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2020 BACDS Playford Ball — The Dances

  • “Rights and lefts” implies with hands, "circular hey" implies no hands.
  • “Siding” alone implies Cecil Sharp “swirly” siding; Side R(L) shoulder implies shoulder-to-shoulder siding.
  • In duple minor dances “corner” refers to the people; “diagonal” refers to the positions.
  • Numbers of steps (in parenthesis) are provided where phasing may be unclear.
  • Turns and circles are once round unless otherwise noted.
  • CW/CCW = clockwise/counterclockwise.

Autumn in Amherst

Composer: Philippe Callens, 2002
Tune: "The Red Star Line" by Kathy Talvitie
Meter: 2/2
Format: Duple minor, improper
A All step R and honor partner, turn single L, turn partner L hand; turn neighbor R hand,
circle L halfway and fall back.
B Women change places R shoulder. Men change places L shoulder; half draw poussette (CCW: women drawing), continuing past the other couple to end with 1s facing up, 2s facing down (men in the center), nearer hands joined with partners; lead forward a double and back. All cast R simultaneously to progressed places improper, change places R shoulder.


Blythe Company

Composer: Brooke Friendly & Chris Sackett
Tune: "All Among the Barley" (trad.)
Meter: 6/8
Format: Triple minor
A 1s side R shoulders and L shoulders.
B 1s cast, 2s leading up (4), taking hands all set; 1s gate CW with the dancer on their R while 2nd man and 3rd woman go forward a double and back toward each other.
C Heys for 3 across the dance, 1st woman L shoulder to 2nd man, 1st man L shoulder to 3rd woman, to begin.


The Costumer's Delight

[for those who know — will not be walked through]

Composer: Philippe Callens, 2018
Tune: “One Charming Night” by Henry Purcell
included at end of Barnes 3
Meter: 3/2
Format: Three couple longways
A1 1s and 2s set forward to partners. 1s cast down to second place, as 2s lead up and turn single away into first place; 1s lead down through the 3s and cast up to second place.
A2 Repeat A1 from the bottom: 1s and 3s set forward to partners. 3s cast up to second place, as 1s lead down and turn single away into 3rd place. 3s lead up through the 2s and cast down to second place. Order is now 2-3-1.
B1 End couples (2s and 1s) change by the R hand with partner, L diagonals (2nd and 3rd men, 1st and 3rd women) change by the left hand. New middles (2nd man and 1st woman) R hand turn once and a half to end facing out (improper).
Middles go CW ½ way around the ends to finish in second place proper, while 1st long diagonal (2nd woman and 1st man) cross by the R (bars 9-10), then 2nd long diagonal (3s) cross by the L (bars 11-12).
B2 repeat B1 with opposite handing:
New end couples change by the L hand, R diagonals (3rd and 1st women, 2nd and 3rd men) change by the R hand. New middles (3s) L hand turn once and a half to end facing out (improper).
3s go CCW ½ way around the ends to finish in second place proper, as 2nd long diagonal (1st man and 2nd woman) cross by the L (bars 9-10), 1st long diagonal (1st woman and 2nd man) cross by the R (bars 11-12).


Faithless Nancy Dawson

Composer: Anna Bidder, 1969
Tune: "A Rovin'"  (trad.)
Meter: 2/2
Format: Duple minor
A 1s lead through 2s, cast back to place; 2s lead through 1s, cast back to place; All back to back with partners.
B All fall back setting; come forward turning single; 3 changes of a circular hey starting with partner.


The Female Saylor

Source: Feuillet, 1706
Meter: 6/8
Format: Duple minor
A1 1s lead through the 2s above and cast to place; lead through 2s below and cast to place.
A2 1s ½ figure 8 down through 2s; turn partner R hand, ending improper.
B1 Back to back with neighbor. Turn neighbor 2 hands.
B2 Back to back with partner. 1s turn 2 hands halfway and cast down while 2s turn 2 hands once round, moving up.


If All the World Were Paper

Source: Playford, 1651
Video: No available video with part 3 as we will dance it
Meter: 6/8
Format: Four couple square
A1 Joining hands in a circle, into the center and back; set to partner and turn single.
A2 Repeat.
B1 Head couples: men cross R shoulder, women cross R shoulder; 2 changes of Rights and Lefts starting with partners.
B2 Side couples repeat the figure.
A1 Partners siding; set and turn single.
A2 Repeat.
B1 Head couples: forward a double and meet, lead opposite out between side couples and cast back to places and turn partner 2 hands.
B2 Side couples repeat the figure.
A1 Partners arm R; set and turn single.
A2 Partners arm L; set and turn single.
B1 Head couples: pass R shoulder with opposite, pass R shoulder with partner, women looping R to follow partners into: half hey for 4 with hands (men pull by L hands to begin) ending at home.
B2 Side couples repeat the figure.



Source: Playford, 1670
Meter: 2/2
Format: Duple minor, double progression
A1 1s join R hands, then L hands and then turn halfway to change places;
1st woman with 2nd man, and 1st man with 2nd woman, change places in the same manner.
B1 1s figure 8 up through the 2s; cross R shoulder to end in proper, progressed place (skipping step).
A2 With the next couple: 1st corners turn 2 hands; 2nd corners turn 2 hands.
B2 Neighbors turn 2 hands 1½ times. Partners turn 2 hands to place.


Juice of Barley

Source: Playford, 1690
Meter: 6/8
Format: Duple minor
A All back-to-back with partner; turn partner 2 hands.
B1 The men ½ figure 8 around the women (1st man passing in front of 2nd man) to end in progressed place. All clap and circle L.
B2 The women ½ figure 8 around the men (1st woman passing in front of 2nd woman). All clap and circle L.


Key to the Cellar

Composer: J. Beer 2004
Video: 3 videos on-line; none decently phrased! Dance to the music!
Meter: 3/2
Format: Triple minor
A1 1s cast; gate down through the 3s.
A2 Lines forward and back; 1s gate up through the 2s.
B1 Heys for 3 across the dance, 1st woman L shoulder to 2nd man, 1st man L shoulder to 3rd woman, to begin.
B2 1s R shoulder round; all turn partner 2 hands.



Source: Playford, The Dancing Master, 1690 / Barnes 1
Meter: 6/8
Format: Duple minor
A 1s lead through 2s, cast up to place.
2s lead up through 1s, and cast down to place.
B1 1st corners change places R shoulder;
2nd corners change places passing R shoulder.
All fall back a double, come forward turning single.
B2 All change places with partner R shoulder (4), dance backwards into neighbor's place passing neighbor R shoulder (4); three changes of a circular hey beginning R shoulder with partner (8).


Mary K

[for those who know — will not be walked through]

Composer: Gary Roodman, 2002

Would prefer consistency of passing R in 1st part

Tune: "Scherzo in Cm" by Dave Wiesler
Meter: 3/2
Format: Duple minor, improper
A1 Men cast R dancing CW into each other’s place (9), turn partner 2 hands halfway (3).

Women repeat, turning neighbor.
In A1 & A2 pass R shoulders when meeting dancers from the next set.

B Circle 4 halfway (to original places) and fall back (6), cross R with partner and loop R to face (6); 2 changes of Rights & Lefts, starting with partner (6), turn partner 2 hands (6). Finish with 2s above facing partners, 1s facing up.

Petit Fours (3 steps per move):
With original couple:
1s: lead up center // face partner and fall back // dance down the outside // face partner and come forward to meet and face down.
2s: Fall back // dance down the outside // face partner and come forward to meet // lead up the center and face partners.


Repeat with next couple:
1s: lead down center // face partner and fall back // dance up the outside // face partner and come forward to meet.
2s: Fall back // dance up the outside // face partner and come forward to meet // lead down the center and face partner.


The Merry Salopians (AKA The Old Mill)

Source: Walsh, 1718
Tune: "The Old Mill" by Brian Jenkins
Meter: 3/2
Format: Three couple longways
A1 1st man cast one place, then turn 3rd woman R hand
while 1st woman balance back then follow partner round 2nd man and dance across the set (12);
1st woman, now followed by partner, dance up around 2nd woman, across to 1st man's place and pull back L shoulder (6), 1s turn L hands half way to original places (6).
A2 Repeat A1 in mirror image: 1st woman cast and turn 3rd man L hand while 1st man balance back, follow and then overtake partner. On reaching top position improper, 1st man pull back R shoulder and 1s turns halfway by the R to finish with R hands joined facing down.
B1 Retaining R hands, 1s lead down to face out the women’s side, 2s moving up (3). Mirror hey for 3 across the dance, 1st man with the 3rd couple, 1st woman with the 2nd, 1s dancing between the 2nd and 3rd women to begin (15).
1s turn R hand ¾  to end improper in middle places (6).
B2 1s cross R shoulder, cast up to 1st place, dance in to meet facing down, and turn single away from partner.
1s lead to the bottom, other couples dance up the outside to follow them.
1s cast to middle place as 2s continue to 3rd place. End progressed in order: 3-1-2.


Movement Afoot

Composer: Alan Winston, 2012
Tune: "Steciak's" by Larry Unger
Meter: 6/8
Format: Duple minor
A1 All men set forward to partners, men fall back as the women dance forward; all turn single R and turn R hand half way.
A2 Repeat A1 with the women starting, finishing in original places.
B1 Clockwise poussette ½ way;
Double Mad Robin with 2nd corners passing up and down the middle to begin.
Finish with 1st man in the middle facing 2nd man.
B2 All dance a dolphin hey across the set, 1st couple, man in the lead, passing 2nd man by the L to begin. Finish in progressed places.



[If time permits. For those who know — will not be walked through]

Source: Playford, 1650

Lovely rendition! (But skip the clap-clap-clap!)

Meter: 2/2
Format: Four couple square
A1&2 Joining hands in a circle, into the center and back; set to partner, set to corner. Repeat.
B1 Partners arm R. Men star L, while women skip around the set CW until you meet your partner the 2nd time (may be on the diagonals).
B2 Partners arm L. Women star R, while men skip around CCW to place.
A1&2 Partners siding, step R and honor. Pass by L shoulder. Repeat with next.
B1 Current sides lead in a double, lead out a double and form an arch.; current heads cast behind corner and lead through the arches to place.
B2 Repeat with current head couples leading in, sides casting.
A With current partner, arm R once; arm L 1½.  
With next person arm R once; arm L 1½ to form close lines of 4 up and down the hall. (Women on the L of the man they just turned).
B1 Lines fall back a double & come forward; all turn single; pass through R shoulder with opposite, forming new lines of 4 across the hall  (The end people of previous lines are in the middle of new lines).
B2 Lines fall back a double & come forward; all turn single and pass through R shoulder to opposite to original places.


Old Wife Behind the Fire

Source: Neal, 1726
Meter: 2/2
Format: Duple minor
A1 1s set, cast down, turn 2 hands.
A2 2s set, cast down, turn 2 hands.
B1 1s couple cross, cast to 2nd place, 2s leading up.
2s cross, cast into the middle of a line of 4 facing up.
B2 All lead up a double and back, bending the line to face partners.
2 changes of Rights & Lefts.


Peridot Ring

Composer: Susan Kevra, 2017
Tune: Rachel Bell
Meter: 2/2
Format: Three couple longways

All up a double and back (turn towards partner to face down);
Down a double and back.

A2 All side with partner; set and turn single R.
B1 Circle L ½ to lines facing partners (improper); balance forward and back (no hands) and cross over passing R shoulder.

Top couple (3s) cross right shoulder and cast to middle place and begin a 2 hand turn
While: 2s meet and lead up and bottom couple (1s) does a back to back;
All turn partner 2 hands to own sides.


Rafe's Waltz

Composer: Victor Skowronski, 1996
Video: no good video found
Tune: from "English Folk Song Suite" by Ralph Vaughan Williams
Meter: 3/4
Format: Duple minor

1st corners set and cross R shoulder, 2nd corners repeat;
Taking nearer hands with neighbor all set and cross R shoulder with partner, 
Facing neighbor, nearer hands with partner, all set and cross R shoulder with neighbor.


1s lead down the middle (6), turn single away from each others (6); lead up and turn single away to original place (12).
All turn partner R hand ending close and facing up; 1s cast off, 2s leading up and all turn single cloverleaf toward new neighbors.


When Laura Smiles

Composer: Orly Krasner, 2000
Meter: 3/4
Format: Duple minor
A1 1s lead down (6), lead up (6), and turn single into place (6).
A2 2s repeat, leading up to begin.
B 2 changes of Rights & Left starting with partner (12), partners R shoulder round (9), all circle L (12) and turn partner 2 hands halfway (6).


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