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BACDS Playford Ball 2006


The dances for the 2006 BACDS Playford Ball are:


longways duple improper

Dance: Philippe Callens (2002), from Antwerp Antics; Tune: Telemann, Siciliano

A1 1-4 First corners set; first corners right-hand turn halfway.
A2 1-4 Second corners set; second corners right-hand turn halfway.
B 1-2 All fall back (without hands) with two single steps.
3-4 Cross over passing right shoulder with partner and turn into
5-8 Single-file circle clockwise once around.
9-12 Partners two-hand turn to proper, progressed places.

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The Bishop

longways triple minor

Thompson (1778) / W. S. Porter (1931)

A1 First man casts into second place (second man moving up to first place) and sets to third lady. First man and third lady two-hand turn once around, first man ending in second place.
A2 First lady casts into second place (second lady moving up to first place) and sets to third man. First lady and third man two-hand turn once around, first lady ending in second place.
B1 Top (second) couple gates first couple up and around while bottom (third) couple gypsies; all six circle left halfway.
B2 Top (third) couple gates first couple up and around while bottom (second) couple gypsies; all six circle left halfway.

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longways duple minor improper

Playford (The Dancing Master, Volume 1) (1701) / Interp. Pat Shaw

A1 1-4 Partners side-by-side (Shaw) side, right shoulder to right shoulder only).
5-8 Partners back-to-back, passing right shoulders to start.
A2 1-4 Neighbors side-by-side (Shaw) side, left shoulder to left shoulder only).
5-8 Neighbors back-to-back, passing right shoulders to start.
B1 1-4 Neighbors two-hand turn 1-1/2, skipping.
5-8 Partners two-hand turn once, walking, and open into:
B2 1-8 Full figure eight, ones crossing up between twos to start. This can be a double-figure eight, with twos casting down while ones cross up.

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We'll Wed and We'll Bed

(Dublin Bay)

longways duple minor

Playford (The Dancing Master, Volume 2) (1710) / Bentley (Fallibroome I) (1962)

A 1-2 First lady sets to second man while first man sets to second lady, first lady crossing in front of first man.
3-6 First man and second lady right-hand turn once while first lady and second man right-hand turn once, ones ending above and improper.
7-10 First couple cross passing left shoulders, move down outside second couple, and come into the middle; ones end facing same-sex neighbor.
11-14 Neighbors arm right once, ending with ones in middle of line of four, all facing down.
B 1-4 Line of four falls back a double (up the hall); line goes forward a double (down the hall).
5-8 All drop hands, turn towards neighbor to face up, reform line and fall back a double (down the hall); line goes forward a double (up the hall).
9-10 Twos gate ones up the middle and around to progressed places.

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longways duple minor

Colin Hume (1991)

A Ones set and two-hand turn halfway and open to face neighbors. Neighbors set and two-hand turn halfway and open to face across set.
B Partners back-to back. All take hands, circle left halfway, pull in towards partner, and fall back.
C Open ladies chain over and back; men cast left to receive the approaching lady.
D Ones cross, cast, and half figure-eight up while twos wait, half figure-eight up, and lead up, all ending in progressed places.

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The Emperor of the Moon

longways duple minor

Playford (The Dancing Master, Volume 1) (1690) / Andrew Shaw

A1 1-4 Partners set and turn single, end facing neighbors.
5-8 Neighbors two-hand turn and open up well back, facing partner across set.
A2 1-4 Lines go forward and back.
5-6 Partners set.
7-8 Ones cast down to second place while twos lead up to first place.
B1 1-4 Twos cross and cast while ones lead up and curve out.
5-8 Twos half-figure eight up, taking the relevant hand of the same-sex neighbor (men left, women right); ones complete the turn to face partner.
B2 1-8 As in B1, with ones crossing and casting to start.

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The Fandango

three-couple longways

Thompson (1774) / W. S. Porter (1931)

Part I
A1 1-4 Ones right-hand turn once around.
5-8 Ones cast down to middle place while twos move up to top.
A2 1-4 Ones left-hand turn once around.
5-8 Ones cast down to bottom place while threes move up to middle.
B1 1-8 All six circle clockwise and back, slipping.
B2 1-6 Ones lead up the middle the top and cast down to middle place while threes move to bottom.
7-8 Ones meet and turn single down (man to right, lady to left).
Part II
A1 1-4 Ones two-hand turn first corners (third lady for first man, second man for first lady).
5-8 Ones two-hand turn in middle.
A2 1-4 Ones two-hand turn second corners (second lady for first man, third man for first lady).
5-8 Ones two-hand turn in middle 1-1/2, speeding up and skipping into...
B1 1-8 Ones complete figure eight through end couples (first man heading up through twos, first lady heading down through threes)
B2 1-8 Ones pass left to trade ends and start heys for three with bottom couples (first man passing third lady and first lady passing second man by left to start), ones leading down to bottom at end.

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Hambleton's Round O

longways triple minor

Playford (The Dancing Master, Volume 2) (1710), Bentley (Fallibroome I) (1962)

A 1-2 Ones cast to center place, twos move up to top.
3-6 Heys for three across at top and bottom, first man passing third lady by left and first lady passing second man by left to start.
7-8 Ones, ending hey a bit early, turn two hands and end proper facing UP.
B 1-2 First corners (first lady, second man) trade places; second corners (first man, second lady) trade places.
3-4 Ones and twos circle halfway and turn single over right shoulders.
5-8 Four changes of a circular hey (no hands), partners passing by right to start.

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I Care Not For These Ladies

circle mixer

Dance: Kitty Creelman Skrobela (1969); Tune: Thomas Campion

Part I
A 1-8 Slipping circles to the left and back to the right.
B 1-4 Face current partner, set, and turn single.
C 1-8 Partners right-hand turn halfway and acknowledge; left-hand turn next person halfway and acknowledge; two-hand turn the next person all the way around; this is your new partner.
Part II
A 1-8 Current partners side-by-side (Shaw) siding right and left.
B 1-4 As in Part I.
C 1-8 As in Part I.
B 1-4 As in Part I.
C 1-8 As in Part I.
Detailed dance description can be found on page 27 of Legacy: 50 Years of Dance and Song, available from CDSS. The tune can be found on page 28 of the same volume.

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longways duple minor

Dance: Beth Zekley (2004); Tune: Mickie Zekley (for his daughter, Marina) (1987)

A 1-2 With partner, right hands across halfway.
3-4 Turn single over left shoulder.
5-6 With partner, right hands across halfway
7-8 Turn single over left shoulder.
B 1-4 Ones lead down and cast up around twos.
5-8 Neighbors mirror turn (with handy hand: men by right, ladies by left) 1-1/2 times to trade places. Continue momentum into...
9-16 All double figure eight, ones casting up and twos crossing down to start.
Detailed dance description and music can be found at .

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Mr. Beveridge's Maggot

longways duple minor

Playford (The Dancing Master, Volume 1) (1695); Sharp (1922)

A1 1-2 Ones cross, turn to face, and fall back on last three steps.
3-4 Ones face down and back to back with twos.
A2 1-4 Ones turn single over right (1), turn neighbor by right (2-3), and cross back with left hand (4)
B1 1-2 Ones cross passing right shoulders and cast down as twos lead up.
3-4 Partners back to back, ending with ones improper and in middle of a line of four.
5-6 All lead up six steps.
7-8 All fall back; twos placing ones above in original (but improper) places.
B2 1-4 Ones broadly skip half figure eight down through twos.
5-8 Ones complete figure eight more tightly, then cross with partner and cast below twos (twos moving up) to progressed places.

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Mr. Isaac's Maggot

longways duple minor

Playford (The Dancing Master, Volume 1) (1695); Sharp (1916)

A 1-4 First corners (first man, second lady) turn by right hands 1/2; first man returns home the long way, down and around second man. It's fun not to break eye contact.
5-8 Second corners repeat above, turning by left hands to start. In a crowded hall, all finish close to partners.
B 1-4 Taking inside hands with neighbor, fall back six steps. (Honest.)
5-8 Two changes of a circular hey (no hands), passing partners by right shoulder to start. Ones (below) finish by changing places (slowly, nose to nose) while twos (above) do a third change and cast to the end of a line of four facing up, all proper.
9-10 Line of four leads up three steps and falls back three steps.
11-12 Ones in middle drop hands and twos gate ones up and around to progressed places.

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Nan's Waltz

Sicilian circle

Pat Shaw

A1 1-4 Partners turn by right once around.
5-8 With person to your partner's left, back to back passing right shoulders to start.
9-12 With partner, turn by left once around.
13-16 With person to your partner's right, back to back passing left shoulders to start.
B 1-2 With this couple, circle left halfway.
3-4 Let go, fall back individually through the couple now behind you, passing by right shoulder (men outside, women inside).
5-8 With this new couple, half right and left through (with closed courtesy turns)
9-16 In this group of four, ladies chain over and back.
17-24 Assume ballroom position and waltz with your partner all the way around this same couple, ending with man turning partner clockwise under her arm on the last two bars and then taking right hands with her, ready for the next round of the dance.

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Four couple square

Playford (The Dancing Master, Volume 1) (1651); Sharp (1911)

Part I
A1 1-4 All hands eight into center and fall back.
5-8 with partners, set; with corners, set.
A2 1-8 Repeat A1.
B1 1-8 Partners arm right (1-2); men left hands across around to places as ladies skip clockwise around set to places (3-8).
B2 1-8 Partners arm left (1-2); ladies right hands across around to places as men skip counterclockwise around set to places (3-8).
Part II
A1 1-8 Partners swirl (Sharp) side over and back (1-4); partners step right and honor (5-6) and go on to next.
A2 1-8 Repeat A1 with new partner. Next person you meet is your next partner.
B1 1-4 Current side couples lead in a double, turn around, lead back out, and form an arch while facing out.
5-8 Current head couples cast round, pass through arches, and return to place.
B2 1-8 Repeat B1, with current heads leading in to start and current sides casting.
Part III
A1 1-8 With this partner, arm right; arm left 1-1/2 and go on to next.
A2 1-8 Repeat A1 with new partner. Next person you meet is your next partner. End close together in lines up and down the set, original heads at ends, lady to left of current partner.
B1 1-4 Take hands in lines and fall back a double; go forward a double.
5-8 Turn single over right shoulder and cross over with opposite to form new lines across the hall, original sides at end of lines).
B2 1-4 In lines, fall back a double, go forward up a double.
B2 5-8 Turn single over right shoulder and cross over with opposite back to original places.

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Four-couple longways

Playford (The Dancing Master, Volume 1) (1651), Sharp (1911)

Part I
A 1-8 All up a double and back; that again.
B 1-8 Set to partner and turn single; that again.
Part II (Danced five times, until original fours are at top)
A 1-4 Ones jump in, take two hands, slip two slips to below twos; ones turn down (man over right shoulder, lady over left) to face same-sex two diagonally.
5-8 With same gender two, pousette diagonally out; open to face partner and lead in.
B Ones and twos fall back a double and forward; partners turn two hands.
Part III
A 1-4 Partners Sharp side half way (passing left shoulders) and turn single over right shoulder.
5-8 Partners Sharp side half way (passing right shoulders) and turn single over right shoulder.
B 1-8 Top man lightly springs in to top center, facing down. His partner then lightly springs in to face him. Continue progressively until the set is in a single file, partners facing up and down the line.
Part IV
A 1-8 Partners arm right, then left.
B 1-4 All do four slips to the left and four slips back to the right.
5-8 Continue with four slips to the right and four slips back to the left, ending in long line facing partner.
Part V
A 1-8 Top man springs out to starting position, then others progressively.
B 1-16 Progressive circular hey with hands, starting with the top couple pulling by right hand, until all are home, fours finishing last.

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Prince William

three couple longways set

Playford (The Dancing Master, Volume 1) (1651), Pat Shaw (1960)

Part I
A1 1-8 Crossover mirror hey on opposite side, ones crossing, twos bulging, and threes leading up to start. At end, all will be improper.
A2 1-8 Crossover mirror hey on original side, ones crossing, twos bulging, and threes leading up to start. At end, all will be in original places.
B1 1-4 Ones cross and cast down outside to middle, twos moving up on 3-4.
5-8 Ones turn two hands 1-1/2 to end proper and progressed (2-1-3).
B2 1-8 Repeat B1, twos crossing and casting to start.
Part II
A1 1-4 First man crosses in front of partner and turns third lady by right while first lady turns second man by right and second lady moves up to top. Everyone ends in 2-1-3 position with ones improper.
5-8 Ones turn left hands in center
A2 1-4 First man turns second lady by right while first lady turns third man by right.
5-8 Ones turn by left and end facing ladies' side, first lady on her partner's right.
B1 1-8 Ones lead out between second and third ladies, cast around the ends, turn two hands and end facing men's side, with first lady on partner's right.
B2 1-8 Ones lead out between second and third men, cast round the ends, and turn two ands while sidling down to bottom (threes moving to middle place), starting as threes for the next round of the dance.

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Sparkling and Still

longways duple minor

Dance: Alan Winston (1997); Tune: Turlough O'Carolan, Fanny Power

A 1-2 Ones turn by the right halfway.
3-4 Ones cast to ends of a line of four, on improper sides (first lady, second man, second lady, first man).
5 Line balances back (step and close).
6 Line takes one waltz step (three little steps) forward.
7-8 Ones gate twos up and around, propelling them into...
9-12 Twos half figure eight up through ones.
13-16 Ones half figure eight down through twos, ending with ones in original places and twos improper.
B 1-4 Neighbor face, set, and change places turning single over right (as in "Trip to Paris," except end facing partner).
5-8 Partners face, set, and change place turning single over right, ending close to partner.
9-16 Assume ballroom position; waltz partner counterclockwise once around the other couple to progressed place, then open up facing a new partner. Ones should take care to end in proper positions.

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Wibsey Roundabout

Five-couple circular set

Dance: Gary Roodman (1996); Tune: Turlough O'Carolan, Hugh O'Donnell

A 1-2 Men go forward a double to the center of the circle.
3-4 Ladies go forward a double to center of the circle while men fall back.
7-12 Men go in, turn over right shoulders and with partners turn by right to place; then directly into three changes of rights and left (right to partner, ladies dance clockwise, men counterclockwise).
13-16 Give left to the next and turn once around.
B 1-4 Ladies right hands across once round.
5-8 All back to back with current partner, passing right shoulders to start.
9-12 In one ring, all into the center and back
13-16 Face current partner, pass by the right and turn two hands with the next.

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Last Updated: Sun Jan 4 14:05:46 2009