Why not contact us to see what might be right for you? Volunteers: Heather MacKay, 510.653.7507
You'll earn the gratitude of the Ball Committee and the Dancers, and have fun besides!
Bay Area folks: Want a way to make new friends and add to your Playford experience? Our out-of-town guests always need and appreciate hospitality. This can consist of providing rides to or from the airport or train station, providing lodging for an out-of-towner, or just helping folks find their way around town. If you didn't already mark this on your registration form you can still contact us – Hospitality: SharYn Peterson.
The Committee:
The Playford Ball committee has monthly (approximately) meetings throughout the year where we gather, drink champagne, have a silly time, and somehow manage to organize and brew the magic which makes the Ball happen. And we're always look for participants, either on the committee itself, or within the proud ranks of our volunteers.
This year's members are: Cynthia Barnes, Fran Bartosek, Jens Dill, Alisa Dodson, Allen Dodson, Lise Dyckman, Michael Jones, Kalia Kliban, Thuy Le, Heather MacKay, SharYn Peterson, Trudy Roughgarden, Joyce Uggla.