partner and cast right back to place. |
B1 |
1-4 |
1s change place to lead up with inside hands, turn away and move down to meet 2s, who face up. |
5-6 |
M1 turns W2 three-quarters around, while W1 turns M2 left hand three-quarters around, all finishing
holding hands in line of 4 across, 1s improper in middle facing up and 2s proper on ends facing down. |
7-8 |
All set forward right and back left. |
B2 |
1-4 |
Facing in same direction throughout, M1 back-to-back with W2, while W1 back-to-back left
with M2, all finishing in line of 4 as before. |
5-8 |
1s cross up, man handing his partner across in front of him, and cast into 2nd place, while
2s face each other and meet, lead up into 1st place and turn single away (man left, woman right). |
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St. Martin's Lane
Longways triple minor, 2/2 meter
Playford, 1696
A1 |
1-2 |
M1 cast down to 2nd place, M2
moving up. |
3-6 |
M1 two-hand turns W3. |
7-8 |
M1 casts up to original place, M2
moving down. |
A2 |
1-2 |
W1 casts down to 2nd place W2
moving up. |
3-6 |
W1 two-hand turns M3 counter
clockwise. |
7-8 |
W1 casts up to original place, W2
moving down. |
B |
1-2 |
1s lead down between 2s (who move
up on outside) to face 3s. |
3-8 |
1s and 3s double figure-8 (double
step), 1s crossing down and 3s casting up to start. All end
proper, 1s in 2nd place facing up and moving straight into: |
9-14 |
1s and 2s double figure-8 (double
step), 1s crossing up and 2s casting down to start. All finish
proper, facing partner, 1s in 2nd place. |
15-19 |
All two-hand turn partner and fall
back into progressed place. |
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Tythe Pig
Longways duple minor, 6/8 meter
Playford, 1695
A1 |
1-4 |
1st corners back-to-back. |
A2 |
1-4 |
2nd corners back-to-back. |
B |
1-2 |
Neighbors face and clap hands (together-right-together-left). |
3-4 |
All cloverleaf turn single outwards away from neighbor to face partner (4 steps). |
5 |
All clap both hands together with partner, then own hands together. |
6 |
1s cast down to 2nd place, 2s moving up (2 steps). |
7-10 |
1s lead up and cast down, while 2s cast down and lead up (single step helps greatly here). |
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Well's Humour
3 couple longways, 3/2 meter (triple time)
Playford, 1701, interpreted by Brian Wedgebury, 1988
A1 |
1-4 |
1s cross, move down outside to middle place (2s leading up), lead down
between 3s and cast up again to middle place; then immediately: |
A2 |
1-4 |
1s cross in middle place, move up outside to top place (2s leading down
again) and turn single up (man left, woman right). 2s may also turn single down (man right, woman left). |
B |
1-2 |
1st corners cross left shoulder, 2nd corners cross right shoulder. |
3-4 |
1s and 2s circle left half way around. |
5-8 |
1s and 2s do 3 changes of a circular hey, partners facing to start, then 1s
go to bottom of set outside 3s, who lead up to middle place. |
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