Scholarships Overview

Work-Trade jobs may include some set-up before camp starts and some cleanup on the day of departure. Therefore, you must be able to arrive early to camp and/or stay late on the last day. During the week of the camp, jobs will include organizing and serving snacks, helping with parties and the auction, sweeping dance floors, and performing unforeseen tasks. There are no more Work-Trade scholarships available for 2025.

Youth age 18-30. We are holding couple of spots reserved for Youth Scholarhips.

Jude Biggs scholarship for a talented, aspiring dance musician to attend camp for free. This scholarship is no longer available for 2025.          

Need-Based scholarships for folks who would otherwise not be able to afford Hey Days. There are no more Need-Based scholarships available for 2025.

The scholarship applications are part of the Hey Days registration form (see registration page). To ensure the best chance to get a scholarship, submit your application by the lottery postmark deadline of February 1 (later applications welcome, space provided). Your application must be accompanied by a $250 ($100 deposit for youth scholarship applications) deposit. We will return your deposit if you don’t receive a scholarship and are therefore unable to attend.

If you don’t need a scholarship yourself, please consider making a donation towards the scholarship fund (to help make camp available to everyone across the economic spectrum) as part of your registration. You may donate by check to BACDS, mailed to BACDS Hey Days c/o Alex Bradley, 1913 Glenoaks Blvd #154, San Fernando CA 91340 or online by clicking the button below. Make sure to choose Hey Days from the drop-down menu!