The Bay Area Country Dance Society Website

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Making Music Visible (An English Country Dance Workshop)

Saturday, January 18, 2025, 2:00-5:00 pm
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
600 Colorado Avenue, Palo Alto, CA

Price at the door: $20

Download the flyer.

This year’s workshop will be for intermediate and experienced English Country dancers. Dancers should be comfortable with the standard figures and their common variations.

Bruce will focus on the role of music in English Country Dance, including:

  • Hearing more of what the music has to say.
  • Responding as a dancer to what the musicians are doing.
  • Matching a figure to its musical phrase without needing to count.
  • Enjoying the character of different tunes and types of tunes.

We'll also do some delicious dances that can only be done at this level.

There will be a break with snacks.

Music for the session will be provided by Bill Jensen and Elizabeth Ingber.

Bruce Hamilton has more than 40 years experience teaching Scottish and English Country dancing. He created what is now the BACDS Peninsula English dance series, was an early co-foreman of Berkeley Morris and started the Deer Creek Morris Men. He has become one of the country's most popular English country dance leaders with invitations to many weekends and dance camps each year. Lately, he has been focusing on nonchoreographic elements of English Country dance: how to move well, how to be musical, how to recover from slips, how to be a good partner, body mechanics, and the social and mental aspects of this social dance form.

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