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San Francisco
Bay Area Country Dance Society Calendar

Last updated on Sat, Jan 17, 1998.


BACDS currently holds dances on Wednesdays and Fridays through Sundays. Click on the calendar dates to go to listings for that day.

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4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Key to Locations

Please note: Except where noted, all dances start at 8pm.

BET--Bethany United Methodist Church, 1268 Sanchez (at Clipper), San Francisco. 2nd Saturday English dance, 7:30pm.
CCH--Catholic Charities Hall, 600 Columbia Drive, San Mateo. Playford Ball rehearsal dances.
ECV--El Cerrito Veterans' Hall, 6401 Stockton at Kearney, El Cerrito. 2nd and 4th Sundays East Bay Square/Contra dance, 7pm
FCC--Fairfax Community Church, 2398 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., Fairfax. 4th Saturday contradances
FIN--Finn Hall, 1819 Tenth Street (near Hearst, off University), Berkeley. 2nd Friday contradances
GNC--Grace North Church, 2138 Cedar St. (near Oxford), Berkeley. Dancing every Wednesday: contras on 1st, 3rd and 5th, English on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays. Also the 4th Saturday experienced English dance
MT--Masonic Temple, 461 Florence St. (near University), Palo Alto. 1st, 3rd and 5th Friday English dances
PA--Mid-Peninsula YWCA, 4161 Alma Street (near San Antonio Rd.), Palo Alto. 2nd, 4th and 5th Saturday contradances.
SCZ--CPDES (Portuguese) Hall, 218 Evergreen (near Harvey West Park and Costco), Santa Cruz. SC/MCD Dawn Dance
SF--St. Paul's Church, 43rd Avenue @ Judah Street, San Francisco. contras on 1st and 3rd Saturdays, 4th Fridays
SJS--First Christian Church, 80 South 5th Street, San José. 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesday English dancing, September through June.
SRB--Scottish Rite Ballroom, 1547 Lakeside Drive (south end of Lake Merritt), Oakland. BACDS' Playford Ball and No Snow Ball.
TOB--Thousand Oaks Baptist Church, 1821 Catalina Ave. (at Colusa), Berkeley.

Icons for type of dance: = contra; = English; = Square


Friday, January 2
The regularly-scheduled English dance at PA has been CANCELLED in observance of New Year's weekend.

Saturday, January 3
The San Francisco contra kicks off the year at SF. Ken Olcott calls with music by Faultline (Betsy Branch, Paul Kotapish and Bobbi Nikles). Beginners' orientation at 7:30pm, as is the case with all BACDS weekend contradances.

Wednesday, January 7
San José English dance at SJS. Guest caller Alisa Dodson leads the dance, Stanley Kramer, Vaughn Wolff and Kay Thorne play the tunes.

The Berkeley contra at GNC. Series programmer Erik Hoffman calls, with music by an Open Band led by Chuck Aronson, Joanne Weil, Brendan Doyle and Merielle Flood.

Friday, January 9
The 2nd Friday East Bay contra at FIN. This month's dance features Kirston Koths with music by The Contrabandits (Kathrine Gardner, Chris Knepper, Charlie Hancock, and Kit Nelson) .

Saturday, January 10
The San Francisco English dances at BET starts at 7:30, and features the seldom-seen but always wonderful Bruce Hamilton calling to the music of Davidity (Davids Mostardi, Newitt and Strong). Will they do "Star of David", as featured on the Playford Ball?

The Palo Alto Contra at PA, with Kirston Koths and The Contrabandits (Kathrine Gardner, Chris Knepper, Charlie Hancock, and Kit Nelson) . And yes, it will be a different program than their gig the previous night.

Sunday, January 11
& The East Bay Square and Contra dance at ECV, starting at 7pm. Jim Saxe calls to the BACDS début of "GS".

Wednesday, January 14
The 2nd Wednesday Berkeley English dance, with David Newitt calling and music by Charlie Hancock, Judy Linsenberg and friends.

Friday, January 16
1998's first Palo Alto English dance at MT, with Bob Fraley and Nonesuch Country Dance Players (Ruth Anne Fraley, Susan and Stanley Kramer) .

Saturday, January 17
A real treat at the San Francisco contra at SF: Charlie Fenton calls to the amazing duo of Barbara Magone (a superb Cape Breton-style pianist from San Diego) and local Celtic musical wonder Kevin Carr.

Wednesday, January 21
Berkeley contra at GNC, with Andy Wilson calling to music supplied by an Open Band led by The Compound Meters (Robin Flower, Libby McLaren, & Erik Hoffman).

Come to SJS for the San José English dance. Colin Hume, one of the foremost English dance choreographers, makes his first of five local appearances. Music by Kay Thorne, Stan Kramer, and Vaughn Wolff.

Friday, January 23
Charlie Fenton calls the San Francisco contra at SF, with music by Cathie Whitesides, Hank Bradley and Kathrine Gardner. Whew....

Saturday, January 24
The fourth Saturday Fairfax contra at FCC, with Erik Hoffman calling, and music by The Curly Tones (Bobbi Nikles & Carlo Calabi) .

The East Bay experienced English dance, and you'll need all the experience you can muster to dance to the challenging dances that Colin Hume might call. Music provided by Charlie Hancock, Jon Berger, and Anise Feldman.

The Palo Alto contra at PA, with Kimberly McKittrick calling to the music of The Crackerjacks (Chuck Aronson, Sylvia Herold, Paul Kotapish, and Chris Lewis) .

Sunday, January 25
& A change of pace, a change of location on Super Bowl Sunday: The Square/Contra dance starts at 7pm, with guest caller Colin Hume and music by Bobbi Nikles and Charlie Hancock. The dance is at TOB, just off Solano in northernmost Berkeley.

Wednesday, January 28
The fourth Wednesday English dance at GNC. Colin Hume makes his final East Bay appearance here, with music supplied by David Strong, Avis Minger and Craig Johnson.

Friday, January 30th
Colin's last stand at the Palo Alto English dance at MT. He's accompanied by Peter Spicer and Stan and Susan Kramer.

Saturday, January 31st
The fifth Saturday Palo Alto Contra, featuring a evening with a Southern bent as Jim Saxe calls to the music of Suzy's Floozies (Suzy Thompson, Maxine Gerber, & Kate Brislin).

General Notes

To Do List

If you want to check out the current plans and what's been done already, click here.

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...and Happy Dancing!