From Family Week Directors Emily Flouton and Jerry Allen:
At the camp auction this year, a syndicate of campers bought us a band, and we're returning the favor by turning it into a Family Week reunion. Please come!
The date is Saturday, October 12, 2002, in Sebastopol (California). We'll start out with a dance at Wischemann Hall from 2-4 PM with special guest band Ray Bierl, Kathrine Gardner & Craig Johnson playing. Jerry Allen, Andy Wilson and other guests will be calling. The dancing will no doubt include family dances, contras, English Country, and maybe some pick-up Morris or Sword demos. . .
Following the dance there will be a potluck and picking-singing party at Wischemann Hall.
RSVP: It would be helpful to have an idea of how many are coming, so please respond by email if you are coming.
This is a FREE event. There will be a donation basket if folks would like to help cover expenses.
Thank you to all the campers in the 2002 auction who purchased the band; Ray, Kathrine and Craig, who donated their talents to the auction; and the BACDS Board which is underwriting the hall cost to support a family dance and Family Week reunion event. We're really looking forward to seeing all of you and hope you can make it!
Jerry & Emily
(707) 829-8833