Promoting traditional English and American music and dance

BACDS Events Calendar

June 2023
Su M Tu W Th F Sa
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Schedule of Events

June 1 CONTRA CCB Doe Taryn The Whiskey Brothers Trio, Dave Courchaine, Jeff Ward, John McFarlane
June 2 ENGLISH SME Alan Winston William Allen, Paul Kostka, Ben Jackson
English dancing for all - dance 7:30-10:00
June 3 Black and White (MORRIS)
In front of the Conservatory of Flowers in Golden Gate Park. Gather at 11:30am, three sets of roughly 45 minutes each with breaks in between. Open to spectators or Morris dancers and musicians who know the dances and tunes listed on the website. The Black and White Morris dance is by arrangement with the San Francisco Recreation and Park Department.
June 5 WOODSHED LAUMC Maybe you?
Woodshed on first Monday for June only.
June 6 ENGLISH ASE Lise Dyckman Patti Cobb, Robin Lockner, Ben Jackson
June 8 ENGLISH CCB Ric Goldman (Portland, OR) Anne Goess, Craig Johnson, David Mostardi
English dancing for all - newcomer lesson at 7:15; dance 7:45-10:00
June 9 REGENCY/ENGLISH (BACDS, BAERS) STM Louise Siddons Divertimento, James Langdell
Accessible English country dances not limited to Jane Austen's lifetime, called without gender reference
June 10 MORRIS
S.F. Embarcadero Tour: We will be performing around the Ferry Building in multiple sets during the afternoon.
June 10 ENGLISH SJP Louise Siddons Craig Johnson, Richard Page, Linda Game
June 11 ONLINE/ENGLISH ONLINE Sharon Green Odd Sundays Garage Band
1:30-2:30 pm
June 11 ENGLISH FSJ Cin Barnes William Allen, Paul Kostka
dance 2:30-5:00
June 11 Hey Days (ENGLISH/CAMP) SSU
Brooke Friendly, Louise Siddons, Dave Macemon, more with Anna Patton, Betsy Branch, Dave Wiesler, Roguery (Shira Kammen, Jim Oakden, Dave Bartley, Anita Anderson) Sound engineer Brian Lindsay -- Hey Days (BACDS English Dance and Music Week), a residential camp in the North Bay with English Country Dance, display dance (Dartmoor Step Dance, rapper sword), singing, a music track, and more, put together by program director Bridget Whitehead. Advance registration required, postmark lottery deadline February 1. Camp is June 11 - 18
June 15 CONTRA CCB Tanya Merchant Green Gates, Jon Berger, Roxanne Oliva, Todd Silverstein
June 18 Santa Cruz Day of Dance (MORRIS/BORDER/MOLLY)
Multi-team morris performance beginning at noon in the Mission Santa Cruz Courtyard (including a land acknowledgement and collaborative performance with a local indigenous group). Then tour on Pacific Ave.
June 20 ENGLISH ASE Bruce Hamilton Bill Jensen, Renata Bratt, Valerie Rose
June 21 MORRIS
Performing at Land's End in San Francisco as the sun sets for the Summer Solstice.
June 22 ENGLISH CCB Kalia Kliban Anne Goess, Charlie Hancock, Michelle Masek
English dancing for all - newcomer lesson at 7:15; dance 7:45-10:00
June 24 CONTRA FUM Susan Petrick Persons In Black, Clark Smith, Sue Jones, David Wright
June 24 ENGLISH CCB Lise Dyckman Bill Jensen, Christopher Jacoby, Valerie Rose
June 25 BACDS Family Week (SPECIAL) MON
A weeklong camp held in the redwoods 12 miles east of Santa Cruz. A camp for families of all ages and sizes—contra, English, Québécois, and family dance classes, as well as lots of music (tutorials and performance!), singing, crafts, stilting, and games. It’s our 30th year of camp! Staff this year: Yaelle Azoulay (French Canadian dance); Kelsey Hartman (contradance, teen dance, improv); Sharon Green (English country dance); Kalia Kliban (“mischief”); Julie James (emcee); Rhonda Cayford (rapper sword, programmer); Kelly Graham (kids’ dance, improv); Anne Goess (fiddle, singing); Nicolas Babineau (fiddle, guitar); M’Gilvry Allen (fiddle, teen tunes); Erik Hoffman (callers’ workshop); David Brown (fiddle, guitar, banjo, mandolin, concertina); David James (fiddle, guitar, mandolin); Jeffrey Spero (keyboards); Craig Johnson (accordion, piano); Lorraine Kostka (handcrafts); Emily Janssen (handcrafts); Bethany Ewers (Waldorf-inspired preschool, storyteller); Andy Wilson (stilting); Courtney Tolhurst (preschool and stilting); Stan Fowler (ropes course); Nick Cuccia (sound). Registration opens March 20!
June 25 ONLINE/ENGLISH ONLINE Kalia Kliban Odd Sundays Garage Band
1:30 - 2:30 pm
June 29 CONTRA CCB Dane Wallinga The Corn Likkers, Eleanor Chen, Elijah Chen, Lael Sigal, Lauren Graves, Ray Chen, Masankho Kamsisi Banda
June 30 ENGLISH SME Alan Winston, Bruce Hamilton, Lise Dyckman Bill Jensen, Robin Lockner, Christopher Jacoby
Palo Alto ECD 5th Fridays Advanced ECD

When there are five Fridays in the month, the Palo Alto ECD series now includes an Advanced Dance.

These are dance parties for experienced dancers. Instruction will be streamlined (familiar dances will be walked-through, not carefully taught), and their programs can include some more complicated dances than are usually seen at our 1st Friday, Tuesdays, Thursdays, or Sundays ECD series. There will be only a few new or complex dances on each 5th Friday evening, however - we're aiming for minimal teaching for maximum dance time.

We expect dancers attending these sessions to be unfazed by heys in different orientations, dolphin heys, double figure 8s, Mad Robin figures, etc. They may encounter double progression dances and triple minors, or sets in different configurations. Dancers should also be able to maintain their sense of orientation within the set.

(This is not the time to bring your friends who are new to English country dancing, although we'd love to see them at other BACDS dance events.)

Dance Venues

ASE All Saints Episcopal Church 555 Waverley St Palo Alto
CCB Christ Church East Bay 2138 Cedar Street Berkeley
FSJ First Unitarian Church of San Jose 160 N 3rd St San Jose
FUM First United Methodist Church of Palo Alto 625 Hamilton at Byron Palo Alto
LAUMC Los Altos United Methodist Church 655 Magdalena Los Altos
MON Monte Toyon Camp Cathedral Drive Aptos
ONLINE online wherever the cloud
SJP St. John's Presbyterian Church 25 Lake San Francisco
SME St. Mark's Episcopal Church 600 Colorado Avenue Palo Alto
SSU Sonoma State University 1801 East Cotati Avenue Rohnert Park
STM St. Mark's Church 600 Colorado Avenue Palo Alto