BACDS American Dance and Music Week, July 3-10, 2005
Registration Updated for 2005!
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The registration fee for the dance week is $695, which includes room, board and tuition. A deposit of $75 is due with each application. Final payment is due by June 6. You are encouraged to pay the full fee in advance.

To avoid problems associated with slow mail, all applications postmarked by April 18 will be deemed to have arrived on that date. If the Week is oversubscribed, by that date, a drawing will be held. Applications postmarked after April 18 will be considered in order of receipt. You will be notified of acceptence by phone or e-mail by May 2, followed soon thereafter by a comprehensive information packet.

Please note that there is a cancellation fee: if the registrar receives notice by June 6, $50 of your deposit is non-refundable. After June 6, $75 is non-refundable. The entire registration fee may be retained if cancellation notice is received after June 25.

Although all campers will have light daily chores, the smooth operation of camp depends on the efforts of work scholarship campers. A limited number of work scholarships, covering 1/3 of the registration fee, are available to all and will be considered upon request. Please accompany your request with the $75 deposit.

Download registration form (pdf):

Download Registration Form

Only full-time registrants 18 or over will be accepted. Campers 15-17 years old are welcome if accompanied by a responsible adult. Smoking is permitted only in limited areas of the camp; pets are not allowed on the camp grounds. For the health of all camp participants, please use fragrance-free personal hygiene products. Information reqarding products provided by BACDS as well as those you should bring will be detailed in your acceptance packet.

For more information about American Dance and Music Week 2005, check the website (, or contact co-managers Judy Rose Dornbush (415-456-4602) or Joyce Cooper (408-858-4812).

Immediately following American Dance and Music Week, BACDS also offers English Week, July 9-16 at the Mendocino Woodlands. Check, or contact Victoria Williams (510-526-5854).

Shuttle Service [Picture of a Bus]

There is no shuttle service from San Francisco or Oakland Airport to the Mendocino dance camp. If you indicate on the registration form that you need a ride, our hospitality coordinator Andrea Lehrer will contact you a few weeks before camp to arrange transportation from a local dancer. You can also rent a car at either of the airports.

More information, including a road map to Mendocino.

A Caller and People Dancing
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