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BACDS Playford Ball 2005


The dances for the 2005 BACDS Playford Ball are:

A Girl's Best Friend

longways duple improper

Fried de Metz Herman, 1988

A1 1-4 Right-hand star once around; ease out into
5-8 All Right-shoulder gypsy with partner, then S-turn to the left (make gypsy tight and turn S wide into)
A2 1-8 Repeat A1, substituting left-shoulder for right and right S-turn for left.
B1 1-2 1s lead down the middle.
3-4 1s set to partner right and left.
5-6 1s lead up the middle.
7-8 1s cast 1 place down while 2s move up.
B2 1-2 With the same neighbors, 2 men change places by right shoulder.
3-4 2 women change places by left shoulder.
5-8 2 changes of rights and lefts, start with partner, give hands, no polite turn at the end, but straight into A1.

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A Trip to Paris

longways duple minor


A Set to partner and cross over while turning single. Repeat set and turn single back to home positions.
B 1s cross and cast, cross again below 2s, lead back up to place while skipping and turn single at home position. 1st corners cross, then 2nd corners cross. Circle left halfway. 1s cast down while 2s lead up.

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The Black Nag

3-couple longways


Part I
A Up a double and back; repeat.
B 1s slip 4 slips up; 2s the same; 3s the same; all turn single. 3s slip 4 slips down; 2s the same; 1s the same; all turn single.
Part II
A Siding. (Pat Shaw, or side-by-side, siding)
B All corners cross in order (first man and third woman, first woman and third man, second man and second woman), passing back-to-back; all turn single. Repeat crossings and turns back to place.
Part III
A Arming.
B Men hey; women hey. (men may turn single as women conclude their hey.)

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The Chestnut

3-couple longways


Part I
A Up a double and back; repeat.
B1 All balance back; change places with partner. Men circle 3 hands while wen circle 3 hands.
B2 Repeat B1 to place.
Part II
A Partners side twice.
B1 All balance back; change places with partner. 1s face down, 2s and 3s face up: Hey on sides half way beginning R shoulder.
B2 Repeat B1 to place, 1s facing up and beginning hey with left shoulder.
Part III
A Partners arm right and then left.
B1 All balance back; change places with partner. 1s lead down center to bottom place, 2s and 3s going up sides and following to invert the set.
B2 All balance back; change places with partner. 1s cast up to original place, followed by 2s and 3s.

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Dick's Maggot

longways duple


A1 1s change places. 1s lead down center into 2nd place while 2s cast up to 1st place. Partners balance back, then change places.
A2 2s change places. 2s lead down center into second place while 1s cast up. Partners back-to-back.
B Circular hey, three changes beginning with partner, skipping, then turn to right to face partner. Partners turn 2 hands twice around, skipping.

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longways duple

Colin Hume, 1991

A 1s set and 2-hand turn half way. Neighbors set and 2-hand turn half way.
B Back-to-back with partner. All circle half way. Pull the circle in, then fall back with neighbor.
C Open ladies chain (open left-hand turns, as opposed to contra-style courtesy turns).
D 1st couple cross, cast; half figure 8 finishing in 2nd place. Meanwhile, 2s fall back a little diagonally, then half figure 8 up; finish leading up to 1st place.

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Isle of Wight

3-couple longways, 2s improper

Colin Hume, 1992

Tune: Lull Me Beyond Thee

Figure I
A 1s lead up a double, 2s and 3s lead neighbor away from partner a double; change hands and lead back. 3s lead down, 1s and 2s lead neighbor away; change hands and lead back.
B1 All circle left half-way, and open out into two lines. Right-shoulder gypsy with partner, finishing close together.
B2 Lines of three drop back a double; lead forwards. Set in lines; tops cast to middle, middles lead up, bottoms cross over. (Standard progression; new middles are improper.)
Figure II
A 1s face across, 2s face down, 3s face up; all side right (1s with partner). 1s face down, 2s face up, 3s face across; all side left (3s with partner).
B1 As in Figure I B1.
B2 As in Figure I B2.
Figure III
A As in Figure II A, but arming right and left.
B1 As in Figure I B1.
B2 As in Figure I B2.

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longways duple minor


Part I
A 1s take right hand, then left, and turn clockwise half way. Neighbors take right hand, then left, and turn clockwise half way.
B 1s figure 8 up through 2s, skipping, and change places with partner at end.
Part II
A With new 2s below, 1st corners turn 2 hands once around. 2nd corners the same.
B All turn neighbors 2 hands once and a half, skipping. All turn partners 2 hands.

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Never Love Thee More

longways duple


Step and honor the Presence.
Step and honor partner.
Lead up a double and back twice.
Back-to-back partner, passing right shoulder to start.
Back-to-back partner L shoulder.
1s whole figure 8 through 2s.
All four circle half and fall back.
Partners cross over, ending proper.
Right hands across.
Left hands across.
Lead up a double and back twice.
Step and honor partner.
Step and honor the Presence.

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4 couple set


Part I
A All up a double and back; repeat.
B Set to partner and turn single; repeat.
Part II (Repeat 4 times, until original 4s are at top)
A 1s lightly spring in; joining hands, take 2 slips down past 2s. Turn down and out to face 2s. Pousette diagonally out; open to face partner and lead in.
B Fall back a double and forward; turn partner 2 hands.
Part III
A Partners Sharp side half way (passing left shoulders) and turn single over right. Complete the siding (passing right shoulders) and turn single over left).
B Top man lightly springs in to top center, facing down. His partner then lightly springs in to face him. Continue progressively until the set is in a single file, partners facing.
Part IV
A All arm right, then left.
B All do 4 slips to the left, 8 slips to the right, and 4 slips left back to starting place.
Part V
A Top man springs out to starting position, then others progressively.
B Progressive circular hey with hands, starting with the top couple pulling by right hand, until all are home.

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Old Maid in Hopes

longways triple

1718 (Published as Vallentina in 1728). Reconstruction: Andrew Shaw)

A1 1-2 1s short cast down to middle, 2s leading up.
3-4 1s with a flourish join right hands, then left hands (now crossed).
5-6 1s lead down to bottom, 3s casting up.
7-8 3s and 1s cloverleaf turn single (3s up, 1s down).
A2 1-2 1s short cast up to middle, 3s leading down.
3-4 1s join right hands, then left hands (as in A1, 3-4).
5-6 1s lead up to top, 2s casting down.
A1 1-2 1s and 2s cloverleaf turn single (1s up, 2s down).
B1 1-2 1s and 2s, facing corner, fwd to meet in middle, turning about right on 4th step to finish back to back.
3-4 Clap hands twice, then,
5-8 Hands 4, back ring, clockwise once around.
B2 1-2 1s, turning up to face, lead down into middle, 2s casting up into 1st place.
3-4 Partners join right hands, then left hands.
5-8 Partners 2-hand turn twice around (not pivot step).

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Orleans Baffled

longways duple minor


A1 1s cast down while 2s lead up; half pousette with next couple (1st man starts forward, 2nd man backward).
A2 1s cast up while 2s lead down; half pousette with original couple (1st man starts back) to original places.
B 1st corners cross; 2nd corners cross; three changes of a circular hey, starting by facing neighbor (no hands).

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Puck's Deceit

longways duple minor

Chris Sackett and Brooke Friendly, 1997

Tune: Kettle Drum (Playford, 1651)

A1 1s gypsy R shoulder while 2s meet and cast up behind neighbor into line of four.
A2 1s cross right shoulder into a gypsy right shoulder with corner. End with 1s back-to-back in the center of a line of four, facing corner.
B1 Hey-for-four, start by passing corner right shoulder. End facing up in line of four. (man 2/woman 1/man 1/woman 2)
B2 All up a double and back. 2s gate 1s to progressed places. 1s cross over back to the line.

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Softly Good Tummas

longways duple

Reconstruction: Andrew Shaw

A1 1s and 2s single file circle half clockwise; All forward to meet in center, turn single over left shoulders back out, clap (2nd beat in bar 8)
A2 Repeat A1 in counterclockwise direction, turning single over right shoulders to face partners.
B1 1s quick cast down, 2s lead up, partners set; 2 changes rights and lefts (with hands).
B2 Set falling back, cross by right shoulder, turn right to face; 1s turn by right down to 2nd place while 2s cast to 1st place.

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Step Stately

three couple longways set

(tune Jack Pudding)

1651, reconstructed by Cecil Sharp 1916

Part I (introductory honors, danced twice)
4 With partner, lead up a double;
4 Still facing up, men slip four steps to their own right behind their partners while women slip four steps to own left;
8 On the sides, join hands in lines of three facing away, and 1s lead lines looping down to the bottom of the set to form a line of six, all facing up;
8 All six in a line lead up a double and fall back;
4 First woman leads her line to the right (in front of the men) and up to place while the first man leads his line to the left and up to place. Repeat as before.
Part II (duple progression, danced until original 1s is back at top)
8 1s lead up a double; change hands and lead down to meet 2s.
4 1s and 2s circle four half way;
4 First corners change places;
8 Women partial half figure 8, with left hands: women lead up between the two men; second lady handing the first lady in front, they cross to go behind opposite men, ending in a line of four (2 facing 2);
8 Men take right hands to pass, both couples turn partner left hand and progress as they turn to end with 2s above, 1s in the middle. Original couples 1 and 3 dance, 1s starting from middle place. Continue until all are back in original places.
Part III (triple progression, danced until original 1s are back at top)
8 1s cross and go below (2s moving up); 1s cross in the middle and turn to end facing in the center of lines of 3 at the sides;
8 Lines fall back a double on the sides and come forward (but not as far);
4 1s meet in the middle and face up while 2s and 3s change places with partners; 2s and 3s remain facing out.
8 1s (in center position) lead to the top of the set while 2s (in top position) cast to second position and 3s (in bottom position) loop down and back to bottom position, all couples ending facing up. 1s (at top) cast to bottom while 2s (in center) lead up and cast back to middle position and face up, and 3s (at bottom) lead up to top position and immediately turn inward to take hands four with 2s.
4 3s (at top) and 2s (in middle) circle left halfway and fall back while 1s (at bottom) arm right. At this point, the 2s become 1s, 3s become 2s, and 1s become 3s.
Part IV (closing honors, danced once)
4 With partner, lead up a double;
4 Still facing up, men slip four steps to own right behind their partners while women slip four steps to their own left.
8 On the sides, join hands in lines of 3 facing away, and 1s lead their lines looping down to the bottom of the set to form a line of 6, all facing up;
8 All 6 in a line lead up a double and fall back;
8 All lead up a double; all step R and honor the Presence.

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Take a Dance

longways duple


A1 1s lead between 2s and cast up to place; 2-hand turn once around.
A2 2s the same except lead up.
B1 1s cross and go down one place, 2s moving up; 1s half figure-8 up through the 2s.
B2 Four changes of rights and lefts, starting with right hand to partner.

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Waterfall Waltz

Sicilian circle

Pat Shaw, 1966

A1 Men right-hand turn once. All back-to-back, passing right shoulder to start, with neighbor.
A2 Women right-hand turn once. All back-to-back, passing right shoulder to start, with partner. End facing partner.
B Men chasse 2 steps left (along the line, behind women) while women chasse 2 steps right (in front of men). 2-hand turn halfway with partner. Chasse again. 2-hand turn halfway with partner.
C Partners take crossed-hand hold and waltz in place, opening to face in original direction.

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Zephyrs and Flora

longways duple


A1 1st corners back-to-back. 1st corners join right hands, then left hands, and with crossed hands, turn half way.
A2 2nd corners repeat A1.
B1 1s cast up one place, 2s moving down, then 1s half figure 8 down through 2s.
B2 2s cast up, 1s moving down, then 2s half figure 8 down through 1s.

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Last Updated: Sun Jan 4 14:05:45 2009