Contra College 2016
c/o David Buesch
109 Murray Court
Redwood City, CA 94061
Email Address
Phone Number
650 257 7214
Sponsored By
Bay Area Country Dance Society
In Collaboration With
North Bay Country Dance Society
Traditional Dancers of the Golden State
Traditional Dancers of Santa Cruz
© Joyce Fortune 2012
Contra College will feature a coordinated teaching program:
Session 1 (Saturday 9:20-10:35): The Foundations — basic structure of a contra dance, dance roles, progression, phrasing with the music; flow, how one move connects seamlessly with the next; dancing with the music and with everyone else, not just your partner.
Session 2 (Saturday 10:45-Noon): Balance in All Things — finding the position that feels just right, for hands, feet, center of balance; blending with different dancers & energies
Session 3 (Saturday 1:00-2:20): How to Hear and Dance to Contra Music — listening to the music can provide as much information for dancing as the instructions and calling (or the whispers from your partner)
Session 4 (Saturday 2:30-3:50): Being There — focus on being in the right place at the right time to fit the music and the flow of the dance; end effects; dancing out of the “minor set”
Session 5 (Saturday 4:00-5:20): Waltzing — focus on the elements of and variations in waltzes
Session 6 (Sunday Noon-1:20): Squares and 4-face-4 — formations which are uncommon in the Bay Area, but which you will encounter in your travels to other regions; lots of fun, and different from the same old long lines!
Session 7 (Sunday 1:30-2:50): Beyond Choreography — adding spice and variety to your dancing while still dancing together with everyone else; inviting a flourish for variety, getting into and out of the flourish on time and in the right place; swapping dance roles