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2018 BACDS Playford Ball — The Dances

Here's a Word Document which includes more information.

  • "R" & "L" indicates hands, "circular hey" indicates no hands.
  • CW/CCW = clockwise/counterclockwise.
  • Unless otherwise specified, hand turns and circles are once around, corner/partner/neighbor changes are by R shoulder, and duple minor dances are proper.

Angels Unawares

Composer: Graham Christian, 2000
Tune: G
Meter: 3/4
Format: Longways duple minor for as many as will
A 1-4 All dance single file CW.
5-6 All balance in and out, 1st diagonals with RH, 2nd diagonals with LH.
7-8 Partners cross L and turn L into
B 1-4 Circle 4 R with hands.
5-6 Set to pass: 1s face down, 2s face up; set advancing to change with neighbor, 1s away & together, 2s together & away.
7-8 All 2H turn half.


Banish Misfortune

Composer: Jenna Simpson, 2009
Tune: D
Meter: 6/8
Format: Three couple circle mixer
A1 1-6 Men weave the ring, going behind partner to begin
7-8 Partners RH turn
A2 1-6 Women weave the ring, going behind partner to begin
7-8 Partners LH turn
B1 1-4 Women RH across
5-8 Men LH across
B2 1-8 Partners side once (swirly), then set and turn single to face each other.
C1 1-8 Heys along the circle: All pass partner R (2 counts), pass next by L (2 counts), pass the 3rd by R and turn R to face that person again (4 counts). Pass R (2 counts), pass next L (2 counts), pass partner R (4 counts) to end home, facing into the circle.
C2 1-4 All, with hands joined, forward a double into the circle and back.
5-8 Set to partner and pass R to meet new partner.



Source: Walsh, 1706. Reconstruction by Andrew Shaw
Tune: Gm
Meter: 9/8
Format: Longways duple minor for as many as will
A 1-4 1st diagonals back to back.
5-8 2nd diagonals back to back.
B1 1-4

1s cross R and go below to 2nd place (6 steps), 2s meeting and leading up to 1st place (3+3 steps).
All turn single, 1s down and 2s up.

5-8 Partners back to back.
B2 1-4 1s cast up above 2s (6 steps), then cross L, dance down the outside to 2nd place proper (3+3 steps) while 2s meet, lead down (3+3 steps), turn in to face up and lead back (6 steps).
5-6 All clap own hands once on 1st beat of each bar.
7-8 Partners 2H turn.


The Charming Maid

Source: Playford 1718
Tune: G
Meter: 2/4
Format: Three couple longways
A1 1-4 1s cross and go below 2s, who move up.
5-8 1s half figure 8 up.
A2 1-8 2s repeat A1.
B 1-6 1s lead between 2nd & 3rd women, separate, meet in center, half figure 8 through the 2nd and 3rd man, ending 1st man between 2s and 1st woman between 3s.
7-8 Lines of 3 meet.
9-10 Lines fall back.
11-12 1s cast R to middle place improper.
13-19 1s cross hand swing to bottom while 3s cast up.
Repeat dance 2x



Composer: Naomi Alexander
Tune: F
Meter: 2/2
Format: Longways duple minor for as many as will, first couples improper
A1 1-8 Partners set & turn single, turn RH once.
A2 1-8 Neighbors turn LH once, set & turn single.
B1 1-4 Circle 4 half and fall back.
5-8 2 changes of R&L.
B2 1-4 Half pousette CCW.
5-8 1s lead up through 2s and cast back to progressed place.


Harlequin In The Mud

Source: Johnson, 1742. Reconstruction by Andrew Shaw
Tune: F
Meter: 6/8
Format: Longways duple minor for as many as will
A1 1-8 1s cross R and turn R to face down, then 1st man goes down outside 2nd woman, up the middle and turns out into his partner’s place while 1st woman goes down the middle and back up outside 2nd man into her partner’s place (because the woman’s initial turn is longer than the man’s, she will be slightly behind her partner, he having his long turn at the end).
A2 1-8 Similarly to A1,2s cross L and turn L to face up, then 2nd man goes up outside 1st man, down the middle and turns out into his partner’s place while 2nd woman goes up the middle and down outside 1st woman to her partner’s place.
B1 1-2 Neighbors change with 4 slipping steps, 1st man & 2nd woman in the middle.
3-8 Partners facing, 3 changes of R & L (4 steps per change).
B2 1-4 2nd diagonals cross, 1st diagonals cross.
5-8 Partners 2H turn once.


The Introduction

Composer: Fried de Metz Herman, 1996
Tune: Am
Meter: 3/4
Format: Four couple longways
A1 1-4 1s cast, pass two couples as 2s and 3s sidestep up on bars 3&4.
5-6 Bottom couples (1s & 4s) RH across half.
7-8 Middle couples (4s and 3s) LH across half.
A2 1-4 2s (now at top) cast, pass two couples as 4s and 3s sidestep up on bars 3&4.
5-6 Bottom couples (4s and 1s) RH across half.
7-8 Middle couples (1s and 2s) LH across half.
B1 1-2 Begin 1/2 Choice Morsels hey: all face on R diagonal, pass R shoulders.
3-4 All face on L diagonal, pass L shoulders.
5-8 Repeat bars 1-4.
B2 1-6 1s lead to top and cast to bottom place.
7-8 1s cross-hand swing.
3-4 Bottom couple lead up one place.
5-8 Top 3 couples cross-hand swing, ending proper.
Repeat dance 3x


Jack’s Maggot

Source: Playford, 1703
Tune: D
Meter: 2/2
Format: Longways duple minor for as many as will
A1 1-8 1st man hey for 3 with women.
A2 1-8 1st woman hey for 3 with men.
B1 1-8 RH across, LH back.
B2 1-2 1st diagonals cross.
3-4 2nd diagonals cross.
5-6 Circle 4 half.
7-8 1s cast, 2s moving up.


The Jolly Company

Source: Walsh, 1718. Reconstructed by Andrew Shaw
Tune: D
Meter: 4/4
Format: Longways triple minor for as many as will
A1 1-2 1s & 2s circle L half and fall back with neighbor.
3 Face neighbor, set.
4 Face partner, set.
5 Partners cross L and turn L to face into set.
A2 1-2 1s & 2s circle R half and fall back with neighbor.
3 Face neighbor, set.
4 Face partner, set.
5 Partners cross L, 1st couple turning L to face down, inside hands joined, 2nd couple turning to face up (woman L, man R).
B 1-4 Mirror hey.
5 1s face and set.
6-7 1s long cast to 2nd place, 2s leading up on bar 7.
8-9 1s lead through 3s and cast back up into 2nd place.


Old Wife Behind The Fire

Composer: Neal, c. 1726
Tune: G mix
Meter: 2/2
Format: Longways duple minor for as many as will
A1 1-4 1s set and cast, 2s moving up.
5-8 1s 2H turn.
A2 1-4 2s set and cast, 1s moving up.
5-8 1s 2H turn.
B1 1-4 1s cross and go below, 2s moving up.
5-8 2s cross and go below into middle of line of 4 facing up as 1s lead up and cast onto ends of line.
B2 1-4 Line goes up a double and back, bending line at the end.
5-8 2 changes R & L.


Picking Up Sticks

[for those who know — will not be walked through]

Source: Playford, 1651
Tune: Dm
Meter: 6/8
Format: Three couple longways
A1 1-8 Partners lead up a double and back twice.
A2 1-4 1st man change places with middle dancer opposite, then with last dancer on own side.
5-8 All up a double and back.
A3 1-8 1st woman change twice as above, then all up a double and back.
A4 1-8 2nd woman (now at top), the same.
A5 1-8 2nd man the same.
A6 1-8 3rd man the same.
A7 1-8 3rd woman the same, all ending at home.
A1 1-8 Partners side (swirly) twice
A2 1-8 1s join both hands and slip down the middle to 2nd place, then slip outside back to 1st place while 2s slip up to 1st place, then down the middle to 2nd place. Meanwhile, 3s cross at the bottom and skip all the way around the set back to home.
A3 1-8 2s and 3s repeat slipping, 3s beginning up the middle while 2s start down the outside, and 1s cross and skip around the outside of the set.
A1 1-8 Partners arm R & L.
A2-A4 1-8 Men’s sheepskin hey.
A5-A7 1-8 Women’s sheepskin hey.
Repeat dance 2x


Puck’s Deceit

Composer: Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett 1997
Tune: Am
Meter: 2/2
Format: Longways duple minor for as many as will
A 1-4 1s R shoulder around while 2s meet, then cast up to end behind neighbor.
5-8 1s pass R and R shoulder around with end person and end facing that person.
B1 1-8 Hey for 4 across the set, passing R shoulder to begin, ending in line of 4 facing up with 1s in the middle, improper.
B2 1-4 Line of 4 goes up a double and back.
5-6 2s gate the 1s to face partner.
7-8 1s pass R shoulder to cross to own side.


St. Margaret’s Hill

Source: Playford, 1713
Format: Three couple longways
A 1-4 1s cast, 2s moving up, 1s 2H turn three quarters, ending with 1st woman between the 2s and 1st man between the 3s, in lines of 3 across the set (2s and 3s move up to meet 1s as they drop into middle place).
5-8 Lines fall back, come forward, circle 6 half.
B1 1-4 1s turn person on R with RH, then turn each other LH three quarters and face down improper.
5-8 1s lead through bottom and cast back to middle, then 2H turn half and fall back into middle place proper.
B2 1-4 1s turn person on R with LH, then turn each other RH three quartersand face up improper.
5-8 1s lead through the top and cast back to middle, then all 2H turn half.
Repeat dance 2x


Siege Of Limerick

Source: Playford, 1698
Tune: Dm
Meter: 3/2
Format: Longways duple minor for as many as will
A1 1-4 1st man cast (2nd man moving up), go R shoulder around 2nd woman and end in 2nd place.
A2 1-4 1st woman cast (2nd woman moving up), go L shoulder around 1st man and end in 2nd place.
B 1-2 1s cast up, 2s move down.
3-4 All back to back.
5-8 4 changes of a circular hey, skipping.
9-10 1s lead down, turn and lead up.
11-12 1s cast, 2s moving up.


The Sierra

Composer: Alisa Dodson, 2014
Tune: G, by Rebecca King
Meter: 3/2
Format: Longways duple minor for as many as will
A1 1-2 1s cast, 2s lead up.
3-4 RH across half, spiral into place.
5 1st diagonals cross and remain facing out.
6 2nd diagonals cross and take inside hands with neighbor.
7-8 Neighbors lead out and back.
A2 1-2 2s cast, 1s lead up.
3-4 RH across half, spiral into place.
5 1st diagonals cross and remain facing out.
6 2nd diagonals cross and take inside hands with neighbor.
7-8 Gate to change places, person on L going forward, end slightly wide of original set.
B1 1 1st diagonals go around each other L shoulder to face partner on 2nd diagonal (3 steps).
2-4 Half hey for 4 on 2nd diagonal, passing partner R to begin and end facing partner on that same diagonal (9 steps).
5-6 Back to back with partner (6 steps).
7 Set R only.
8 Pass partner L and curve into original place (3 steps).
B2 1-7 Repeat B1 from new places.
8 Same as in B1, but ending in progressed place.



Source: Walsh, 1712. Reconstruction by Graham Christian
Tune: G
Meter: 3/4
Format: Longways duple minor for as many as will
A1 1-4 Taking hands in a ring of 4, all set and circle R half.
5-8 That again to places.
A2 1-4 1s cast, 2s moving up, partners 2H turn half.
5-8 2s cast, 1s moving up, partners 2H turn half.
B1 1-4 Partners back to back.
5-8 3 changes of R & L thusly: partners RH, neighbors LH, partners 2H turn half and all face up.
B2 1-4 Double figure 8, 1s crossing up & 2s casting down to begin, one bar per change, ending with 1s close to partner facing down, 2s on sidelines facing up.
5-8 1s lead down through next 2s below and cast back up while 2s dance up around next 1s above, and lead down.


The Whirligig

[for those who know — will not be walked through]

Source: Playford, 1651
Tune: Am
Meter: 6/8
Format: Three couple longways
A Up a double and back twice.
B1 2s lead up through 1s, cast back, half figure 8 up and cross to places.
B2 Repeat down.
C Whirligig:
Top couple cast to bottom, others follow to invert the line. Middle couple, followed by top couple, lead through the 1s to the bottom and cast up to top and middle positions.
Repeat B and C twice
A Partners side (swirly) twice.
B1 Middles go left, arm R with 2nd corner, hey for 3 with that couple, starting L shoulder with that person’s partner, ending improper.
B2 1s pass R shoulder, repeating B1 on other side, ending proper.
C Whirligig
Repeat B and C twice
A Partners arm R and L.
B1 Top couple cast down and return to place, middle couple following. Those couples RH across.
B2 Bottom couple cast up and lead down, middle couple following. Those couples RH across.
C Whirligig
Repeat B and C twice


Whiskey Before Dinner

Composer: Gary Roodman 2005
Tune: D, by Jonathan Jensen
Meter: 9/8
Format: Longways duple minor for as many as will, first couples improper
A1 1-2 RH across half.
3-4 Women cross, men cross.
A2 1-2 Circle half.
3-4 Back to back with neighbor, ending in a wavy line of 4 across the set (1s facing up, 2s down, men in the middle).
B1 1-2 All set in line.
3-4 Men turn RH half, then turn partner LH half and face partner, still in line.
B2 1-2 Partners set.
3-4 Women pass partner R, loop R and face out, L hand ready while men weave across set and take waiting woman’s L hand with their R hand.
C1 1-2 Neighbors lead out.
3-4 Turn, lead back, pass through and turn R to face partner.
C2 1-4 4 changes of R & L.


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