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BACDS Spring Fever Dance Weekend
March 14 - 16, 2014

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Contact Us:

We have a great committee as well as many volunteers who help make this camp possible. We WELCOME people to participate on committee or as volunteers.

If you have a question or need more info, you can use the form below to reach the committee.  We'll make sure it gets to the right person as soon as possible. 

Got feedback?  Tell us what you think about our web site, the camp, or anything else that comes to mind.  We welcome all of your comments, suggestions, problems, questions, and even complaints.

Tell us how to get in touch with you:
What kind of feedback is this
Question Problem Suggestion Praise
What do you want to comment on?
   If other:

Enter your feedback in the space provided below:

Copyright © 1998-2014 for the Bay Area Country Dance Society.  All rights reserved
Send comments and questions about this webpage to webmaster
Revised:  03/17/2014