
Contra College 2020
c/o David Buesch
109 Murray Court
Redwood City, CA 94061

Email Address

Phone Number
650 257 7214

Sponsored By
Bay Area Country Dance Society

In Collaboration With
North Bay Country Dance Society
Traditional Dancers of Santa Cruz
Sacramento Country Dance Society



The Contra College weekend promises to be packed with activities. Everything in the following schedule is included in the registration price except where noted.

Saturday, 14 March 2020 A.M.

at the Royal Hodge Masonic Center in Menlo Park

Start Course Title Instructor/Musicians
8:30  Enrollment
9:00  Orientation David Buesch, Alan Winston, and JoLaine Jones-Pokormey
9:20  Contra 101 The Foundations JoLaine Jones-Pokormey with music by Jim Oakden and Kevin Carr
10:45  Caller 101 Callers' Foundations Alan Winston
10:45  Contra 102 Balance in All Things JoLaine Jones-Pokormey with music by Jim Oakden and Kevin Carr

Saturday, 14 March 2020 P.M.

at the Royal Hodge Masonic Center in Menlo Park

Start Course Title Instructor/Musicians
12:00  Lunch Sandwich bar provided
12:00  Caller 201 Callers' Practicum
(Separate Registration)
Alan Winston
1:00  Contra 203 Open Forum Chat JoLaine Jones-Pokormey
1:30  Music 101 How to Hear and Dance to Contra Music Jim Oakden and JoLaine Jones-Pokormey with music by Jim Oakden and Kevin Carr
3:00  Contra 204 Being There Alan Winston with music by Jim Oakden and Kevin Carr
4:30  Contra 205 Other Dance Formations
(Triplets, Squares, 4-face-4s)
Alan Winston and JoLaine Jones-Pokormey with music by Jim Oakden and Kevin Carr
6:00  Dinner Light dinner provided.
8:00  Contra Dance Palo Alto Contra Dance
at the First United Methodist Church of Palo Alto
JoLaine Jones-Pokormey with music by
The Crabapples (Norm Cotton, Teresa Fife, Marta Lynch, Bob Silberstein)

Sunday, 15 March 2020 P.M.

at the Royal Hodge Masonic Center in Menlo Park

Start Course Title Instructor/Musicians
10:30  Brunch Continental brunch provided Discussions and reflections
11:30  Contra 306 Beyond Choreography JoLaine Jones-Pokormey with music by Back Pocket (Jess Newman and Will Wheeler)
1:00  Waltz 101 Waltzing Alan Winston with music by Back Pocket (Jess Newman and Will Wheeler)
2:30  Conclusion Discussion with snacks/light meal provided David Buesch, JoLaine Jones-Pokormey, and Alan Winston
4:00  Contra Dance Contra College
Graduation Dance
Open to the public
Alan Winston and guest (workshop) callers with music by Back Pocket (Jess Newman and Will Wheeler) with Scott Jepersen