2015 BACDS Playford Ball — The Dances
- Music source in (parentheses):
- B1 - “The Blue Book,” The Barnes Book of English Country Dance Tunes (© P. Barnes)
- B2 - “The Red Book,” The Barnes Book of English Country Dance Tunes, Vol. 2 (© P. Barnes)
- NIB - Not In Barnes - click to go to music
- Asterisk (*) indicates "For those who know" — will not be walked through
- Notes for callers are linked.
- Click for PDF or MS Word document with notes interspersed.
Bloomsberry Market (B2, not the tune in Farnicle Huggy)
The American Husband or Her Man
Sicilian circle in 3 couple minor sets, 1s facing CCW, 3s facing CW, 2s forming a U on the outside of the ring facing in
Pat Shaw, 1977 (tune by Pat Shaw)
A1 1-6 Hands 6 circle left once around
7-16 Balance to partner, pull by R to grand chain to original places
A2 1-4 1s and 2s R & L to change places (corner)
5-8 2s and 3s R & L to change places (across)
9-12 1s and 2s R & L again (corner)
13-16 1s and 3s R & L (across, all end at home)
B1 1-12 All 3 ladies chain 3 times. Each time pass partner and one more and chain the 3rd.
13-16 Couples promenade ½ way round the set, 2s now on the inside, and put the lady in front in each couple for…
B2 1-8 Shetland Reel: each couple acts as a unit, hey for 3, 3s start by passing 1’s R shoulder
9-12 All swing where you started the hey, and end with 1s and 3s facing out of this set in their original direction, 2s inside the U facing out of the big circle
13-16 1s and 3s pass through the new couple facing them while 2s promenade across the set and wheel into their original place.
Note: A2: For each change: with your partner, face the other couple, pull by your opposite R and courtesy turn your partner, as in a square dance R & L through
Black and Grey
Longways triple minor, Playford 1686, reconstruction Andrew Shaw 2009
A1 1s and 2s circle L once around, 1s long cast to 2nd place, 2s leading up
A2 1s and 3s circle L one around, 1s long cast to 3rd place, 3s leading up and stay facing up
B1 1-4 3s cast back to 3rd place as 1s cross up to middle place for 1st contra corners: 1st W R-hand with 2nd M, 1st M R-hand with 3rd W
5-8 1s L-hand turn in middle and fall back proper in 2nd place
B2 1-4 1s cross L-shoulder and L-hand turn 2nd contra corner: 1st W with 3rd M, 1st M with 2nd W
5-8 1s R-hand turn in middle and fall back proper in 2nd place
Bloomsberry Market
3 couple longways, Playford, 1703, reconstruction Andrew Shaw 2009
tune as in Barnes 2
A1 1st M R-hand turn 2nd W, then turn 2nd M L-hand once and a half, and turn 3rd M R-hand once and a half, 1st M continues up the outside of the men’s line to 1st place while the 2nd and 3rd men loop R back to their original places, turning to the R to face in.
A2 1st W L-hand turn 2nd M, then turn 2nd W R-hand once and a half, then turn 3rd W L-hand once and a half, 1st W continues up the outside of the women’s line to 1st place while the 2nd and 3rd women loop L back to their original places, turning to the L to face in.
B1 1-4 2s hey across the set: 2nd W up with 1s, 2nd M down with the 3s
5-6 1s lead down through 2s and cast back.
7-8 All turn partner 2-hands once around
B2 1-4 2s hey across the set, W down, M up
5-6 1s cast to bottom while 2s and 3s meet and lead up one place.
7-8 Partners 2-hand turn once around.
Charlene’s Celebration
(tune “Elizabethan Tango Man” Charlene Thomson)
4 couple longways, Gary Roodman, 2005 Prime Calculated Figures
A1 Mirror hey for 4: 1s and 3s face down with hands, 2s and 4s face up apart. Hey along the lines, taking hands when inside and at the top, casting out at the bottom, coming together after 1 couple passes, then separating in the middle. End where you started.
A2 In foursomes, star R ½ way, star L back. CCW pousette ½ way in the same direction, 2nd corners forward to start. Ends cast to nearest middle place while middles lead to nearest end. [okay to say Ends cast while middles lead out]
B In same foursomes, 3 changes circular hey starting with partner.
1n middle foursome, change with neighbor, passing L shoulder along the line.
In new end foursomes 1st corners cross, 2nd corners cross, circle L ½ way.
End progressed, proper, original 2,4,1,3.
*The Chestnut
3 couple longways, nonprogressive, Playford, 1651
Part I
A Up a double and back; repeat
B1 All balance back, change places with partner. M circle 3 hands while W circle 3 hands, open to face partner.
B2 All balance and change, repeat circles, now on your original side.
Part II
A Partners side R and L (side by side)
B1 All balance back, change with partner. 1s face down, 2s and 3s up, 1/2 hey on the side, starting R shoulders.
B2 Balance and change; 1/2 hey: 1s face up, others down and pass L shoulders to begin.
Part III
A Partners arm R and L
B1 All balance back, change places with partner. 1s lead down, 2s and 3s come up the outside, 2s lead down to middle place to invert the set.
B2 All balance and change with partner. 1s cast up from the bottom followed by 2s and 3s to original place.
Flora and Phaon
Longways duple, Walsh, 1718, Andrew Shaw reconstruction, unpublished
A1 1-4 Circle L ½ way, keeping hands with neighbor, set R and L to partner
A2 1-4 Circle L ½ way to place, all turn single up.
B1 1-2 1s cast to 2nd place, 2s lead up
3-4 All turn partner 2 hands once around
B2 1-2 1s lead up, and cast down while 2s cast down and lead up (quick)
3-4 All cloverleaf turn single, 1s down, 2s up
Note: Everyone must be back in their progressed place in time for the cloverleaf turn single.
Hazelfern Place
(tune “La Maison de Glace” Rejean Brunet)
Longways duple, Chris Sackett and Brooke Friendly, 2006
A1 1-8 Partners back to back, 2 hand turn opening to face neighbor.
A2 1-4 Neighbors mirror back to back (2s up and inside to begin)
5-8 Neighbors mirror turn (M L, W R) 1 ¼ (2s inside to begin), ending in a line of 4 facing up, 2s in the middle
B1 1-4 lines lead up a double and back
5-8 2s lead up, cast down, ending in middle while 1s cast, cross up and cast to other end of the line, all facing down.
B2 1-4 lines lead down a double and back
5-8 2s lead down and cast up into progressed place while 1s cast up and cross down into progressed place
Knole Park
Longways duple, Bishop, 1788, reconstruction Bert Simons, 1961
A1 Circle L once around. 1st corners change, 2nd corners change.
A2 Repeat
B1 1s lead down center, lead back up (skipping), cast down one place while 2s lead up.
B2 Whole poussette CCW, 1st M, 2nd W push to begin.
Leaves of Autumn
(tune “Bob Mills’ Draught” Peter Barnes)
Longways duple, Chris Sackett and Brooke Friendly, 2008
A1 1-2 Partners pass R shoulder, loop over L shoulder
3-4 On 2nd diagonal, pass L shoulder, loop R
A2 1-2 Opposites pass R shoulder, loop L
3-4 On 2nd diagonal, pass L shoulder, loop R (end progressed and improper)
B 1-4 Circle L once around and turn single over L shoulder.
5-8 Partners L hand turn 1 ½ and turn single over R shoulder to face partner again.
Mad Robin
Longways duple, Playford, 1695, reconstruction Cecil Sharp, 1922
A1 1st M turn corner R hand, partner L hand, cast to 2nd place, 2nd M moving up.
A2 1st W turn partner (in 2nd place), L hand, 2nd M (opposite) R hand, cast to 2nd place 2nd W moving up.
B1 1st W move up the center and cast down to 2nd place while 1st M move up outside men’s line, then down the center, 1s 2 hand turn once around
B2 2s repeat, 2nd W down the center to begin, 2s 2 hand turn.
Note: the transition from A1 to A2 is a continuous movement for the 1s.
Mike’s Health
(tune by Jonathan Jensen)
Longways duple, Lynn Jensen, 2011
A1 1s cross and go below (2s move up), ½ figure 8 up through 2s.
A2 2s the same, ending on the ends of a line of 4 facing up
B1 1-4 Lines up a double and set R and L
5-6 Back a double while bending the line
7-8 Circle L ½ way.
B2 1-4 Neighbors fall back a double and set R and L
5-8 Come forward, 1s cross and go below while 2s turn 2 hands ½ way and lead up.
The Minor Spaniard
(tune adapted by Jenny Beer)
Longways duple, Jenny Beer, 2000
A1 1st corners set and turn single, 1st man 2 hand turn with PARTNER
A2 2nd corners set and turn single, 2nd man 2 hand turn PARTNER
B1 1s down the center for 4, set R and L, lead up and cast to 2nd place, 2s moving up
B2 Circle L once around, 2s gate the 1s up and around to progressed place
4 couple square, Playford, 1651 [PB Booklet 2014, with very slight modifications]
Part 1
A1 1-4 All take hands in a circle, dance forward a double and back.
5-8 All set R & L to partner, set R & L to corner
A2 Repeat
B1 1-2 Arm R with partner.
3-8 M L hands across in center while W skip around the se CW to place.
B2 Repeat, arming L, W R hands across while M skip CCW.
Part 2
A 1 1-4 All side (Sharp/swirl) with partner over and back.
5-8 Slow step and honor R, pass L shoulder to face a new partner on the corner of the set.
A2 Repeat, swirl siding over and back, step R, pass L shoulder to new position at head or side
B1 1-4 Present side couples lead to center, change hands and lead out, then form an arch.
5-8 Present head couples cast off outside, go under the nearest arch with someone, and return to the place you cast from.
B2 Repeat, head couples leading in and out, side couples casting off.
Part 3
A1 1-4 Present partners arm R once around
5-8 Arm left 1 ½ to meet a new partner on the corner of the set
A2 1-4 Arm R this partner
5-8 Arm L 1 ½ , ending in lines up and down the hall, close together, with the W on the L of their current partner.
B1 1-6 Lines fall back a double and come forward, turn single
7-8 Pass through the line changing places with opposite and forming new lines across the hall, close together. (Dancers on the inside of the old line go to the ends of the new line: forward 4 steps. Dancers on the end of the old line take 2 steps forward and 2 steps inward to end close to an opposite)
B2 Lines fall back, come forward, turn single, and pass through to meet your original partner in original place in a square.
Orleans Baffled
Longways triple, Playford, 1710 [PB booklet 2008 with a correction!]
A 1-2 1s cast down, 2s lead up
3-4 1s and 3s half poussette CW, 1st M, 3rd W forward to start
5-6 1s cast up, 3s lead down
7-8 1s and 2s half poussette CW, 1st W, 2nd M forward to start
B 1 1st corners cross and face along the line
2 2nd corners cross and face neighbor along the line
3-4 3 quick changes of a circular hey starting with your neighbor
The Pursuit
Longways duple, Playford, 1713, reconstruction Pat Shaw
A1 1st M hey with 2 women, cast to 2nd place as the 2nd man moves up
A2 1st W hey with 2 men, cast to 2nd place as 2nd W moves up
B1 1-4 1s lead down through new 2s and cast back while 2s move up the outside and lead down
5-8 All 2 hand turn partner in progressed place
B2 1s dance a whole figure 8 through original 2s above, 1s crossing up to begin.
Note: 2s may join the 1s in a double figure 8.
Tanya and David’s Waltz
(tune by Rebecca King)
Longways duple, David Edgar, 2014
A1 1-8 Take hands in a ring, balance, cast right 1 place CW, circle L once around to the new place.
9-16 Repeat, ending all progressed and improper
B 1-8 Dolphin hey: 1st M followed by partner pass 2nd W to start. End in a line of 4facing up, 1s in the middle proper, 2s casting onto the ends, improper
9-16 Line leads up, set R and L; while 2s cast, 1st M hands partner across to follow 2s to 2nd place, as 2s lead up to 1st place (all progressed and improper)
17-22 All gypsy partner R shoulder once, take 2 hands, balance forward and back.
23-24 California twirl to cross with partner and face a new couple.
Trip to Amsterdam
(tune: The Last New Vagaries, 1701)
Longways duple, Philippe Callens, 1989
A1 1-4 1s lead down and cast up to place while 2s come up the outside and lead down.
5-8 All set toward partner and turn single to place
A2 1-8 Circle L once around, 1s ½ figure 8 down through 2s
B1 1-4 1s cross and go below while 2s lead up and face out
5-8 Neighbors mirror gypsy: men L, women R, 1s inside to start
B2 1-8 Double figure-8: 1s cross up, 2s cast down to start
Wa’ Is Me, What Mun I Do?
Longways duple, Playford, 1701
A1 1-4 1st M set to 2 women, those 3 circle L until he is in 2nd W place.
5-8 Releasing 1st W hand, he leads them around 2nd M to new places (women above)
A2 2nd M repeat, setting to women, circling, and leading them around 1st M
B 1-2 All fall back and come forward
3-4 All chasse L one place (2 steps, no hands, everyone is now beside partner)
5-6 Lead partner out, turn and lead back
7-8 All cast, pulling R shoulder back and moving one place CW, ending in original place.
9-12 1st corners advance and retire, 2nd corners advance and retire
13-16 Starting with partner, 3 changes of Rights and Left |