Promoting traditional English and American music and dance

BACDS Events Calendar

November 2024
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Schedule of Events

November 1 ENGLISH SME Lise Dyckman Cat Taylor, Bill Jensen, Robin Lockner
English dancing for all - dance 7:30-10:00
November 5 ENGLISH ASE Lise Dyckman Mary Tabor, Robin Lockner, Bill Jensen
November 7 CONTRA CCB Kelsey Hartman Green Gates, Jon Berger, Roxanne Oliva, Todd Silverstein
November 8 REGENCY/ENGLISH (BACDS, BAERS) SME Alan Winston Divertimento
Preview the dances for Alan's Birthday Ball tonight!
November 9 Alan Winston's Birthday Ball (ENGLISH/SPECIAL) HVC Alan Winston Tartan Suite, Patti Cobb, Caroline McCaskey, Thomas Dewey, Shira Kammen
For his 65th birthday, Alan Winston is putting together an evening of his own English dance choreographies, with fabulous music by Patti Cobb, Caroline McCaskey, Thomas Dewey and Shira Kammen - tunes by Rebecca King, Debbie Jackson, Patti Cobb, Larry Unger, and others. Dances are intermediate level; not the dance to attend if you've never done English dance before. Preview the dances on Friday the 8th in Palo Alto.
November 9 CONTRA FUM Dane Wallinga The Corn Likkers, Ray Chen, Lael Sigal, Lauren Graves, Sharon McCorkell
November 9 ENGLISH SJP Bruce Hamilton Valerie Rose, Diana Gómez, Craig Johnson, William Allen
November 10 ONLINE/ENGLISH ONLINE Sharon Green Odd Sundays English Garage Band
1:30a ONLINE/ENGLISH at online in the cloud. Led by Kalia Kliban. Music by Recorded Music by Odd Sundays Garage Band and others
November 10 ENGLISH FSJ Alan Winston, Lise Dyckman Mary Tabor, Robin Lockner, William Allen
November 13 CONTRA PCSF Tanya Merchant Will Wheeler, Christian Conaway
Contra - beginner lesson at 7:30, dance 8:00-10:30
November 13 WOODSHED LAUMC Maybe you?
November 14 ENGLISH CCB Brad Foster Ben Schreiber, Karen Axelrod
English dancing for all - newcomer lesson at 7:00; dance 7:30-10:00 Karen and Ben will be joined by the Fall Frolick Musician Workshop Participants. ››Note earlier start time!
November 15 FALL FROLICK WEEKEND (SPECIAL/CAMP/ENGLISH) BR Anna Rain, Brad Foster, David Newitt Chip Prince, Christopher Jacoby, Jim Oakden, Karen Axelrod, Shira Kammen, Audrey Jaber, Ben Schreiber
November 15 SQUARE HC Nina Berry Vortex Willy, Michelle Yu, Chris Sallstrom, Jesse Fichman, Emma Grant-Dreher, David Thiessen
Square dance with live old-time music! No experience necessary. Beginners welcome, kids welcome. This dance is in 2024. Doors open at 7:45. Dance roles (in November) are "owls" and "birdies."
November 19 ENGLISH ASE Bruce Hamilton Valerie Rose, Elizabeth Ingber, Patti Cobb
November 21 CONTRA CCB Greg Frock Uncle Dave, David Brown, Kathrine Gardner, Erik Hoffman
November 23 CONTRA FUM Greg Frock Magic Reelism, Sue Jones, David Wright, Cheryl McKinney, Del Eckels
November 23 ENGLISH CCB Kalia Kliban Rebecca King, Anne Goess, Jon Berger
November 24 ONLINE/ENGLISH ONLINE Kalia Kliban Odd Sundays English Garage Band
1:30a ONLINE/ENGLISH at online in the cloud. Led by Kalia Kliban. Music by Recorded Music by Odd Sundays Garage Band and others
November 27 CONTRA PCSF
SF Contra cancelled—it’s Thanksgiving Eve!
November 28 ENGLISH CCB
No dance—Thanksgiving! Eat turkey and pie …
November 29 ENGLISH SME Alan Winston, Lise Dyckman Patti Cobb, Judy Linsenberg, Valerie Rose
With guest caller appearance by Emily Senturia
November 30 CONTRA FUM Frannie Marr Sycamore, Michael Sokolovsky, Cedar Stanistreet, Sam Foucher

Dance Venues

ASE All Saints Episcopal Church 555 Waverley St Palo Alto
BR Bishop's Ranch 5297 Westside Road Healdsburg
CCB Christ Church East Bay 2138 Cedar Street Berkeley
FSJ First Unitarian Church of San Jose 160 N 3rd St San Jose
FUM First United Methodist Church of Palo Alto 625 Hamilton at Byron Palo Alto
HC Hillside Club 2286 Cedar Street Berkeley
HVC Hill and Valley Club - 1808 B Street (at Linden) 1808 B Street Hayward
LAUMC Los Altos United Methodist Church 655 Magdalena Los Altos
ONLINE online wherever the cloud
PCSF The Polish Club 3040 22nd Street San Francisco
SJP St. John's Presbyterian Church 25 Lake San Francisco
SME St. Mark's Episcopal Church 600 Colorado Avenue Palo Alto
ZOOM Zoom.us the cloud