Promoting traditional English and American music and dance

BACDS Events Calendar

August 2023
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Schedule of Events

August 3 CONTRA CCB Kelsey Hartman Red Rock Island String Band, Paul Kotapish, Kate Chaitin, Connor Maguire, Brianna Hathway
August 4 ENGLISH SME Alan Winston Alicia Cover, Craig Johnson, Mary Tabor, Robin Lockner
English dancing for all 7:30-10:00 Dances called without reference to gendered roles. ** For this evening only, dancing in the church itself**
August 7 WOODSHED LAUMC Maybe you?
Woodshed dance moved to August 7 to avoid conflict with special Palo Alto Contra on August 14; returning to second Mondays after that.
August 10 ENGLISH CCB Alan Winston Craig Johnson, David Mostardi, Michelle Masek
English dancing for all - newcomer lesson at 7:15; dance 7:45-10:00
August 11 Balance the Bay Contra Dance Weekend (CONTRA/CAMP/SPECIAL) JPC Michael Karcher, Lisa Greenleaf Gaslight Tinkers, Nova
Sign up now! Partial registration options available. - BALANCE THE BAY contra dance weekend in San Francisco. Music by: NOVA, a neo-trad trio hailing from New England featuring Kathleen Fownes on fiddle, Everest Witman on guitar and mandolin, and Guillaume Sparrow-Pepin on accordion and piano. Nova draws from both traditional repertoire and original compositions to create high energy music for concerts and dancing. THE GASLIGHT TINKERS’ blend of global rhythms creates a joyously danceable sound around a core of traditional New England old time and Celtic fiddle music, merging boundless positive energy with melody and song: Peter Siegel on guitar, Garrett Sawyer on bass, Jopey Fitzpatrick on drums, and Noah VanNorstrand on fiddle. With gender-neutral calling by LISA GREENLEAF, widely acclaimed for her humor, high-energy calling, and clear teaching of zesty, flowing dances; and MICHAEL KARCHER who has honed a warm and concise style of teaching and calling, to the delight of dancers across the continent.
August 12 ENGLISH SJP Lise Dyckman Raven & Goose
August 13 ONLINE/ENGLISH ONLINE Sharon Green Odd Sundays English Garage Band
1:30-2:30 pm
Solo adaptations of English country dances either to recorded or live music.
August 13 CounterBalance Contra Open Dance (SPECIAL) JPC Michael Karcher Gaslight Tinkers
Special final dance for Balance the Bay open to all without preregistration! $25/$15 low income. Pay at the door with cash, check, PayPal or Venmo. (Well-fitting mask and Covid test within 6 hrs of arrival required.)
August 14 CONTRA FUM Michael Karcher Gaslight Tinkers
beginners 6:30 / dance 7:00-10:00
August 17 CONTRA CCB Tanya Merchant The Cain Raisers, Craig Johnson, Erik Hoffman, Stefan Curl
August 24 ENGLISH CCB Kalia Kliban Anne Goess, Bill Jensen, Charlie Hancock
English dancing for all - newcomer lesson at 7:15; dance 7:45-10:00
August 26 CONTRA FUM Alan Winston Midnight Chargers, Patti Cobb, Valerie Rose, Elizabeth Ingber
August 26 ENGLISH CCB Sharon Green David Mostardi, Ben Jackson, Christopher Jacoby
August 27 ONLINE/ENGLISH ONLINE Kalia Kliban
1:30-2:30 pm
Solo adaptations of English country dances either to recorded or live music.
August 31 CONTRA CCB Doe Taryn The New Vintage Revelers, Dan Warrick, Harry Liedstrand, Paul Kotapish

Dance Venues

CCB Christ Church East Bay 2138 Cedar Street Berkeley
FUM First United Methodist Church of Palo Alto 625 Hamilton at Byron Palo Alto
JPC Janet Pomeroy Center 207 Skyline Blvd San Francisco
LAUMC Los Altos United Methodist Church 655 Magdalena Los Altos
ONLINE online wherever the cloud
SJP St. John's Presbyterian Church 25 Lake San Francisco
SME St. Mark's Episcopal Church 600 Colorado Avenue Palo Alto