Contra College 2014
c/o Les Addison
123 Jasmine Avenue
East Palo Alto, CA 94043
Email Address
Phone Number
510 599 2219
Sponsored By
Bay Area Country Dance Society
In Collaboration With
North Bay Country Dance Society
Traditional Dancers of the Golden State
Traditional Dancers of Santa Cruz
Register by September 27, 2014 for our $50 early bird price. Registrations postmarked after that date pay our $60 regular price.
You can register using the online form below, or by calling the Registrar at (510) 599-2219.
Payment is by check made payable to BACDS, and sent to the registrar at the address to the left (also on the form). Registrations will be accepted in the order received. New dancers will be given priority if there is a waiting list.
If you have questions you can email us.
If after registering you need to cancel your registration, please let us know as soon as possible. If you cancel at least three weeks prior to the dance weekend — by Saturday, ApSeptember 20 2014 — we will refund your registration fee, less a $10 administrative processing charge. If you cancel after September 20, and we can fill your place from the waiting list, we will also refund your registration fee, less the $10 charge. However, if you cancel after September 20 and we cannot fill your place, we cannot refund your fee.
If you need to cancel your registration, please send an email to the Registrar with information about who is cancelling and why and how to contact you.