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BACDS 2015 Playford Ball


The Landmark Ballroom, San José Woman's Club

75 South Eleventh Avenue, San José, California
Doors open at 6:45 pm, Dancing from 7:15 until 11:00 pm

East Bay Workshop

Saturday, March 7, 2:00 to 5:00 pm, $12
Caller: Kalia Kliban
Music: Jon Berger, Rebecca King
Finnish Brotherhood Hall
1970 Chestnut Street, Berkeley

Peninsula Workshop

Sunday, March 22, 3:30 to 6:30 pm, $12
Caller: Bruce Hamilton
Music: Ruth Anne Fraley, Stan & Susan Kramer
Palo Alto Masonic Temple
461 Florence Avenue, Palo Alto


Rehearsal Dance

Friday, March 27, 8:00 to 11:00 pm, $15
Caller: Cavalcade of Callers
Music: Charlie Hancock, Susan Worland,
Tom Lindemuth
Hill and Valley Club, 1808 B Street, Hayward


The After Party

Saturday, March 28, 11:30 pm to ???
The Hedley Club Lounge
Hotel DeAnza
233 W Santa Clara St, San José
(one mile from the dance)

Sacramento Workshop

Sunday, March 22, 2:00 to 5:00 pm, $12
Caller: Mary Luckhardt
Music: Rebecca King and Maggie Moore
YLI Hall, 1400 - 27th Street (corner of 27 and N Sts.), Sacramento Midtown


The Playford Brunch

Sunday, March 29, 11:00 am to 3:00 pm
At the home of Jody Distler-Dill and Jens Dill.
(Map will be printed in The Ball Booklet.)
Pot luck contributions welcome. Bring children, music and musical instruments.

Fragrance Free Policy