Information for Dancers
- Facility
- Food and Drink
- Accommodations
- T-shirts
- Volunteering/Work-Trade
- How to Contact Other Dancers
- Directions
- Public Transit
- Parking
- Printable Flyer
- The Fine Print
The Facility
The Janet Pomeroy Center has hosted Balance the Bay since 2009. Located just 2000 feet from the ocean, overlooking Lake Merced, it is kept cool in summer by sea breezes and coastal fogs. Because the only neighbor is the San Francisco Zoo, there is no problem with late-night music, and there is plenty of parking.
The dance hall at the Janet Pomeroy Center has a rubber-pad sprung floor. There's excellent ventilation and room for six long lines.
The main hall, where Saturday dinner is served, is used for snacks, information and sales tables, and has lots of space for hanging out. It has a fireplace and big windows overlooking Lake Merced. There are balconies overlooking the lake, a grassy courtyard, and plenty of rest rooms.
Food and Drink
Dinner on Saturday night is a sit down vegan and omnivore friendly meal. All other meals are on your own. There are many restaurants near the facility, or you can bring your own food and eat in the main hall.We provide water, tea, coffee, and a variety of snacks throughout the weekend. Please bring a mug and water bottle to help us cut down on waste.
Ingredient lists for the dinner menu and snacks will be available. We hope to offer enough variety to meet everyone's dietary concerns.
There are plenty of hotels in the area, or you may request housing with local dancers on your registration form, and we will contact you. Contact our hospitality committee with questions about housing with local dancers.
Balance the Bay is run by volunteer effort. Your contribution is always welcome. If you have questions about volunteering or work trade, please contact our Volunteer/Work Trade coordinator. If you signed up to volunteer or do work-trade when you registered, you will hear from us shortly before the weekend.
You're welcome to join us at our pre-weekend preparation party on Thursday afternoon, August 9. Call Jens at 510-886-6549.
How to Contact Other Dancers
You can send a message to all dancers after registration opens on March 1.

Balance the Bay is held at
The Janet Pomeroy Center (JPC). The address of the JPC is 207 Skyline Boulevard,
but the entrance is on Herbst Road (sometimes labelled Zoo Road). If you are using GPS,
Mapquest, or other similar sources, use "100 Herbst Road" as your destination.
Google Map
Mapquest Map
The JPC occupies a triangular block. The east side of the block is Skyline Boulevard. Traffic flows one way around the triangle. You enter from Skyline Blvd at the North end of the triangle, exit at the south.
Public Transit
The Janet Pomeroy Center is served directly by the the MUNI #18 (46th Avenue) bus. Get off at the "Skyline Blvd and Zoo Road" stop. The southbound stop is on Armory Road, just across the street from the entrance to the JPC. The northbound stop is across Skyline Boulevard at the intersection with Herbst Road.
You can use to plan a trip online.
There's plenty of parking on Herbst/Zoo and Armory Roads. It's all at 90 degrees to the curb. To avoid an expensive ticket, do not park in front of the bus stop shelter across from the JPC entrance, or in a handicapped parking spot without proper plates. it's OK to park overnight, but remember that this is a big city neighborhood. Don't leave valuables in your car or anything valuable looking on the seat.
The Fine Print
Balance the Bay is:
- Fragrance Free. Please do not use scented products (cosmetics, cleaners, and personal hygiene items). Chemicals used in perfumes and fragrances cause serious allergic reactions for some people, so please come scent free.
- Alcohol and tobacco free.
- A gender balanced event.
- Harassment Policy
- The Bay Area Country Dance Society does not condone or permit any behavior at its events which intentionally harms, intimidates, or harasses any participant, either physically, sexually, or emotionally.
- Anyone who feels harassed, intimidated, or threatened is encouraged to speak to one of the event organizers.
- We reserve the right to refuse registration or admission to anyone whose behavior has been judged by the BACDS Board or by the event manager to be disruptive, harassing, or dangerous.