Left File: in longways sets, those with their left shoulder to the
top as they face their partner (from the point of view of the dancers).
Right File: in longways sets, those with the right shoulder to the top.
To refer to an individual dancer, for example, #1L (number one dancer in the left file).
In longways sets: 1st diagonals are those on the right diagonal as they face their partner (diagonally across with right hands
closest to center).
2nd diagonal: the other diagonal (diagonally across with left hands closest to center)
1st corner:
this designation is used in longways sets of three couples and triple minors, referring to relationship of other dancers to
the 2s (or to 1s when in second place); from second place, the person across the set diagonally to the right is your
1st corner.
2nd corner: the other corner (from second place, the person diagonally left across the set)