Promoting traditional English and American music and dance

BACDS Events Calendar

June 2024
Su M Tu W Th F Sa
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Schedule of Events

June 4 ENGLISH ASE Bruce Hamilton Elizabeth Ingber, Bill Jensen, Anne Goess
June 6 CONTRA CCB Claire Takemori The Whiskey Brothers Trio, Dave Courchaine, Jeff Ward, John McFarlane
June 7 ENGLISH SME Lise Dyckman Patti Cobb, Richard Page, Michelle Masek
English dancing for all - dance 7:30-10:00
June 8 CONTRA FUM Kelsey Hartman Against the Grain, Sharon McCorkell, Susan Goodis, Ann Whitesell, Patti Bossert, Anita Baldwin
June 8 ENGLISH SJP Steve White Jon Berger, Alicia Cover, Craig Johnson
June 9 ONLINE/ENGLISH ONLINE Sharon Green Recorded Music by Odd Sundays Garage Band and others
June 9 ENGLISH FSJ Alan Winston Paul Kostka, Robin Lockner, William Allen
June 12 WOODSHED LAUMC Maybe you?
Woodshed dance - now on Wednesdays. Callers and choreographers try out new material and get feedback.
June 13 ENGLISH CCB Lise Dyckman Maggie Moore, Michelle Masek, Patti Cobb
English dancing for all - newcomer lesson at 7:15; dance 7:45-10:00
June 14 REGENCY/ENGLISH (BACDS, BAERS) SME Alan Winston Divertimento
June 15 BerkMo at Angel Island (MORRIS)
A Nautical Adventure, as we sail across the San Francisco Bay from Sausalito to do some dancing on Angel Island. Check in later for more details.
June 15 ENGLISH CCB Bridget Whitehead Michelle Masek, Patti Cobb, Maurette Foster
June 16 Hey Days at Sonoma State. (ENGLISH/CAMP/SPECIAL) SSU David Millstone, Melissa Running, Bridget Whitehead Alchemy, Jeff Spero, Karen Axelrod, Eric Martin, Rachel Bell, Dave Langford
Hey Days (BACDS English Dance and Music Week)
June 20 Solstice Sunset (MORRIS)
Solstice Sundown dancing with several teams, Sutro Heights Park overlooking the beach, starting 7:15(ish)
June 20 CONTRA CCB Erik Hoffman The New Vintage Revelers, Paul Kotapish, Dan Warrick, Harry Liedstrand
June 22 CONTRA FUM Charlie Fenton Daniel Steinberg, Paul Kotapish, Mike Lewinski
June 23 BACDS Family Week (SPECIAL/CAMP) MON Kelly Graham, Rhonda Cayford, Shirleigh Brannon, Yoyo Zhou, Lindsay Verbil Anne Goess, Jeff Spero, David James, Craig Johnson, Ben Saylor, M’Gilvry Allen
Family Week
June 23 ONLINE/ENGLISH ONLINE Kalia Kliban Recorded Music by Odd Sundays Garage Band and others
June 27 ENGLISH CCB Alexandra Deis-Lauby Valerie Rose, Judy Linsenberg, Patti Cobb
English dancing for all - newcomer lesson at 7:15; dance 7:45-10:00
June 29 CONTRA FUM Chris Page George Paul, Ben Jackson, Steve Kemble
June 30 BACDS American Dance and Music Week - advance registration required (CONTRA/CAMP/SPECIAL) QUABL Alexandra Deis-Lauby, Chris Page George Paul, Ryan McKasson, Steve Kemble, Alex Sturbaum, Hayden Stern

Dance Venues

ASE All Saints Episcopal Church 555 Waverley St Palo Alto
CCB Christ Church East Bay 2138 Cedar Street Berkeley
FSJ First Unitarian Church of San Jose 160 N 3rd St San Jose
FUM First United Methodist Church of Palo Alto 625 Hamilton at Byron Palo Alto
LAUMC Los Altos United Methodist Church 655 Magdalena Los Altos
MON Monte Toyon Camp Cathedral Drive Aptos
ONLINE online wherever the cloud
QUABL Quaker Center 1000 Hubbard Gulch Rd Ben Lomond
SJP St. John's Presbyterian Church 25 Lake San Francisco
SME St. Mark's Episcopal Church 600 Colorado Avenue Palo Alto
SSU Sonoma State University 1801 East Cotati Avenue Rohnert Park